US History

2016-2017 Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. DavittTutoring Hours: M-F; 7:05-7:50 A.M.

Email: oom: 201

Course Description

The United States history course seeks to examine the various trends, events, and significant movements that have occurred throughout the history of the United States.To align with state and national standards, the content of this course with the primary focus on the second-part of United States history, beginning with Reconstruction and ending with issues and events of the 21st century. Students will be required to be active participants in classroom lecture and powerpoint as well as to engage and analyze with primary and secondary sources.

Required Book

Nash, Gary. The American Odyssey: The 20th Century and Beyond: McGrawHill, 2004.

Course Objectives

Specific objectives to be met in taking this class are to:

  1. promote the study of the various human experiences and environments as well as the history of differing political, economic, and social institutions.
  2. enable the student to be able to study, identify, and analyze data as well as both primary and secondary source material.
  3. develop an awareness of the past and the different shapes and forms humans, societies, countries, governments, etc. undertake.
  4. develop an initial and continuing interest in the past.
  5. increase students’ understanding of the past and the ability to understand the significance of important civilizations, people, society, events, etc. on the future
  6. build crucial reading and writing skills important not only in the field of social studies but also in the course of academia and career pursuits.
  7. analyze the past and understand how current society is affected by what has occurred in the past.

Required Materials

  • To stay organized, students are required to have a three-ring notebook to hold materials exclusively for this class. The notebook should be at least one-inch in width and should have five dividers to stay organized: Notes, Homework, Classwork, Tests/Quizzes, and Miscellaneous. Your notebook will be checked periodically to make sure it is organized and you have held onto everything. Failure to keep a properly organized notebook will result in a deduction of points.
  • Always bring your notebook to class with spare paper as well as a sufficient amount of pens/pencils, your book, and a ready and open mind to learn.

Course Rules/Policies

1. Cheating is never permitted. Cheating on a test, quiz, paper, final, etc. will result in an automatic zero as well as an immediate report to the dean. Cheating on homework will also result in an automatic zero and will be kept in a personal file. If cheating occurs multiple times on homework assignments, this will also result in a report to the dean. Remember that plagiarizing also constitutes as cheating. If you are unsure about whether or not you have plagiarized something, please talk to me.

2. Late work is an incredibly bad habit to get into. Late work can only get a maximum of half credit and after we have already finished the unit, late work will no longer be accepted. Especially for this course, it is crucial you stay up to date on your work.

3. All missed quizzes and tests must be made up. I am available before school at 7:05 A.M. as well as most days after school. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to speak to me regarding your missed work, assignments, etc.

4. Chewing gum, as well as eating or drinking in the classroom, is never permitted and will result in a fine as well as stricter disciplinary action if the student continues to fail to abide by these rules.

5. No falling asleep, phones, side conversations, or any other disturbances that take away from the class are allowed. Your grade will be negatively affected by these actions.

6. Please see me if you are having any issues or problems as soon as possible so the issue does not escalate into something more serious. I am readily accessible in person, by email, etc.

7. Participation in this course is highly encouraged/required. Please raise your hand and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs even if they do not match up with your own.

8. Students are responsible for all policies as outlined by the Lancer Life.

Grading Scale





Final Exam10%


I have read and hereby agree to abide by the policies as outlined by Mr. Davitt and the Lancer Life.

Student NameStudent Signature

Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian Signature

Parent Email:

Parent Phone Number:

Preferred Method of Contact: Email/Phone

Additional Information (optional):