Weetwood School Newsletter – No 21

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School Phone Number: 0113 3230450

Date: Friday 11th March2016

WSA Cinema Night

Don't forget that it is Cinema Night tonight!

Door open at 5.45 pm and the film will start at 6.00 pm. We should be finished by 8pm.

Tickets are £5 on the door,including popcorn, hot dogs and a drink. Parents are free!

There is a bar and tea/coffee for parents, so please take the chance to catch up with other parents while your children watch the film, or sit and watch with them.

Parents of Year 2 and below are expected to stay. If you have any concerns then please stay.

Children are invited to bring a teddy bear or similar to watch with them.

Any one that can help on the night, please make yourself known when you get there.

David Hayter

Chair of the Weetwood School Association

Science Week

Next week is Science week at Weetwood. The Leeds Astronomical Society is coming to do a presentation for the children on Thursday afternoon. A parent who is a scientistis talking to the children in assembly on Tuesday morning. And of course, the teachers will be teaching exciting Science lessons through the week!

Sport Relief

All the children will be participating in a mile of walking or running on Friday which is Sport Relief Day.

There will also be a skipping workshop on Wednesday 16th March where the children will be introduced to different skipping techniques and styles in an active skipping lesson. Please make sure your child has suitable indoor footwear as they cannot take part in their bare feet. Some of the children need new pumps which fit their feet and have Velcro which is still sticky!

If you would like to make a contribution to Sports Relief please send any donations into school via the class teacher on Friday 18th March.

Parents’ Evenings Next week

We are looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday or Thursday at the Parents’ Evenings.

Mrs Lowe will be available in the school hall – she is happy for you to talk to her about PE provision in school.

Roundhay Music Spring Concert 2016

School music pupils are performing at the Roundhay Music Spring Concert day this Sunday, 13th March. There are two different concerts on the day at 11:30am and 2.00 pm. The venue is St Theresa’s Primary School, Barwick Road, LS15 8RQ. Entry is free and refreshments are provided. All pupils and staff are very welcome to attend! If you are interested in supporting a particular pupil and want to know what time they are performing, please contact the Roundhay Music Office on 0113 269 7754 or

Where should I park my car?

This is another reminder about parking your car safely around the school. We have had reports that a few inconsiderate people are parking their cars on double yellow lines and on corners with little regard for the safety of our children.

If you have to bring the car to school (walking is the healthier option supporting our “Sustainability” ethos) then please park as far away as possible from the school itself. All pedestrians need to be able to have a clear view of all roads as they prepare to cross the road, particularly the children. Sharing cars and parking further away and walking the last part of the journey to school are good for you, the environment and the health and safety of our children.

Please do not park on the double yellow lines, zig – zag lines, on the pavements or on the corners.

Do park with some consideration of other road users, local residents and the pedestrians.

RoSPA’s Driveway Safety Campaign

Not all car accidents involving children occur on the road. RoSPA research shows that at least 26 children have been killed on, or near, the driveways of their home since 2001. Seventeen of these accidents have occurred since 2007.

Tragically, in most of these cases, an adult member of the child's family, a neighbour or a visitor to the house was driving the vehicle.


Most (15) of the deaths occurred when a child was hit by a reversing vehicle.

In three cases, the vehicle rolled back after the handbrake was accidentally released.

Most of the victims were toddlers aged between one and two; the rest were three to seven years old.

It is also important to remember that cars are not a safe place for children to play. Children should never be left alone inside a vehicle, even when the engine is switched off. Electric windows, choking and fire hazards in cars have all proved fatal to small children.

What can you do?

As every parent/carer knows, young children can easily escape your supervision for a short time and get into difficulties before you even realise they have moved. It's a good idea to educate children so that they know not to play in or around parked cars.

Be aware of the risks of children running out to greet or wave goodbye to visitors while vehicles are still manoeuvring.

Remember that drivers in larger vehicles, such as 4x4's and pick-up trucks, may be less able to see small children who are close to the vehicle's bumpers.

When a car is being reversed off a driveway, the driver has a limited view - small children may not be visible in the mirrors. Where possible, it is better to reverse onto a driveway, and drive off forwards.

If this is not possible, remember to be aware of your surroundings and where children are – wind down your windows and, being mindful of your blind spots, proceed slowly as you reverse.

Park in Gear (PING)

When parking on a slope, always park in gear and turn the wheel so that if the car moved, it would be stopped by the kerb or something similar.

Parked facing uphill – use a forward gear and turn the steering wheel away from the kerb.

Parked facing downhill – use a reverse gear and turn the steering wheel towards the kerb.

Remember you can communicate with school via email on

Your email will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.

This is a calendar for this academic year. It is updated regularly, please keep checking carefully.

Diary Dates 2015 - 2016
Mon 14th / Science Week
Sports Relief Week – children will walk or run a mile
Wed 16th / Skipping Workshops
Wed 16th / 3.30 p.m. – 6.15 p.m. Parent’s Evening
Thurs 17th / 5.00 p.m. – 7.15 p.m. Parent’s Evening
Tues 22nd / New Nursery Parents’ Meeting
Thurs 24th / School closes for Easter Holiday Weekend
Tues 29th / School Open
Fri 1st / School closes for Easter holiday
Easter Holiday
Mon 18th / School Open
Mon 2nd / Bank Holiday Monday
Fri 6th / WSA Discos
WB Mon 9th / KS2 Assessment Week
Fri 27th / School closes for half term week
Half Term
Mon 6th / School Open
Tues 7th / 6.00 p.m. Meeting for new Reception Parents
Fri 10th / Sports Day p.m.
Fri 1st / KS2 Show
Wed 6th – 8th / Robinwood Residential
Fri 15th / Reports to Parents
Fri 22nd / 2.00 p.m. Y6 Leavers Assembly. School closes for pupils.
Mon 25th-
Wed 27th / School closed for Training Days