CARE International in Pakistan
TORs Baseline Survey
Community Infrastructure Project - CIP
These are the detailed TOR to implement the baseline survey meeting international standards and to document the process to provide accurate information that will be used as foundation for the monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Request for Proposals To Conduct Baseline Survey for Community Infrastrcture Project -CIP

Request for Proposals
To Conduct the Baseline Survey for the Community Infrastructure Project

Closing Date: November 1, 2010

  • i.CARE International is implementing Community Infrastructure Project in Pakistan. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is providing funding support to the CIIP..
    ii. Please submit your offer for the services described here in accordance with the instructions and terms and conditions described in this RFP.
    iii. All correspondence and/or inquiries regarding the RFP must be address to the attention of Ghufran Elahi Hashmi at .
    iv. The RFP contains the following sections:
    1. Introduction
    2. Deadlines
    3. Project Overview and Scope of Work
    4. Proposal Requirements
    5. Proposal Contents
    6. Cost Estimate
    7. Evaluation
    8. Terms and Conditions of Solicitation
    1. Introduction
    The CIIP requests proposals for conducting a baseline survey during October- November2010.The main objective of the requested proposal is to implement the baseline survey meeting international standardsand to document the process to provide accurate information that will be used as foundation for the monitoring and evaluation of the project.
    2. Deadlines
    a) The proposal
    The proposals must be received in the CARE International in Pakistan November 1, 2010 at 5:00 pm.
    b) Questions regarding the RFP.
    The applicant may submit questions regarding the RFP via email 26 October2010 at 5:00 pm.
    c) Answers to the questions regarding the RFP.
    CARE International will post answers to the questions from all applicants regarding the RFP in one document by October 29at 5:00 pm. The answers will be sent via email to the applicant’s stated point person. The answers will not indicate the organization from which the question originated.
    3. Project Overview and Scope of Work
    The Scope of Work is included in the Terms of Reference (TOR) in Annex One. The TOR includes:
    · Background
    · Objective
    · Activities
    · Deliverables
    · Schedule
    · Cost Estimate
  • - Cacaicty statement of the individual/organization
    · Terms of payment
    4. Proposal Requirements
    a) Language
    All documents related to this tender shall be in English and all costs shall be expressed in Ruppees .
    b) Format
    Proposals may be submitted electronically or by hard copy. If proposals are submitted electronically, all pieces to the proposal must be labeled clearly. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF. The applicant may fax the signed cover page.
    c) Number of copies
    If proposals are submitted by hard copy, two (2) copies of the completed technical and financial proposal should be delivered to the CARE International in Pakistan.
    d) Page setup
    The document should be written in 12-point font, single spaced, and with one-inch margins on A4 paper.
    e) Page length
    The maximum page length for the proposal is 20 pages. The technical portion of the proposal may not exceed 10 pages. Suggested breakdown is as follows: cover page=1; organizational profile, institutional capacity=4; technical proposal= 10; cost narrative=5. Spreadsheets associated with the cost estimates are not limited. Number of pages for the annexes is not limited.
    f) Annex material
    Appropriate annex material may include: curriculum vitae of key personnel, organizational profile (supplemental material to the information in the body of the proposal), copies of reports, and letters of support.
    5. Proposal Contents
    The applicant should address the following areas in its proposal.
    a) Institutional Capacity
    The applicant must present in narrative format a description of: (a) company profile (supplemental material could be placed in the annex), (b) the organizational capacity to conduct the scope of work, (c) the organization’s knowledge of adaptation risk and reduction and climate change, (d) previous experience conducting similar work, (e) training capacity, and (f) letters of support (placed in the annex).

b) Technical Proposal.

The applicant should describe in the technical proposal their approach to the steps presented are :Questionnaire design and implementation, Sample size calculations and sampling design, Training for enumerators and supervisors, Field work, Data processing, Data analysis.
6. Cost estimates
The applicant must present a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind the estimates:
1. Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry, and analysis, e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors, drivers, etc.
2. Per diem and Travel. Includes daily costs for lodging and meals and incidental expenses during training and during field work; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas.
3. Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, final reports.
4. Equipment. Includes any equipment the contractor may need to purchase (though this should be minimal at best if they already have the capacity to do the work).
5. Communications. Includes telephone, fax, computer, etc
6. Supplies. Includes paper, pens, other materials for field work.
7. Training costs.

7. Evaluation
Review team
A review team at CARE International will evaluate the proposals received on its technical merit and cost estimates.
Review Criteria
CIP will evaluate proposals based on the following general criteria. The elements are : Institutional Capacity/Institutional Credentials (30%), Technical Proposal (30%), Comprehensiveness – demonstrates a complete understanding of the SOW and all aspects of the technical design (10%) and Cost estimate (30%) – assessment of cost estimate against implementation plan.

