Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

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It is recognised that collaborative working across the entire supply chain optimises the likely project outcome when compared with a typical fragmented and non-integrated approach to designing and constructing projects.

Al Khayyat Contracting and Trading actively promotes mutual trust and co-operation across our supply chain. Key to the successful delivery of this project is our vendors adopting the desired cultural transition. The main aspect of this transition is moving away from a reactive hindsight-based decision-making and management approach to one that is foresight based, encouraging a creative environment with pro-active and collaborative long term relationships.

Contents / 2
Contacts / 3
Questionnaire / 4-17
1.0 / General Information – Corporate / 4
2.0 / Turnover, Overhead and Work Mix / 5
3.0 / Insurances / 6
4.0 / Warranties, Bonds and Guarantees / 6
5.0 / Health, Safety & the Environment / 7
6.0 / Quality Assurance / 10
7.0 / Resources & Skills / 12
8.0 / Manufacturing & Production Facilities / 13
9.0 / Capabilities / 13
10.0 / Information technology / 14
11.0 / Supply Chain Management / 15
12.0 / Support & Customer Service / 16
13.0 / Commercial / 17
14.0 / Culture & Structure / 18
15.0 / Project References / 18
Procurement Manager
AL Khayyat Contracting and Trading
PO Box 201184
AL MeeraTower, Old Salata,
Telephone: +974-4429 2211
Facsimile: + 974-4429 2223

Please complete the questionnaire as accurately as possible, restricting your answers to the space allowed after each question unless stated otherwise.Should you wish to provide additional information to support the completed questionnaire then please do so. The information supplied will be treated in the strictest confidence and distribution shall be limited to Al Khayyat Contracting and Trading only.


Company Name
Town / City
Post Code
Telephone No.
Web address
Office Name
Identify in which Middle East Countries you hold valid trade licences.
Year or registration
Name of Sponsor
Parent / Holding Company
Address in which Operations / Manufacturingare carried out if different from above.
Please indicate which professional or trade body your organisation belongs to.
Identify basis of Company: / Sole Trader / Partnership / Private / Public
Please state the type and size range of the product(s)you are offering to provide. Identify whether you are the manufacturer, agent or distributor of the offered product(s)(Include a separate sheet as required).
Name & position of the person responsible for completing questionnaire / Name :
Position :
Contact details / Tel
E mail


Please advise the names of the following: / Telephone / Fax / Email
Company Chairman / President
Managing Director
Other points of contact: (add more rows if required)
Name / Position
Sales Director
Financial Director
Technical Director


Manufacturing facility
Store / Warehouse
Post Code:
Web Address:
Add more rows if required / Office
Manufacturing facility
Store / Warehouse
Post Code:
Web Address:

2.0 Turnover, Overhead and Work Mix

Financial Year / 2007/2008 / 2009/2010 / 2011/2012
Year End Date
Annual Turnover – USD
Annual Overhead %
Profit after tax – USD
Overhead & Profit may be subject to audit.

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For the turnover stated above what was the approximate percentage(s)constituted by the product(s) you are offering to provide. (10 % divisions will suffice)
Product Name: / % / % / %
Product Name: / % / % / %
Product Name: / % / % / %
For the turnover stated above please state the percentage manufactured and supplied to the following regions. (10 % divisions will suffice).
United Arab Emirates / % / % / %
Dubai / % / % / %
Abu Dhabi / % / % / %
Qatar / % / % / %
The Sultanate of Oman / % / % / %
Bahrain / % / % / %
Kuwait / % / % / %
Saudi Arabia / % / % / %
Other / % / % / %

Provide copies of the Company’s accounts for the previous three year period.

3.0 Insurances

Do you have the following insurance? / Yes / No / Amount of Cover / Attach details of each policy and identify restrictions / exclusions / excess.
Employer liability
Public Liability
Workman’s Compensation
Product Liability
Professional Indemnity Insurance (if applicable)

4.0 Warranties, Bonds and Guarantees

Yes / No
Are you prepared to provide a Parent Company Guarantee?
Are you prepared to provide a Performance Bond?
Are you prepared to provide Design Warranties?

