
• For enquiries and appointments please

phone (01223) 357424during office hours: 9.00am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (confidential answerphone at all other times).

• Family Counselling sessions are held in Cambridge at our main Centre in Brooklands Avenue.

• We try to make provision for clients whose first language is not English. There is no wheelchair access at Brooklands Avenue but alternative arrangements can be made.

Relate is a national registered charity with over sixty years’ experience in helping people with their relationships. Each Relate Centre is an independent organisation registered as a charity in its own name. All Centres are members of the Relate Federation and abide by its standards.

As well as Family Counselling, we offer couple counselling and sex therapy to help with difficulties in any adult couple relationship. For all enquiries, please call 01223 357424.

Relate Cambridge

3 Brooklands Avenue

Cambridge CB2 8BB

Telephone 01223 357424

No parking outside the Centre. Pay & Display parking available in Clarendon Road and Shaftesbury Road (free after 5pm)

For the phone number of other Relate

Centres, look in the local Yellow Pages, call

Relate Central Office on 0300 100 1234, or

visit their website:

Relate Cambridge Registered Charity 1096975

Registered Company 4664883

Relate Cambridge




Information about our

Family Counselling


building better relationships

01223 357424

 Family Counselling – is it for you?

Family Counselling is for all kinds of family relationships at any stage in life: parents and children of all ages, brothers and sisters, grandparents and other members of extended families or stepfamilies.

Everyone has family arguments at some time. Usually these are easily resolved or just blow over, but sometimes they get a lot worse. Big changes in a family can create stress that is very difficult to live with. Long running disputes can cause pain to the whole family, and the problems one person might be going through can affect their relationships with others. This is when a Relate Family Counsellor can help you work things out in a way that is best for everyone. (It is not always necessary for the whole family to attend in order to benefit from counselling.)

 What does the Family Counsellor do?

All families are unique and deal with their problemsdifferently, but our Family Counselloris highly experienced in helping all kinds of people with their relationships and is specially trained to work with families to enable them to resolve their difficulties.

The counsellor will not take sides and will not tell you what to do. They will explore the interpersonal relationships and work with you to deal with the problems effectively.

Our services are open to anyone who might benefit from them, whatever your age, race, ability, personal beliefs, sexual orientation or social background.We do not offer legal, financial or medical advice. If you need these or other services not offered by Relate, we may be able to suggest an appropriate source of help.

What you can expect from Relate

We will offer you your first appointment

(an assessment with the Family Counsellor) as soon as possible. If at the end of this appointment it is agreed that Relate Family Counselling may be helpful, we will discuss at what times you can come for more sessions. The counsellor might suggest that family members sometimes come alone or in smaller groups or bring other relatives to some sessions.

An assessment takes up to 1½ hours and ongoing Family Counselling sessions last for up to an hour. You will see the same counsellor at each meeting and your counselling will continue for as long as both you and the counsellor think it is helpful.

Our counsellors are carefully trained by Relate to a nationally recognised standard. They receive continuing support and supervision and have access to a range
of professional consultants. In this way we maintain consistently high standards.

Counselling is a private and confidential form of help. This means that we will not give your name or any information about your family to anyone outside Relate unless someone’s personal safety is at risk. If you would like to know more about our confidentiality policy, please ask your counsellor.

Counselling is a private and confidential form of help. Confidentiality is held within the Relate organisation. There are certain circumstances where we may need to break confidentiality, such as when there is a child protection issue or if we believe someone’s personal safety is at risk.

What we expect from you

RelateCambridge is an independent charity. Although we receive some Local Authority funding, we could not exist without the contributions made by our clients. Last year it cost us£314,000 to provide all servicesto clients in the area.

Each assessment and Family Counselling session costs us £55 to provide. We will ask you to make a contribution towards the cost of the service according to your income, and appreciate that this contribution is voluntary. The counsellor will discuss with you how much you are able to contribute for each session. Tax payers will benefit us even more by signing a Gift Aid form which enables us to claim back the tax paid on your contribution. Please ask for a form at your first appointment.

Once counselling begins, we ask you to
make sure you keep your appointments.
If you do have to cancel an appointment,
please phone the office, giving as much notice as possible (ideally at least two working days). This enables us to offer that time to someone else who is waiting, and also means that you will not be asked to make a contribution for the session.

We aim to provide a caring, effective and efficient

service. To help us do this, we invite clients to comment on their experience of Relate. If you want to feed back about any aspect of the service you receive, please telephone the Centre Director on 01223 357424. Relate has a formal complaints procedure and abides by the Ethical Framework for Good Practice of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.