HP 102 (Sec. 10) – Introduction to Programming Fall 2014

1 Credit

Instructors:Joe Quinzi & Jim Elmer

Class Time:Wednesday 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Class Location:CAMP 172

Course Website:

You are responsible for checking the website for announcements, assignment, and class lecture notes.

Required Textbook:MATLAB for Engineers by Holly Moore, ISBN: 0-13-604422-0

Software:It is not required to purchase MATLAB for your individual computers; it is accessible across campus in virtually all computer labs (CAMP, Rowley, Snell, Science Center, and the ERC).

Office Hours:Jim Monday7:00 pmSnell 241

JoeSunday7:00 pmSnell 241

And by appointment

Contact Information:

Learning Objectives:

At completion of this course students should:

  1. Have gained competency in utilizing MATLAB as a problem solving device
  2. Have begun to understand the complexities and rigor required for open-ended problem solving
  3. Have had fun!!!

Grading Policy:

Homework and Problem Solving Exercises (PSE) will be graded. Late homeworkwill receive zero credit unless prior arrangements are made with TA’s. Late PSE’s will be severely penalized. PSE rubrics will be provided. Submissions will be graded primarily by effort and understanding of the code submitted. Commented Code is REQUIRED. Every homework assignment will be graded out of a total of five (5) points. Points will be granted based upon the following criteria:

5: All problems complete and correct utilizing appropriate syntax, adequate commenting

4: All problems attempted, minimal mistakes or commenting, conceptual competency present

3: All problems attempted, one or more major conceptual mistakes or no comments

2: Partial completion

1: Minimal effort

0: Not turned in

Homework / PSE #1 / PSE #2 / PSE #3
30% / 20% / 25% / 25%

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Homework Submission:

Homework is due before5:00 pm of the day of the next scheduled class. It is our goal to assign homework assignments that take approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Please inform us if this is greatly different. Homework is to be submitted to .

Problem Solving Exercises:

The goals of the problem solving exercises are to: comprehensively and cumulatively utilize the covered material to solve a [simplified] real-life problem. Please keep in mind it is very difficult to find problems that will be: ‘exciting’ for all students, use only the background information provided and yet complex enough that utilizing a computer code is justified. Be aware that there will be a wide spread of material/subject areas your peers have covered; we cannot assume everyone knows Newtonian Mechanics, Differential Equations, or any other subject area. Results will be presented in a technical memorandum format to be discussed later.


Weekly attendance is required; attendance will be recorded.

Academic Integrity:

All students are expected to submit their own original computer codes. It is acceptable to work together to understand the problem and assist one another in the learning process. Although computer codes may be seen as having a high potential to being close in nature, comments and different programming techniques help distinguish individual work. Violations of the University’s academic integrity policies will be dealt with according to the Clarkson Regulations.