London Summer 2019 Faculty Application Due Date: March 23rd, 2018

European Council Office- 229.259.2591

Program Description

·  The program is located at University College London (UCL) in historic Bloomsbury. From this central London location there is convenient walking and public transportation access to the whole of London and the UK.

·  The program begins mid-June and lasts to late July and is approximately five weeks long.

·  The teaching format is as follows: Lecture (class) sessions in 3 hour blocks on Tuesdays and Thursdays and required fieldtrips on Mondays and Wednesdays, with Friday-Sunday free for longer excursions and independent travel.

·  Students may register for 3 or 6 credit hours. Students register and pay tuition at their home institutions, regardless of which courses they take.

General Information and Application Process

·  Your European Council Campus representative acts as the main contact for faculty teaching in the Summer Study Abroad Program.

·  Interested faculty submit the completed application form and supporting material in electronic and paper format to the European Council Coordinator, Gisele Greaux at . Both the electronic and printed versions should be submitted to their EC Campus Representative who then submits the printed application with signatures to the EC Coordinator. The European Council committee reviews and makes the final selection of faculty. All items for the application should be submitted as six separate PDF documents rather than one single document that encompasses all items. Items that need to be included are:

1.  EC Application downloaded from the European Council website

2.  Two Syllabi (one for lower division class proposal and one for an upper division class proposal)

3.  Short curriculum vitae not exceeding four pages in length

4.  One Letter of Recommendation

5.  Transcripts indicating your highest degree obtained

·  Faculty members teach two three-hour courses, of which one is usually lower division and the other upper division.

·  The curriculum is based on proposals submitted by faculty from across the University System of Georgia and is designed so that a range of core courses along with specialized lower and upper level courses are offered.

·  Faculty members are selected so that a range of member institutions (both two-year and four-year) and disciplines are represented.

·  Selection means that a faculty member's courses will be included in the program course offerings and advertised system-wide. Participation in the summer program is determined by the number of students who enroll in the program at the faculty member’s institution along with the total number of faculty-recruited students.

·  A "10 to 1" criterion applies, i.e., it takes 10 students enrolled in the program to cover the costs of one faculty member. This means that each faculty member is required to enroll 10 students from his or her campus for the summer program in which the faculty member is teaching.

·  Students are recruited from a faculty member’s home institution, and may enroll in any courses offered in the program. Faculty members should not limit their recruitment to their own courses. Recruitment efforts should be for the program itself.

·  Faculty members must commit to spending time in the recruitment of students during Fall and Spring semesters. Examples of recruitment include speaking in your own classes and those of your colleagues, participating in study abroad fairs, distributing program and course materials, and encouraging advisees and other students to participate in the program. Faculty should also be prepared to attend and take part in representing the program at other institution’s study abroad fairs when asked.

·  Faculty must attend three meetings in the academic year proceeding the summer in which they are teaching: 1- An informational meeting in September, 2- A course planning workshop in April, and 3- A full day student orientation meeting in May.

·  Faculty members must take part in the entire length of the program and are responsible for teaching during all of their class meetings and fieldtrips. Faculty members must also commit to traveling at least one way, either to or from the destination country or both ways, with the group of students.

·  Faculty commit to engaging themselves with students in a much more intensive and extensive way than is common for regular on-campus courses. Study abroad teaching is rather like total immersion with students, since the whole experience becomes a "teaching moment."

·  The program covers the following expenses for faculty: round-trip airfare, housing, some meals and travel passes. Faculty may also receive a modest meal allowance and/or a daily stipend depending on the program and the enrollment. These provisions will vary by programs and are subject to change due to budget constraints.

·  The European Council is not responsible for providing any form of salary to faculty. Salary arrangements are to be made directly between faculty and their home institution.

·  Faculty members who would like to have their spouse or partner visit during a portion of the program should discuss their plans with the program director. If their plans are approved, the faculty member will be responsible for the costs incurred by his/her partner.

·  The living arrangements abroad combined with the program schedule generally does not accommodate dependent children, although there are exceptions in some of the programs. Prospective faculty members should consult the appropriate program director to determine whether children under 18 can be accommodated at a particular site.

London Summer 2019 Faculty Application Due Date: March 23rd, 2018

European Council Office- 229.259.2591

Directions- Complete electronically

Complete the personal information and signature pages. You must also complete the questionnaires for each course that you propose to teach. Submit an electronic version of your completed application to the EC Coordinator, Gisele Greaux at and both an electronic and print version to your European Council Campus representative by no later than March 23rd, 2018. The complete application includes the following:

1. A current short curriculum vitae not exceeding four pages in length

2. A detailed tentative syllabus for each proposed course

3. A letter of reference from your immediate supervisor or a colleague

4. A transcript indicating your highest degree obtained

I. Personal Information

Your Title, (Dr., Ms., Mr., Etc.)


Rank/Title (Prof. Assistant Prof., Etc.)



