Woodruff Primary School

School Improvement Council

Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2017

I.  Members in Attendance

Karleigh Alexander

Starr Chastain

Carrie Ernst

Erin Gambrell

Sarah Gregorisch

Whitney Hasselbach

Amanda Jamison

Meredith Stephenson

Lynn Teague

Hannah Deahl

Mercedes Hunter

Lindsey Keller

Leslie Morton

Sydney Price

Christie Abbott

Ashley Brailsford

Jennifer Brown

Elizabeth Cook

Kim Fowler

Rachel gladden

Kelly Kehn

Molly Sexton

Fran Carden

Katie Childers

Kristen Cochran

Natalie Coones

Donna Godfrey

Kimberly Larson

Lisa Taylor

Nicole Waters

Jennifer Arrington

Lorrie Harmon

Katalin Bartz

John Carroll

Jessica Harvey

Sarah Little

Carly Parker

Tobey Rhodes

Nicole Sheffield

Lindsey Shilling

Christin Smith

Carolyn Turbeville

Laura Turner

Kristina Woods

Ann Hodge

Casey Dover

Meredith Welch

Rhonda Waddell

II.  Minutes from previous meeting

Mrs. Little reviewed the meeting minutes from our meeting in February. The minutes were approved.

III.  Committee Reports

a)  PTO/School Improvement Planning Committee: We were pleased with the spring fundraiser, even though we made less than last year. This year we did not do a fun day, but the students received awards through the fundraising company. We are in the process of updating our brochure. Nomination forms for available PTO officer positions will be sent home this week. Once PTO officer positions have been filled, nomination forms for SIC officer positions will go home. We discussed Chick-fil-A biscuit sales and Mrs. Hodge asked for opinions and suggestions on how to continue with that fundraiser.

b)  Title 1 Committee: Mrs. Little told the teachers about the Title 1 Survey to send home to parents. We will report the findings at the next faculty meeting.

c)  AdvancEd: We divided into small groups to discuss indicators 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.2, and 4.5. Groups indicated whether things have been put into place to improve our rating and to and/or to make suggestions on how to improve the rating and what kinds of evidence will be needed.

d)  Parental and Community Involvement: Mrs. Smith reported on the upcoming Trike-a-Thon, which will be from 4:00 until 6:00 on April 20th. Prizes have been donated by community members and staff to raffle. Vendors will sell food and drinks and baked goods will be available to purchase. A volunteer breakfast will be held in the media center. The date is still to be determined.

IV.  Principal’s Report

a)  Preschool Enrollment: Mrs. Hodge reviewed the current numbers for 3K and 4K enrollment. There are currently 142 four year-olds enrolled and 83 three-year-olds.

b)  Visitors: Mrs. Little shared information about the visit from D6.

c)  End-of-Year Programs: Dates and time for end-of-year programs were shared. Mrs. Hodge asked meeting attendees for feedback on having two programs throughout the year instead of four.

d)  End-of-Year Procedures: Mrs. Hodge covered end-of-year procedures for teachers.

e)  Summer School: Summer school will be June 5th through June 30th from 7:45 until 1:15. Students will travel to the high school for lunch and will eat breakfast at the primary school.

f)  Summary Report to Parents: The WPS brochure for the Summary Report to Parents will look similar to the current brochure but will include updated data and information.

g)  Parent-Student Handbook: Suggestions or changes to the handbook were solicited. They can be sent to Mrs. Hodge via email before June 1st.

h)  Tentative SIC meeting dates for the 2017-2018 school year: We will meet four times again during the 2017-2018 school year. The dates will be included in the handbook, when confirmed.
