JUNE 9, 2014

7 P.M.

Mayor Mike Blackburn opened the public hearing for the proposed Spiral Communications Cable Franchise at 7:00p.m.

Roll Call for the meeting: Dwain Pelzer, Doug Shere, Brian Jaschen and Fred Moreau

Absent: Kate Phelps

Visitors: 8

Also present: Shari Mueller, City Clerk.

There were no verbal or written comments on this issue.

Pelzer motioned to close the Public Hearing being no further business at 7:03p.m.


Mayor, Michael K. Blackburn City Clerk, Shari L. Mueller




JUNE 9, 2014

7:09 P.M.

The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Mike Blackburn.

Roll call was taken. Those present were; Dwain Pelzer, Doug Shere, Brian Jaschen and Fred Moreau

Absent: Kate Phelps

Visitors: 10

Also present: City Clerk, Shari Mueller

Moreau motioned to approve the consent agenda a) Approval of the Agenda b) Approval of the regular meeting minutes of May 12, 2014 c) Approval of the expenditures. Shere seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Shere motioned to approve and adopt Ordinance #292, Spiral Communications Cable Franchise, waiving the 2nd and 3rd reading. Pelzer seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.


Anne Smith, Mills County Public Health was present to acquire information from City Council and the Street Department in regards to what curb cuts the city would like to have included with the grants funds they have available.

Pelzer motioned to approve the City to move forward with Mills County Public Health and to work with Dave Hoose, Street Superintendent on what curbs to be included. Shere seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Mrs. Smith was also present to review the information that was provided to Mayor and Council in regards to the Complete Streets Policy.

Pelzer motioned to approve Malvern Area Betterment Association (MABA) Block Party Application for the Independence Day Celebration to be held on July 12th from 10:30am-12:00pm for the parade closing Main Street from 3rd Street to 5th Street along with use of the tram cars. Moreau seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.


Brady Smith was present to represent Fairview Country Club in regards to their water rates and the possibility of a reduced rate for the months of April and May 2014. They have just recently drilled a new well that should eliminate this in the future.

Shere motioned to approve Fairview Country Club rate for the months of April and May 2014 to $2.75 per 1000 gallons of water and to credit their account if needed. Fairview Country Club will need to request to revisit this next year if needed. Moreau seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Tim Snyder, Regional Manager, Chad Meyer, President and Steve Robinette were all present from PeopleService to discuss and present the report and contract.

Tim introduced Chad Meyer and the new Regional Manager, Steve Robinette that will be replacing Tim as he is leaving PeopleService at the end of June.

On May 21st Maguire Iron was here to inspect, clean and power wash the exterior of the water tower. The interior of the tower is in fairly good shape for now but may need some touch up next time. PeopleService is recommending installing a flush valve in the bottom of the tower that would allow them to flush any sediment that may collect.

PeopleService would not like Spiral Communications to not have free access to the tower. They can go through the on-call service through PeopleServices to enter the tower after-hours and/or check the keys out at City Hall during regular hours.

Per City Council Spiral Communications is to return their keys to the water tower to City Hall and are required to follow the above protocol in regards to gaining access to the tower.

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) has been completed and posted on the Iowa Rural Water website. It is also posted at City Hall and the post office.

Moreau tabled the PeopleService contract approval to give the water committee and City Council time to review until the July 14, 2014 regular City Council meeting. Jaschen seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

The City owned property that was purchased from Mark Babbitt around the west well to meet the 200’ set back requirements needs to be fenced and mowed.

PeopleService will install a temporary fence along with mowing the land around the well. Howard Peterson would like to use the cities mower to do the mowing.

The Mayor assigned Councilmember Pelzer to see if he can find anyone that may be interested in planting alfalfa around the well.

Jeff Ray with JEO Consulting Group and Bev Dashner with MABA were both present in regards to the Malvern Vision Implementation Plan study that was done by JEO.

Mr. Ray presented the Executive Summary of the VIP that was based on the priorities identified by the Malvern Strategic Planning Group that developed a Community Action Plan to empower Malvern residents and businesses to look towards the future.

Mr. Ray would like the City to adopt this plan. Mr. Ray will provide the City Clerk a draft of a Resolution to be modified for the City of Malvern to be approved at a regular City Council meeting.

Street Superintendent Report, Dave Hoose – The parking lines downtown have been painted. They have mowed and cleaned out ditches and roadsides along with grading and graveling alleys. The Street department has abated nuisance properties along with storm clean up and equipment repair and maintenance including getting the mosquito sprayer ready to go.

Dave has requested and received bids and an invoice for the first phase of the street resealing and street grinding.

Mayor Blackburn updated the City Council that the State of Iowa, DOT (Department of Transportation) has declared Malvern a “Haul Route”. Today he received an email from George Feazell with the DOT informing him that someone will be in touch with him to review the road from the quarry through town.


Pelzer motioned to approve Resolution 2014-10 to transfer funds from LOST to the General Fund. Shere seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Shere motioned to approve the City Clerk to cut the final check run for the current fiscal year July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014. Jaschen seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Shere motioned to approve Casey’s Cigarette/Tobacco Permit for July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Pelzer seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Pelzer motioned to approve the City’s new letterhead. Shere seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

The City Council discussed amending the Library Ordinance in regards to the hiring process.

Pelzer motioned to approve Councilmember Phelps and the City Clerk to draft and prepare the amendment for the Library Ordinance hiring process to present to City Council at the next regular meeting. Moreau seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Shere motioned to approve the employee annual increases effective July 1, 2014 as follows: Street Superintendent Dave Hoose 3%, Street Laborer Jason Darnold 2%, City Clerk Shari Mueller 3% and the Deputy Clerk Kathy Anderson 3%. Jaschen seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.


The City Council discussed background checks for all permanent full-time and part-time employees.

Pelzer motioned to approve background check that to be done at the time of application, including the waiver/consent forms for the potential employees to sign. Once a potential candidate is being considered for employment, the offer will be contingent upon a positive background check and will be done prior to publishing any names in the minutes. The City Clerk will run the background checks with results to be kept confidential. If any negative information comes back, the City Clerk will contact the Mayor to determine the next step as follows: decline employment, sit down to discuss with candidate or investigate further. Moreau seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

Moreau motioned to approve the additional section of street to be closed to the approved Block Party Application (approved May 12, 2014) for the Malvern Market at the crosswalk on Main Street from the southwest corner of 4th Street to the southeast corner of 4th Street during the event. Jaschen seconded. Motion carried. All ayes.

MAYOR REPORT: Report given under the Street Department.


May 12, 2014 – June 9, 2014:

District #1 – Kate Phelps – Absent

District #2 – Dwain Pelzer – 99 3rd Avenue has made tremendous progress on the property. The property owner has until June 26, 2014 to complete the clean-up process with no further public hearings and/or extensions to be granted. Councilmember Pelzer will continue to assess the progress.

109 W. 1st Street has removed the three (3) vehicles as required. Councilmember Pelzer will continue to assess the clean-up progress.

District #3 – Doug Shere – 109 5th Avenue, Councilmember Shere has been in contact with the property owner about completing the clean-up process. They have one (1) more vehicle and a pop up camper still to be removed. Councilmember Shere will continue to assess the clean-up progress.

District #4 – Brian Jaschen – No report.

District #5 – Fred Moreau – No report.

Pelzer motioned to adjourn. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20p.m.


Mayor, Michael K. Blackburn City Clerk, Shari L. Mueller