
/ Time / Slide / Process/Exercise / Spiel/Proc
Introduction / 1 minute / 1 / Good morning/Good afternoon everyone.
I’m ______and I’m here today for a 30 minute training on Serving Customers with Disabilities.
Context setting / 2 minutes / 2 / Discussion / What comes to mind when we see the word disability?
From the word itself, the prefix DIS already connotes “absence of”, so from its root word, it means “absence of disability.”
Is this correct? Let’s look at the next slide
Context setting / 7 minutes / 3 / Discussion / Show 1st set of animation: Celebrities
Do you know the celebrities on the screen?
Tom Cruise and Cher – had dyslexia, difficulty in reading, spelling
Stevie Wonder – visually impaired
And yet they are all well renowned celebrities
Show 2nd set of animation: Inventors/Scientists
Alexander Graham Bell – His mother was deaf when he was 12 years old so he decided to invent devices for hearing impaired. Which later on led to the invention of the telephone
Thomas Edison – Deaf; inventor of light bulb
Albert Einstein – Suffered from dyslexia, but still known as the greatest genius of our time
Closer to home, let’s look at the 3rd set
ApolinarioMabini – Philippine hero and revolutionary was paralyzed, could not walk
Grace Padaca – Struck by polio – Former Isabela Governor and now Comelec Commissioner
Nonoy Zuniga – Lost his legs from a bombing; still became a medical doctor and singer
Context setting / 1 minute / 4 / Explain slide / Coming from the previous slide, we see that Disability can become Distinctive Ability!
There are many people who suffer from disability and yet they are able to rise above it and become distinctive personalities.
At L’Oreal, wewant to bring beauty to all people whichiswhy Beauty and Diversity are initimatelyrelated.
It’s about recognizing and acceptingdifferences,
Rationale / 1 minute / 5 / Explain slide: Beauty for all / And in L’Oreal, our mission is Beauty for all.
We are here today because we are all in a mission to bring our products closer to ALL customers.
And today, we focus on a specific customer group which is how to serve customers with disabilities.
Rationale / 1 minute / 6 / Explain slide / In our local language:
Huwagiwananang may kapansanan
Facts and Figures / 1 minute / 7 / Explain slide / Walk through of facts and figures
Myths and Realities / 2 minutes / 8 / Flash statement on screen
Discuss / MYTH / REALITY
We need to feel sorry for people with disabilities. / People with disabilities don’t need pity. They need access to opportunities.
People with disabilities are inferior to “normal” people and their lives are very different. / We all have different abilities, talents, interests andpersonalities. You name it! People with disabilities go to school, get married, work, have families, play, do laundry, go shopping, eat out, travel, volunteer, vote, pay taxes, laugh, cry, plan and dream — just like everyone else
You have to be careful when you’re talking to a person with a disability, because they are easily offended if you use the wrong word. / You just need to be as polite and respectful as you would when speaking to anyone. If you’re not sure what to say or do, it’s okay to ask.
It’s difficult serving customers with disabilities. / Customers with disabilities have the same preferences, perceptions, attitudes, habits, and needs as customers without disabilities, and they are looking for the same quality of products and services.
Getting Started: S.T.A.R. / 5 minutes / 9 / Flash slide on screen, explain / Here are the basics of our customer care for the disabled.
10 / S-Smile / Service with a smile. Why?
  1. Helps you have a positive attitude. (Ask audience to smile and think of something negative) – Isn’t it difficult to do those two things at the same time?
  2. Helps your customer feel comfortable

11 / T-Talk to them in a simple way / One piece of information at a time
Speak clearly. Be patient in explaining.
12 / A - Ask to understand / You may face situations when you do not understand your customers with disability for the first time.
Be polite and ask again to understand.
13 / R-Respect and recognize their beauty / If we respect them and treat them well, they will come back to us.
Also, it’s important to recognize their disability but also emphasize on their possibility. Remember our mission is to bring Beauty for all!
Tips on handling types of disabilities / 10 minutes / 14-18 / Discussion
Flash type of disability / Questions
Have you encountered a customer with (disability)
How did you approach/conduct service?
Here are some tips…
Concluding Slide / 1 / 19 / Explain Slide / To conclude, if we really believe in Beauty for all, it also means caring and valuing all our customers and that includes those who are disabled.Thank you very much!