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5.0 Health, Safety & the Environment

1. Company HSE Management System
Question / Response / Evidence Required at this Stage / Location of Evidence in your Submission
Yes / No
1.1 / Does the company have a signed and dated HSE Policy supported by HSE performance objectives? /  / 
1.2 / Is HSE Covered in the company’s organization chart? /  / 
1.3 / Is there an HSE trained person / consultant employed at supporting the company in complying with its HSE duties? /  / 
1.4 / Has the company clearly defined HSE roles and responsibilities assigned to the company personnel? /  / 
1.5 / Does the company identify and monitor compliance with HSE Legislation? /  / 
1.6 / Does the company have a Health and Safety & Environment System certified by an accredited body to a recognized standard?
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001:2007
1.6a / Does the company have an Environmental procedures covering environmental impact management controls? /  / 
1.6b / Does the company have a Health and Safety Procedures in place? /  / 
1.6c / Has the company identified, documented and maintained an Environmental Impact assessment for the business activities and tasks to be undertaken? /  / 
1.7 / Do employees receive health and safety training on risk assessment? /  / 
1.12 / Do employees receive documented training appropriate to the task they will undertake? /  / 
1.13 / Does the company have Communication and Consultation procedures or plans in place, which consider HSE? /  / 
1.14 / Does the company have Accident Reporting and Investigation Procedure in place? /  / 
2. Internal Safety Support
Question / Response / Evidence Required at this Stage / Location of Evidence in your Submission
Yes / No
2.1 / Please provide the name and Qualifications of your safety Manager ?
2.2 / Please Provide names and Qualifications of all safety officers within your company?
3. Site HSE Management System
Question / Response / Evidence Required at this Stage / Location of Evidence in your Submission
Yes / No
3.1 / Have the company produced project/contract HSE plans for recently completed work? /  / 
3.2 / Does the company have site specific written HSE risk assessments / method statements ? /  / 
3.3 / Do the company supervisors carry out recorded HSE inspections at least on a weekly basis? /  / 
3.4 / Are site HSE inspections carried out at least on a monthly basis by the Head of Office? /  / 
3.5 / Does the company ensure any goods supplied comply with the legislation in the country of use? /  / 
3.6 / Does the company perform Health, Safety and Environmental assessment of the processes (internal audits, process reviews, etc.)? /  / 
3.7 / Does the company have a medical surveillance program for site employees? /  / 
3.8 / Does the company have a housekeeping excellence program in place /  / 
3.9 / Does the company have a disciplinary process in place /  / 
3.10 / Does the company have an incentive scheme based on HSE performance? /  / 
3.11 / Does the company have a near miss reporting process in place? /  / 
3.12 / Is the company free from any health & safety or environmental fines, citations and violations notices served by the regulatory authorities in relation to HSE in the last 3 years? /  / 
3.13 / Does the company have an HSE training program specific to each of the site positions ? /  / 
4. Control of Sub-Contractors
Question / Response / Evidence Required at this Stage / Location of Evidence in your Submission
Yes / No
4.1 / Do you Subcontract portion or all of your work?
If so :-
4.2 / Does your company ensure that sub-contractor engaged by your company are competent?
4.3 / Does your company ensure that sub-contractors engaged by your company operate safe system of work?
5.- HSE Events Indicators
Please provide your accident data for the current year and the last 3 calendar years / Current Year / Current Year -1 / Current Year -2 / Current Year -3 / Period Average
1 / Number of Fatalities
2 / Number of environmental incidents reported to the authorities
3 / No of Fire Cases
4 / Number of first aid injuries reported
5 / Number of occurrences where authorities have been notified/involved
6 / Number of Days lost
7 / Number of Hours Worked
8 / AAFR
9 / AFR
10 / LTIFR
I confirm that the above information is correct and that further evidence to support this will be provided to Alstom on request.
Name / Position / Company / Date / Signature

NOTE: Frequency Rate Calculation = (Number of injuries x 100,000 man hours) / total number of man hours worked Abbreviation:

AAFR / All Accident Frequency Rate (FAC + MTC + LTI + RLTI)
AFR / Accident Frequency Rate ( FAC + MTC)
LTIFR / Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (Injury 1 ≥ 3 Shifts Lost Time)
RLTIFR / Reportable Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (Injury 3 Shifts Lost Time)
6.0 Major HSE trainings provided during past one year
Training Title / Trainer/Training Organization / Duration / Target Group