8. Terms and Conditions of Solicitation

Period of validity
The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 (50) days, starting from the submission date.
Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation
CIP reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. We additionally reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change
All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, CIP will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except as otherwise noted.
Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, CIP shall notify the successful company that submitted the highest scoring proposal in writing and will invite for contract negotiations. CIP reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations
Right to Final Negotiations
CIP reserves the option to negotiate on the final costs, and final scope of work, and also reserves the option to limit or include third parties at CIP ’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations. Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, CIP has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next-best rated company for negotiations.
All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at CIP. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in disqualification of the proposal.
Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. CIP reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions.
Terms of Reference
Baseline Survey – Community Infrastrcture Improvement Project
Location:Punjab (DG Khan, Rajanpour, Muzaffar Garh) Sind ( Ghotki, Thatta, Badin, Qambar Shadadkot)

Period: November- December 2010 (see illustrative schedule)
1. Background
On May 2010CIP received a grant to implement the Community Infrastrcture Project in two provinces of Pakistan. This three-year Community Infrastructure Project has the goal to enable rural women in the target areas to become economically and socially empowered. The program will implement activities on Infrastructure Improvement and capacity building which will benefit 3500 women as direct target and indirect target population is more than 6 million.These 3500 women will be enrolled in the project for a duration of two years .This project will be implemented in 200Ucs(15 districts) of Punjab and Sindh. The recent flood 2010 severely affected 07 out of planned 15 CIIP target districts. CARE planned to assess impact of flood on community infrastructures, rural destitute women and in general on rural economy. As part of that CIPis looking for professional support to conduct base line survey in both flood affected 7 districts (3 in Punjab and 4 in Sindh with a view to gather pre-project situation on community infrastructures specially rural earthen roads, on female headed rural destitute women, and on rural economy. While CIP will internally conduct its own baseline in 4 districts (20UCs) which had not been effected by floods. This will provide sort of comparison and snapshot of poverty situation in flood and non flood affected districts. This baseline will then constitute the basis to measure the end of project performance (Please see Annex 1) .
2. Objective
The overall objective of the consultancy assignment is to assess the impacts of floods on the targeted communities & beneficiaries and provide accurate baseline information that will be used as foundation for the monitoring and evaluation of the program.
3. Scope of work
The consultant shall carry out the following activities:
Activity 1 – Revision, design and field test of the base line survey instrument:
· Review ofkey documents, logic model, Performance Monitoring Framework, project proposal, monitoring and evaluation plan and common instrument.
· Consultation with local partners and CIP/Staff on survey plans
· Preparation of draft instrument.
· Final draft of the instrument for the survey, translation, field test and adjustments.
· Consultation with CIP staff on modifications to the survey instrument before and after field testing.
Activity 2A– Sampling:
· Design sampling strategy based methodology
· Calculate sample size agreed-upon methodologies
· Conduct sampling
· Include the above in the final report to CIP
Activity 2B– Plan, design, and implement training of enumerators and supervisors:
· Recruitment of sufficient number of enumerators.
· Preparation of training plan, field work protocols according to agreed methodologies.
· Creation of the survey manual for the enumerator and supervisor, including step-by-step instructions on data collection and guidance on handling problems and questions that might arise during data collection
·Implementation of training for enumerators including responsibility for logistics – venue, snacks, equipment, etc.
· Creation of the data entry plan entry, cleaning, and analysis.
· Discussion with local partners and CIP/Staff.
Activity 3– Implement and supervise field data collection, data input and cleaning:
· Coordination with local partners and CIP staff
· Preparation of materials and equipment
· Notification to partners and communities
· Deployment of enumerators to the field.
· Conduct data processing: (1) primary processing , comparison and validation of files, clean files, tabulations
Activity 4 –Analyze and synthesize data; and prepare report and Program Indicator Tracking
· Preparation of initial results in output tables.
· Discussion with local partners and CIP/Staff on initial results
· Data analysis and synthesis.
· Revision of impact indicators and discussion
· Report preparation in English
Activity 5 – Conduct final presentation.
· Coordination for final presentation to local staff and CIP staff in Urdu and English
· Deliver final report, documents, files, and other materials

