Richard Marsh


  • Secured the future of the Institure for Food Brain and Behaviour by negotiating a major gift of $100k.
  • Led the Institute for Food Brain and Behaviour (IFBB)to become the market leader in the area of nutrition and neuroscience by taking account of the needs of both the scientific and policy-making communities.
  • Secured a £400k core costs grant from the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts and managed grants from the Welcome Trust of over £1.5 million and the Esmee Fairbain Foundation.
  • Mastered new and complicated material quickly for example, the World Faiths Development Dialogue required understanding of the priorities and processes of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the very different needs of the local faith-communities, for instance in Ethiopian Somalia,with which we were working to prevent conflict and loss of life. My task was to bridge that gap by interpreting, mediating, listening and negotiating.
  • Lead the IFBB to make a visible change to the School Food Plan and the nutritional policies inside Her Majesy’s Prison Service.
  • Persuaded Home Office Minister, Ann Widdecombe to change the regulations on asylum seekers from the Sudan
  • Drafted articles in the print media (Observer, Daily Mail) Acted as a spokesperson on TV and Radio (Sunday and Today programmes on Radio 4, George Galloway late-night show TalkSport Radio). Development and oversight of social media and digital strategy.

Career History

Oct 2010 to date:Institute for Food, Brain and Behaviour, Chief Executive

  • Identified priority beneficiaries and built networks to ensure that they were serviced and supported by identifying deliver partners such as the Royal College of Midwives, Family Links and the Mental Health Foundation..
  • Diversified income-streams to ensure long-term sustainabilityby including consultancy and contract funding amounting to nearly 30% of the annual budget.
  • Managed multi-channel communications strategy to ensure maximum impact and reach this is evidenced by more than 5k (and growing) followers on Face Book and a successful marketing campain that reached nearly 25k people..
  • Exploited political networks to gain impact at ministerial & departmental level notably Michael Gove when Minister of Justice.

2008 – 2009:Intelligent Giving, Director

  • Directed a charity supplying donors with robust and reliable information about and evaluation of charities.

2006-2008Impact Coalition, Director

  • Grew a coalition of charities in the UK committed to transparency and accountability including the top 40 (by voluntary income) charities in the UK. Providing them with the tools to catalyse growth and change. Acting as an advocate in the trade press and national media for example debating with George Galloway live on TalkSport Radio.

2001-2005:Canterbury Cathedral, Director of Education

  • Leading the development of a brand new £12.5 million residential conference facility in Canterbury from build to financial success ensuring an international profile and attracting a high-profile client base.
  • Instigating and managinglarge scale art, music and community development projects within Canterbury Cathedral and its precincts in order to attract constituencies who would not normally feel comfortable in a cathedral environment for example Coca Cola or tourists coming for the Open Golf.
  • Establishing and building a cross-cultural programme validated by academic institutions including Duke University in USA, UK and Africa for leadership training and encounter. Raised funds in order to enable the widest possible participation from the Global South. Hands-on leadership of a diverse teaching faculty of 12 people.

1992 – 2001:Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Secretary for International and Ecumenical Affairs

  • Successful establishment of an international NGO facilitating partnership and dialogue between the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and local communities in the Global South. Management of project work and personnel in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cambodia and a budget of $2.5 million annually.
  • Responding to an international diplomatic and militarycrisis in the Balkans by forging an alliance of disparate partners in order to address a life-threatening situation by careful negotiation and advocacy.

1987 – 1992:University College, Durham, Research Fellow and chaplain

Qualifications and Professional Affiliations

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

Foundation course in Fundraising Management – Institute of Fundraising, 2007

PhD School of English– University of Durham, 1991

BA (MA, 1986) – Keble College, University of Oxford, 1982

Contact Details

Home address Ireland: The Yellow House, Kilsallagh Upper, Westport, Co. Mayo F28 PX38
Please reply to: 6 Barrack Square, Winchelsea,East Sussex TN36 4EG
Home Tel: +44 (0)1797 225912; Mobile: +44 (0)7903 358918;Email:

Referees available on request.