6.0 Quality Assurance

1.0 Major Quality trainings provided during past one year
Training Title / Trainer/Training Organization / Duration / Target Group
.1. Company Quality Management System
Question / Response / Evidence Required at this Stage / Location of Evidence in your Submission
Yes / No
1.1 / Does the company have a signed and dated Quality Policy supported by Quality performance objectives? /  / 
1.2 / Is Quality Covered in the company’s organization chart? Provide CVs of all QA/QC Staff. /  / 
1.3 / Has the company clearly defined Quality roles and responsibilities assigned to the company personnel? /  / 
1.4 / Does the company identify and monitor compliance with their procedures? /  / 
1.5 / Have the company produced project/contract Quality plans for recently completed work? /  / 
1.6 / Have your employees recently attended a Quality Induction training internal to the Company or other external “quality related” training useful for their job? /  / 
1.7 / Is your Company certified ISO 9001:2008?
1.7a / Does the company have Quality Management System procedures in place? /  / 
1.7b / Does your Company have a procedure and a plan for internal audit? If yes provide the audit schedule and last year some audit reports /  / 
1.7c / Do you have any documented procedure for trainings? Describe briefly the process your organization employs in training and developing staff in order to improve effectiveness in the workplace. /  / 
1.7d / Does your Company conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey to collect and evaluate the feedback from the Customer? /  / 
1.7e / Does your company has a procedure for non-conformances? /  / 
1.7f / Does your company have a documented procedures for the Product realization? /  / 
1.7g / Does your company have the documented procedures for Measurement, Analysis and Improvements? /  / 
1.7h / Does your company have the documented procedures for the Resource Management? /  / 
1.8 / Have you ever prepared the inspection and Test Plan? If yes provide the evidence for similar type of work /  / 
1.9 / Does your company has R&D Facilities? /  / 
1.10 / Does your Company has Quality control program/procedure related to Design activities? /  / 
1.11 / Do you possess laboratory facilities for testing materialwithin the organization? /  / 
1.12 / Is there a documented system and procedure in place for monitoring and control of material inspection? /  / 
1.13 / Is there a documented system and procedure for the FAT? /  / 
1.14 / Do you have documented procedure for Operation and Maintenance Manuals /  / 

7.0 Resources and Skills

People –
For the activities listed, please provide details of the numbers of directly employed staff qualified and experienced in contributing at a senior management level (i.e. liaison and active problem-solving with senior Project Management Team members) in each area. As some staff will be skilled in more than one area (and may be counted under more than one category), please allocate their activity proportionately.
Manufacture / Production (activity planning, co-ordination, design management, team leadership, etc.)
Safety Management (trained in Health and Safety legislation, responsible for adherence to procedures, etc.)
Sales & Estimating (feasibility studies, preparing tenders, pre & post contract support to head office and projects)
Commercial / Accounts (administering contracts, negotiating final accounts, reporting, etc)
Procurement(Sourcing and pre-qualifying suppliers, qualitative evaluations of proposals, negotiating term arrangements etc…
Logistics (materials management and storage, transportation, deliveries, plant management, etc.)
In House Design / Product Development – Capable of Full scheme design
Quality Management (establish and maintain quality systems, participate in production improvement initiatives, etc.)
Other (please state)
Total: Management and Technical Resource
Please state the number people who are in your direct employment in Qatar.
Management / Supervision
Clerical / Support
Production / Operations
Quality Management
Testing & Commissioning Staff
Other (please specify)
Total Direct Staff:
Identify key team members who would be involved in the (state project)Project and attach copy of their curriculum vitae.
Title / Discipline / Employee name and brief details / capabilities

8.0 Manufacturing & Production Facilities

Please list your manufacturing / production facilities and identify the capacity / size of each, including details of their locations;
Please include a location map of the manufacturing / production facility which would supply KCT.

9.0 Capabilities

Please identify your capabilities in respect of the following headings whether these areas of work are carried out within the core business of your Company or whether they are outsourced.
Please indicate if the capability is possessed;
  • Not available (e.g. do not operate in this field)
  • In House (principally via directly employed personnel)
  • Outsourced (state what this means in practice)
/ Full Design / Detailed Design / Installation
Please state
Not available, Outsourced or In House / Please state
Not available, Outsourced or In House / Please state
Not available, Outsourced or In House
Specify in respect of Work Scope

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10.0 Information Technology

10.1 / Please state what software packages do you use for accounting, estimating, planning, procurement and design?
10.2 / What is your current position and future strategy relating to e-commerce (procurement, collaboration and knowledge management)? Please provide details of your company’s experience and learning’s in this area to date.

