Good attendance at school allows pupils to make the most of the opportunities available to them. Going to school every day is important for learners. Absence can result in reduced learning and poorer results limiting life chances in the future. Help us, to help your child by ensuring raised attendance levels at our school.

There is an important link between attendance and attainment. The benefit of good attendance at St Philomena’s Primary School is as follows:

1) The promotion and celebration of effective learning is easier

2) Good patterns of behaviour and attitudes to learning can be established

3) Opportunities are increased for the development of good habits that can lead to eventual employment, higher education and effective use of leisure time.

4) Young people become part of a positive social culture

5) Parents, teachers and pupils can work more effectively in partnership

6) More effective use can be made of staff time, teaching time and other resources.

If your child is absent from school, please send a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence or telephone the absence line on 0141 287 0039. In the event of your child being absent, our clerical assistants will send a text message if we have not already received an explanation about your child’s absence. Should you receive a text message please respond by phoning the absence line to explain why your child is absent. Term time holidays should be avoided. Parents/carers do not have an automatic right to take their child out of school without permission during term-time. The Head of Establishment can only authorise time off during term-time in exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances include:

·  short-term parental/carer placement abroad

·  family returning to its country of origin for family reasons

·  the period immediately after an illness or accident

·  a period of serious or critical illness of a close relative

·  a domestic crisis which causes serious disruption to the family home, causing temporary re-location

Time off during term-time for the following reasons is not acceptable and will be recorded as unauthorised absence:

·  availability of cheap holidays or desired accommodation

·  holidays which overlap the beginning or end of term

Clearly with no explanation from the parent or carer, the absence is unauthorised.

The Education Liaison Officer for our Learning Community investigates unexplained absence, and the authority has the power to write to, interview or prosecute parents/carers or refer pupils to the Reporter of the Children’s Panel, if necessary.