Student: ______

Attending: ______

Attending Instructions: 1) Choose one of the seven overall categories which you feel the student has the greatest room to improve. 2) Then circle 1-3 specific behaviors only in that category for the student to focus his or her efforts. You may write-in behaviors that are not listed. 3) Develop a plan of action for improving in the cited areas. 4) List the student’s strengths so far on the rotation. 5) Please sign and return immediately to the student

Attitude and Motivation
1. Read more about patients’ illnesses.
2. Assume more responsibilities.
3. Take more initiative regarding care of your patient.
4. Attend to all work duties more promptly.
5. Attend to all work duties with more thoroughness.
6. Improve confidence on rounds and during patient
7. Demonstrate a greater degree of leadership on
rounds and during patient care.
8. Use feedback from housestaff and attending as a
mechanism to improve.
9. Do not take feedback personally.
10. Show greater interest in rounds and patient care.
11. ______/ Communication Skills
1. Make oral presentations more concise.
2. Make oral presentations more accurate.
3. Include only relevant information in oral
4. Organize notes and presentations better.
5. Improve legibility of progress notes and H&Ps.
6. Do not hesitate during oral presentations.
7. Do not use “uhhhh, ummmm, etc” during oral
8. Do not rely on your notes for your oral
9. ______
Interpersonal Skills
1. Demonstrate more respect for patients and/or
members of the medical team.
2. Demonstrate more courtesy for patients and/or
members of the medical team.
3. Develop more rapport with medical team.
4. Acknowledge errors and mistakes.
5. Take measures to correct errors and mistakes.
6. ______/ Medical Decision Making
1. Improve synthesis of knowledge into a coherent
clinical plan.
2. Improve understanding of the consequences of
clinical decisions.
3. Develop a broader differential for each chief
4. Develop a more concise differential for each chief
5. Improve prioritization of patient problems.
6. Elaborate more on clinical reasoning in assessment
and plan.
7. ______
Medical Knowledge
1. Read more about the basics of clinical medicine.
2. Read more of the current literature regarding
clinical medicine.
3. Improve interpretation of clinical facts into
pathophysiologic mechanisms.
4. Work harder to improve understanding and broaden
medical knowledge.
5. Spend time learning about the common systems of
hospital operation.
6. ______/ Patient Skills
1. Be more thorough with physical exam.
2. Be more organized with the presentation of physical
exam findings.
3. Practice more with your physical exam technique.
4. Improve courtesy and respect for patient comfort.
5. Develop a better cultural understanding and become
more sensitive to cultural differences.
6. Improve understanding of complex issues as they
relate to the patient.
7. Communicate a greater amount of empathy to
8. ______
Organization and Time
1. Be on time for rounds and afternoon report.
2. Improve efficiency regarding completion of H&Ps
and Progress Notes.
3. Improve organization of patient information.
4. Have patient information readily available on
5. Improve completion of ward tasks in a
time-efficient manner.
6. ______/ LCME Requirements for Medical School Accreditation.
ED-30. The directors of all courses and clerkships must design and implement a system of formative and summative evaluation of student achievement in each course and clerkship.
ED-31. Each student should be evaluated early enough during a unit of study to allow time for remediation.
It is expected that courses and clerkships provide students with formal feedback during the experience so that they may understand and remediate their deficiencies. Courses or clerkships that are short in duration (less than 4 weeks) may not have sufficient time to provide structured formative evaluation, but should provide alternate means (such as self-testing or teacher consultation) that will allow students to measure their progress in learning.

Plan of action to improve in the above area: ______



Please list the current strengths of this student: ______



Signed: ______Date: ______