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11.0 Supply Chain Management

Al Khayyat Contracting and Trading requirespartners & supply chain members who can effectively manage their supply chain with suitable processes, targets and measures. It will be imperative that all members understand and can demonstrate how to extract maximum value from their supply chain.
11.1 / Please explain your Supply Chain Management Strategy and the structure you presently have in place to deliver this?
11.2 / Will any manufacture, assembly or installation work be sub-contracted? Provide details of which activities will be completed via sub contract.
11.3 / What attempts have been made to develop closer relationships with fewer supply chain members and have they been successful?
11.4 / How do you monitor the performance of your supply chain and how is this information utilised to identify opportunities for continuous improvement? Please provide examples.
11.5 / What is a typical lead-time for the product(s) you are offering to provide? Please specify time to process from raw material into finished product and delivery to ( KCT).
11.6 / What is your current on-time delivery performance, as a percentage, for your major clients?
11.7 / What process is in place to handle short lead-time requirements? Please state whether this includes capability for logistics contact 24 hours/day and holiday coverage.
11.8 / Have you had experience of ‘partnering’ with major clients? If so who? Please provide details of your company’s experience and learning’s through operating partnerships arrangements.
11.9 / What steps have you taken to ensure your company ethic and culture is receptive to this type of relationship?
11.10 / How would you rate the trust you have in the relationship that you currently have with the AL Khayyat Contracting and Trading on a scale of 1 to 10?
11.11 / What steps do you believe would be required to improve this score?
11.12 / Please provide details of your top 10 supply chain members together with your turnover with each over the past 12 months.
11.13 / How would you suggest we measure our performance against these values?
11.14 / What do you consider to be the main KPI’s relating to the provision of your product(s)?
11.15 / Please provide a supply chain map detailing the main categories of bought in goods and services and the total annual spend in each category.

12.0 Support & Customer Service

Al Khayyat Contracting and Trading requires Partners & Supply Chain Members who can effectively provide technical support and customer service within target time frames.
12.1 / Can you provide an emergency response to repair a fault at (KCT)within 4 hours?
12.2 / Is your Sales / Engineering representative able to attend KCT offices regularly to discuss and advise on specific applications that arise?
12.3 / Do you have a support / service network in Qatar that can react to site issues and attend site to assess these issues within 24 hours?
12.4 / Describe the field service capability to support to KCT in Qatar.Can repairs be carried out at site and do you stock normal consumable spare parts that can be delivered to site within 48 hours?
12.5 / Can you indicate your company’s method of removing a piece of kit and repairing under warranty?
12.6 / What is your standard manufacturers warranty period?
12.7 / Are you prepared to provide extended warranties?
12.8 / Can you provide focused training packages to support KCTfor specification, construction, commissioning and operation of your product?
12.9 / Indicate where the training will be carried out.
12.10 / Please describe the support structure your company would use to ensure continuous supply of parts for local and global clients. Please mention any stock holding that you may have to support this, and how any deliveries would be actioned.

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13.0 Commercial

In order to select key strategic partners & supply chain members to work withAL Khayyat Contracting and Trading, commercial relationships will need to be transparent and be fundamentally based on mutual benefit. These relationships should be focused towards understanding and reducing total cost, rather than indulging in the traditional pursuit of reducing margins.
13.1 / Do you have a formal system to benchmark your costs, management and performance? This means that you would benchmark both internally and externally your standard costs against the market place and competitors and subsequently feedback any learning into the process. If yes, please give details and show scores versus Key Performance Indicators (both internal and external) over the last three years.
13.2 / Please describe the involvement of your company in Research & Development (R&D). What percentage of your sales revenue was invested in R&D last year?
13.3 / How would you propose to ensure that competitiveness was maintained for the procurement of your product(s) if not sourced in open competition?
13.4 / What do you understand to be the meaning of ‘open book’, ‘cost plus’ and the ‘integrated team’ procurement routes and have you had experience of these routes? If so, please provide details of your companies experience and learning’s through operating in this way?
13.5 / What margin would you expect to make from the work undertaken with KCT and how does this compare with margins expected from traditional procurement routes?
13.6 / Do you drive down your internal costs through continuous improvement activities? If so please provide examples of past and current initiatives.
13.7 / Would you consider entering into a reciprocal trading agreement with KCT If so, what opportunities do you believe would be available to both organisations?

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