Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The meeting at the Parkersburg City Building Executive Meeting Room was called to order by Chairman Doug Hess at 12:10 PM. Also attending were: Ken Harris, Jim Rose, Steve Johnk, Michael Barrick, Keith Roberts, Jeff Walsh, Eric Chichester, Don Williams, tom Cooper, Julie Robertson, Larry Edwards, Blaine Auville, Jeffery Harvey, Ed Hupp, Steve Simonton, Eric Bucklin, Joe Richards, Rocki Louden, Danny Goodwin, Randy Lowe, Tim Pingley, Larry Stephens, Arnie Green, Wendy Tuck, Major Vernon Dolby, Kimberly Dixon, Wayne Dunn and Christina Smith.
Jim made a motion to accept the minutes as e-mailed. Steve Simonton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Grant Committee
Doug asked the members to consider volunteering for either of two grant committees.
Wendy has secured a grant for $14,000 from Volunteer West Virginia. The grant has three parts: a strategic plan, a Power Point Presentation and provide support for the drill.
Arnie Green will facilitate the Strategic Plan. Doug Hess, Steve Simonton, Steve Johnk, Joyce Mather and Wendy Tuck will serve on that committee.
The other committee will meet immediately after the meeting and work with J.H. Consulting to plan the drill. All agencies should submit requests for the types of incidents which they would like to see included. A soft target date for the drill will be set up. Members of this committee will include Eric Buckling, Mike Barrick, Don Williams, Earl Totten, Randy Lowe, Ed Hupp, Steve Simonton, Kim Dixon, Christina Smith, Judy Ashcraft and Eric Chichester
New Business
Kenny made a motion to approve membership for Julie Robertson of the Red Cross, Major Vernon Dolby of the Salvation Army and Sandford Downs. Blaine seconded the motion which passed. Terms for Joyce and Kenny will be renewed.
Jim and Kenny discussed a $9000 grant they received from the Grainger Foundation to outfit one of the animal trailers to serve as a replacement for Mobile Comm 1 for Wood County Emergency Communications. Jeff Walsh of Grainger was introduced. Jim passed out a flyer with specific information about the equipment. Joe Richards of WVEMSTSN announced that he had 19 radios to donate for use in the communications truck.
A check was received to replace the cages taken by the Humane Society during the puppy mill incident.
Randy announced that he has created a Yahoo group e-mail list serve to improve communications among the LEPC membership. Give him your e-mail address or call to be included. He also said that pictures of the new Mobile Command Vehicle were available on the Wood County 9-1-1 Facebook page. 9-1-1 has a website as well.
Other Business
Wendy announced a volunteer management workshop and passed out information.
Joe Richards said that Westcom is in the process of relocating to Flatwoods. Wood County will not experience any changes in service.
The meeting was adjourned at 1 PM.
The next meeting will be held at Noon, Wednesday, January 20, 2010. The location will be announced.