Sports Funding 2013/14 - £6140

Project / Detail / Cost / Intended Impact / How impact will be measured / Impact to Date
Opportunities for sporting activity at lunchtimes / *employment of LTSA as a play leader
*establishment of Year 6 play leaders by PE Leader
*Purchase of equipment/storage to be used for this project / £1181
½ day supply for PE leader to train Yr 6 children, ½ day to train new LTSA – total £200
£1500 / Increase provision and breadth of extra-curricular sporting opportunities. / Sign-up sheets for lunchtime sporting groups show extra activities on offer and uptake of them. / High percentage of pupils involved in sport based play every lunch time.
Supporting competitive opportunities / *purchase of kit for netball matches etc.
*extra colour bands etc. for inter-house events? / £600 / Raise profile of intra-school sport competition. / Records of children participating in competitive sport will show increase in opportunities from previous years. / Won the rugby, hockey and netball tournaments
Training of teaching staff to deliver high quality PE / *release time for PE leader to work with team leaders to develop planning
*release time for PE leader to team teach with colleagues / X9 ½ days £900
X4 ½ days £200 / Raise competency and confidence levels amongst staff. / Staff questionnaires
Lesson observations / Quality of teaching further improved
Acquiring quality assured providers to extend pupil access to after school clubs, with a focus on vulnerable groups / *R&R sports / £1240 / Increase participation amongst children in a range of sports. Focus on vulnerable groups. / Records of children who have participated in after school sports will show an increase on those from previous years. / Three additional clubs running after school each week – higher pupil participation

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