Campus Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip)

Office Phone (please include area code) Fax

E-mail Address

Home Mailing Address

Home or Mobile Phone

II. Course Proposal #1

Course Information

Course Title

Prefix and Number Credit Hours

Level (check all that apply) lower division upper division graduate

Specify any general education or core curriculum requirements that the course satisfies.

Specify major or minor requirements that the course satisfies.

Specify any prerequisites for this course.

What special equipment, materials, classroom space, library/media resources or other resources will you require in order to teach this course?

What are the most important benefits students will gain from taking this course in this study abroad setting as opposed to taking the course in a traditional setting?

Course Description

Provide a brief course description for program publicity. Remember, this is the main information students will have in deciding whether or not to sign up for your course. Be as creative as possible. For example by taking creative liberties, basic British Literature could be listed as, British Literature I: From Fairyland to Hogwarts: The Fantasy Worlds of Scottish Fiction. The course description could then become very descriptive.

Limit your description to 100 words.

Possible Field Trips

Include a list of field trips or class excursions for this course. These may change during the planning process. Generally there is one field trip per week of class.

III. Course Proposal #2

Course Information

Course Title

Prefix and Number Credit Hours

Level (check all that apply) lower division upper division graduate

Specify any general education or core curriculum requirements that the course satisfies.

Specify major or minor requirements that the course satisfies.

Specify any prerequisites for this course.

What special equipment, materials, classroom space, library/media resources or other resources will you require in order to teach this course?

What are the most important benefits students will gain from taking this course in this study abroad setting as opposed to taking the course in a traditional setting?

Course Description

Provide a brief course description for program publicity. Remember, this is the main information students will have in deciding whether or not to sign up for your course. Be as creative as possible. For example by taking creative liberties, basic British Literature could be listed as, British Literature I: From Fairyland to Hogwarts: The Fantasy Worlds of Scottish Fiction. The course description could then become very descriptive.

Limit your description to 100 words.

Possible Field Trips

Include a list of field trips or class excursions for this course. These may change during the planning process. Generally there is one field trip per week of class.

Summer 2019 Study Abroad Program

Faculty Questionnaire Form Complete Electronically

1.  What benefits do you as a faculty member expect to derive from the experience of teaching these courses abroad?

2.  Please describe your familiarity with the destination country, including a summary of travel you may have done there, along with any other learning or teaching experiences that took place within the destination country.

3.  If you have not traveled in the destination country, how do you plan to acquire information and ideas to help you make maximum use of the setting in teaching your courses?

4.  Please describe how you plan to promote enrollment in the program as a whole, both on your own campus and on other campuses, including how much time per week you anticipate spending.

5.  Are there particular types or groups of students towards whom you plan to target your recruitment efforts? If so, please describe them.

6.  Do you anticipate being involved with any other summer study abroad programs for Summer 2019 and if so, what is your proposed involvement? What courses will you be teaching and where will the program be located?

7.  Do you have any other obligations that would take you away from campus during the Fall/Spring recruiting period? Recruitment of potential students is a major component to the overall commitment of teaching with the EC. Any other commitments that may conflict with recruitment for EC programs will be considered when choosing faculty for the EC Programs.

8.  If you are not selected for this EC program would you be interested in teaching on another of our programs? Please list order of preference.

9.  If selected for an EC program, you will be required to attend three planning/organizational meetings. These meetings are tentatively scheduled for September 10, April 15, and May 13. Do you anticipate having any conflicts with these dates? Any other commitments that may conflict with recruitment for EC programs will be considered when choosing faculty for the EC Programs.

10.  Please provide any other information that you feel the European Council should have in considering your course proposal.

Faculty Commitment

"I understand that my participation in the London Summer Study Abroad Program is dependent on the recruitment and enrollment of ten (10) students from my campus for the London Summer 2019 Study Abroad Program. If I am accepted to teach in the London Program, I understand further that teaching in a summer study abroad program is an intensive and comprehensive experience, which may involve faculty members interacting with students in many out-of-class activities. Therefore, I understand that I will be obligated not only to teach formal classroom sessions but also to accompany students on scheduled fieldtrips and class excursions, assist students in planning course-related independent travel, and collaborate with other program faculty and students in scheduling and conducting joint activities. I understand further that the demands on faculty, the group living arrangements, and the program schedule generally do not accommodate dependent children, although there are exceptions in some of the programs. Prospective faculty members should consult the appropriate program director to determine whether children under 18 can be accommodated at a particular site.

By signing below, I indicate that I have read and understood all of the above information.


(Signature of Faculty Member) (Date)

Approval Signatures of Appropriate Campus Officials

By signing below we, the undersigned understand the terms of this agreement and support the faculty member’s participation in this program.


(European Council Campus Representative) (Date)


(Department Chairperson) (Date)


(Dean) (Date)


(Chief Academic Officer) (Date)