Reflective 2-page Executive Brief Template
Using a word document, copy only the BLACK parts. Draw upon the notes you have taken. Use the text in red to help you add content to your template. Single space text.
Background: This should describe 1-3 past experiences specific to your certification you are seeking. For example, if you are pursuing the Certified Professional Negotiator (CPN) through the Strategic Learning Alliance (SLA) you would reference a summary of prior negotiations. You should write with IMPACT (using the MEAT model). This should be no more than ¾ of one page!
Issue (Critical situation only): In one sentence define the problem and three to five possible causes. Do not make the mistake of under analyzing by identifying only one or two possible causes. For example, “I struggled at prior negotiations because I did not use a process, I did not adequately analyze who I was negotiating against, and I did not ask clarifying questions.”
Goal: The goal should be EITHER strategic OR critical. Choose one based on the situation. Most commonly, the desire is that you select a tactical approach and goal to immediately improve your applied performance. Remember to use the specifics of creating a SMART goal!
Plan: Use your learning! Apply the process of outlining. Here is a tip, applied certification will seek to see very clear application of your outline and plan to improve your applied performance based on the thinking models presented in this book. For example, if you select a strategic plan for improvement, then you should have one heading per step in the strategic thinking process (Explore; Discover; Design; Implement). If you selected a tactical improvement plan, then you should include the steps for: Strategy; Analyze; Design; Implement; Monitor).
The plan should use outline format and have NO MORE than FIVE headings supported by two to five (max.) actions. For example:
Explore: explore opportunities to achieve my career goals by leveraging my applied certification to increase compensation by 30% over the next three years by:
1)Promoting my new credential (CPN) on my resume, my email signature block, and my Linked-In account to demonstrate visibly I have been independently certified as a negotiator;
2)Meet with my boss quarterly to discuss potential negotiations that I can continue to apply my learning to ensure a proper process is followed that improved company ROI and my chances of bonuses.
Discover: follows the same process as above.
Summary: The summary should be one to three paragraphs that uses proactive positive wording. This should demonstrate your vivid description of achieving the goal. You should present an argument in 4-6 sentences per paragraph that very clearly defines what will occur when you have achieved the outcome. Do not make the mistake of repeating what was already defined in the prior 1 ¾ pages!!!
A descriptive summary statement is meant to provide confidence, clarity, and motivation. Someone should read this final 1-3 paragraph section and believe that the plan you have created will in fact obtain the goal you set. The key here is to use words such as, “I will…” “when x has occurred, y will occur”
Supporting Evidence: (Appendix) This section should be 1-3 pages and include notes, assessment results, data, or supporting thinking tools (such as mind-mapping, relationship diagraming, Gant Charts) that provide evidence to support your plan. In most cases for certification purposes, using handwritten notes and small images affixed to a single page is adequate. In other words, this section demonstrates that you applied thinking, acting, and learning tools to create your summary.