Who Am I?


Lesson Title:Fly Your Kite

Time Required: 30 minutes

Content Standards:

Personal/Social Development

A. Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.


Students will reflect on personal roles at home and at school and identify responsibilities.

x / Goal 1: Gather, analyze, and apply information and ideas.
x / Goal 2: Communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
x / Goal 3: Recognize and solve problems.
Goal 4: Make decisions and act as responsible members of society.

Activity Statements:

As students enter the classroom the counselor will display a miniature kite to catch their attention. The lesson activity will revolve around the kite theme.


  • Kite
  • “Fly Your Kite” worksheet
  • Kite Venn Diagram activity sheet
  • yarn or string for kite tails
  • markers


Instructor Procedures / Student Involvement
1. Display kite and ask students what makes akite fly. Discuss flying kites and whatattributes the kite flyer needs to besuccessful (responsible, respectful,persistent, etc.)
2. Explain to students that we will completeVenn Diagrams about what attributes makea home and school run smoothly.
3. Explain that students will make paper kiteslisting their responsibilities and roles athome and school.
4. Ask students to share kites and talk abouttheir responsibilities and roles. / 1. Students provide responses.
2. Work in pairs to complete the Kite VennDiagrams.
3. Complete kites writing their
roles/responsibilities on the tailpieces.
4. Students pair and share kites talking aboutthe favorite roles.


How can you tell when someone is a productive community member?

Additional Resources:

Adapted from .

Extension Activities:

Display completed apple tree in classroom as a visual cue to reflect on personal responsibilities.

Additional Lesson Information:

Enduring Life Skill(s)

Perseverance / Integrity / Problem-Solving
Courage / X / Compassion / X / Tolerance
X / Respect / Goal-Setting

This lesson supports the development of skills in the following academic content areas.

Academic Content Area(s) Specific Skill(s)

X / Communication Arts / 6. Participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas.
X / Mathematics / 3. Data analysis, probability, and statistics.
X / Social Studies / 6. Relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions.
X / Science / 3. Characteristics and interactions of living organisms.
Health/Physical Education
Fine Arts