January 27th, 2010


Call to Order 9:05 am


Present Clare Bennet, Chris Hoyt, Teague Whalen, Peter Jacob, Jessica Greene

Others Present Mike Funk

Agenda Items and Discussion:

Complete Activity Calendar

·  Email group list consisting of Mike, Brenda, Student Council members, Marianne

·  Outline of events, tips, and other information for next student government team

·  Tasks:
- Peter and/or Jessica: create email group
- Peter and/or Jessica: create outline

Open-Mic Night

·  Date: Feb. 25th at 6pm-8pm; SET UP at 4:30pm

·  Food possibilities: coffee (bring coffee machine), tea (borrow Clare’s hot water kettle), crackers with cheese and meat, whatever anyone else wants to bring

·  Tasks:
- Peter: Contact Marianne with date (Feb. 25th), location (Paul Bld, Rm 519), and time (6pm-8pm)
- Everyone: Set up – Feb. 25th at 4:30pm – lights, rug, chairs, sound system

Rec Center Activities

·  Cost for rent: $42/hour for half of gym

·  Dodge ball/basketball

·  Tasks:
- Everyone: Spread the word and ask what days/times would work
- Jessica: Call and figure out price for non-profits – DONE – I called on the 3rd and found out that it’s $28/hour for non-profits. They also said they’re pretty booked on Saturdays until April due to leagues and skating, BUT they said that we can try to work something out

Bowl For Kids Sake

·  Tasks:
- Everyone: Gauge interest of faculty and others, see if anyone is interested in donating or participating
- Chris: Ask Roberson Bld and others
- Clare: Ask Gail and other faculty on her floor
- Peter & Jessica: Ask student/family/friends
- Everyone: Email Tuesday with results

New Material or Other Concerns

·  Mike brought up after adjournment the idea of a garage sale where people donate items and a fundraiser garage sale is held

·  Tasks:
- Peter: Empty recycling

Adjournment 10:10 am

Next Meeting February 10th, 2011 at 9:00AM