Community College Library Funding Committee
Teleconference Meeting
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
4:15 PM
Present: Karen Lange (LCCC), Carol Deering (CWC), Marilyn Miller and Becky Lorenz (EWC), Susan Richards (NWCC), Michelle DeSalvo and Keith Cottam (CC), and Carol Brown (WWCC). Absent: David Pappas, (Sheridan College).
Minutes from the November 11, 2008 were approved.
Old Business:
- Money has been transferred from the Wyoming Community College Commission for The Chronicle of Higher Education, NAXOS and CountryWatch. Each college must contact Alvin Brockway, [ to subscribe to the Chronicle of Higher Education.
- GeoRef subscription will be sent to Joe Morland for renewal.
- Karen will be sending out a new spreadsheet for the 2008-2010 database subscriptions.
- E-HRAF contract has gone to Joe Moreland and each college now has access. The E-HRAF representative, Christine Cunnar, is eager to do one hour webinars for each college. She will also do one- on-one training and repeat training sessions for free.
- Governor Freudenthal will be asking for budgetary cuts of 5 or 10% for the upcoming budgetary year. This will mean a loss of 5% or 10% of $1.22 million dollars per year for funding of the databases.
New Business:
Database Purchases:
- Associate Program Source Plus (Ebsco) will be purchased instead of the alternate Associate Program Source. Six colleges are subscribing to this database. Karen will investigate pricing quote differences.
- American Indian Experience-CWC, LCCC and EWC will receive individual payments for this subscription.
Tabled database Purchases:
- Medline with full text-
- Nursing and Allied Health Source (Proquest)
- NewspaperArchive will be considered at a later date.
Declineddatabase purchases:
- Petroleum Abstract Database (Ebsco)
- Films on Demand
- Sage Education Collection
- Public Affairs Index (Ebsco)
- Jazz Music Library
Database Trials and Analysis:
- Political Science Complete (Ebsco)-Michelle DeSalvo will contact Ebsco for a trial. Susan Richards will do an overlap analysis using Serials Solutions.
- IPA Music and Jazz Music Library databases- Michelle DeSalvo will set up the trials.
- Gale Global Issues-- Carol Brown will contact Gale for a trial. Karen will be sending more information about this database.
- College Source- will be carried over until another meeting.
- Project Muse- Susan Richards is running an overlap analysis in Serials Solutions and Karen will be sending more information to us about this database.
- Michelle DeSalvo and Susan Richards will compile a wish list of Nursing and Allied Health periodical titles which all libraries would like in full text in a medical database. Each library is to submit 10 titles to Susan and Michelle for this list.
Database Statistics:
- Marilyn Miller will be compiling database usage statistics.
- Statistics must be sent to Marilyn no later than May 5, 2009?
- Statistics will be compiled using the academic year and the number of searches and number of full text articles for each database purchased.
- Statistics are to be added to the old spreadsheets.
- Karen Lange will send a spreadsheet with contact information for each vendor.
- Maggie Swanger can help set up a statistical spreadsheet.
- Mike Massie will be asking for continued funding for the Academic Libraries.
Next Meeting of the Committee:
- March 4, 2009. Karen Lange will be sending details about calling in for this meeting and asking Directors for a time everyone will be available.
Collaborating with other organizations to purchase databases:
Distance Incentive Project:
Tutorial Project