4. Deliverables:
1. Final instrument for the baseline survey and tracking sheet for entry of baseline data
2. Field manual for enumerators.
3. Detailed report on the sampling, including specifics on the design, methodology, and sample size calculations
4. Field implementation plan with protocols for the enumerators and supervisors
5. Data entry and analysis plan
6. Training of required number of enumerators, supervisors and data entry staff.
7. Electronic files with all raw data in 2 CDs.
8. Two printed and 2 electronic copies on CDs of the final report in English , to include:
1. Summary
2. Background
3. Objectives
4. Survey Methodology
i. Project/survey locations
ii. Sampling design and sample size
iii. Questionnaire design and development
iv. Training
v. Field Work
vi. Data entry and processing
vii. Data analysis
viii. Limitation to study
1. Results presented in narrative and tables, using descriptive and statistics
2. Recommendations

3. Annexes (e.g. references, questionnaire, sampling elaborations, etc.)
4. Recommendation for indicator.

5. Schedule
Baseline survey will be carried out for ± 6-8 weeks as follow. Time line can be adjusted after mutual agreement and will depend on starting date.

S.No / Activities / Timeline
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7
1 / Preparation
1.1 / Developing TORs
1.2 / Advertisement in news paper
1.3 / Communicate with CIP on methodology / X
1.4 / Submission of proposal / X
1.5 / Selected baseline contractor / X
1.6 / Proposal design / X
1.7 / Baseline Contract agreement / X
1.8 / Sampling Methods, Interview Guideline, Sample Size / X
1.9 / Questioner Design / X
2 / Pre-test, Questioner Revision / X
2.1 / Training on Field Team / X
2.2 / Final Preparation before Field Activity / X
2 / Data Collection
2.1 / Field data collection / X / X / X
2.2 / Data Cleaning / X / X
2.3 / Data Analysis / X
2.4 / Presentation Result / X
2.5 / Final Report / X

6. Fees and costs estimate
The total charge to be paid for the consulting assignment will depend on the technical proposal. We will require a technical proposal that includes methodology, CVs of key personnel and costs estimates presented as follows:
a) Budget
1. Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry, and analysis, e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors, drivers, etc.
2. Per diem and Travel. Includes daily costs for lodging and meals and incidental expenses during training and during field work; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas.
3. Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, final reports.
4. Equipment. Includes any equipment the contractor may need to purchase (though this should be minimal at best if they already have the capacity to do the work).
5. Communications. Includes telephone, fax, computer, radio, postage.
6. Supplies. Includes paper, pens, other materials for field work.
7. Training costs
b) CVs are required of the key personnel
7. Terms of payment
The fees and costs estimates referred to shall be payable to the consultant in a schedule that is agreed-upon by CIP and the contractor. The payments will be contingent upon the successful completion of deliverables. The payment will be in Pakistani Rupees.

Aannex 1:
Logic Model

OUTCOME / Improved socio-economic status of rural disadvantaged women in selected districts of Pakistan’s Punjab and Sind Provinces
 /  /  / 
OUTCOMES / Improved year-round use of maintained rural roads by light traffic. / Increased and diversified income base for poor rural women through participation in income generating activities / Increased ability to plan and monitor gender-responsive community-based development initiatives at local government and community level.
 /  / 
OUTCOMES / 100 Improved rural roads and community infrastructure / 200 Increased employment opportunities local women through participation in the maintenance of rural earthen roads and community infrastructure / 300 Improved capacity among poor rural women to start income generating activities / 400 Increased support from local government institutions and CBOs for women engaged in maintenance work and entrepreneurial activities
 /  /  / 


/ 110 Rural earthen roads and other community infrastructure selected and mapping and surveys undertaken to identify maintenance needs
120 Legally binding agreements between RMT women and UCs
130 Rural earthen roads and other community infrastructure maintained and repaired in selected districts (i.e., cutting bushes, repairing potholes, clearing of drainage areas) / 210 Social mobilization campaigns delivered to communities and stakeholders to promote women’s involvement in the workforce
220 Rural women selected and employed on Road Management Teams (RMTs)
230 Technical training (road maintenance techniques, group management, roles and responsibilities, problem solving) delivered to RMTs / 310 Completed baseline survey assessing skills and knowledge of women
320 Training on life skills (health, nutrition, human rights, gender equality) developed and delivered to RMTs
330 Training on business management developed and delivered to RMTs
340 Completed inventory of income-generating activities appropriate for rural women
350 Skills training and exposure visits facilitated for women specific to their identified businesses
360 Women’s savings invested in new income-generating activities / 410 Completed baseline survey assessing knowledge and attitudes of local government officials and CBOs of women
420 Training on gender equality delivered to Union Councils and CBOs
430 Training on community-based development delivered to Union Councils and CBOs
440 Linkages with district administration, Taluka, UC, micro-credit institutions, skills training centres and business development centers facilitated
450 Knowledge-sharing workshops with all stakeholders implemented at district and UC levels to review progress and develop quarterly plans
 /  /  /  / 