Leadership Scrapbook

Leadership offers many essential lessons that one will take with him/her well beyond the walls of The Dalles High School. In order to reflect upon the many lessons that you have learned, you will be required to produce a Leadership Scrapbook. This book will make up a large part of your overall grade for the First trimester. The following is a list of what each page should consist of:

Side A Side B

Cover: Title – top of page

Leadership 1st Trimester 2017

Full Name – bottom of page

(Decorate with an appropriate theme – Riverhawks, school spirit, The Dalles High School, etc.)

Each page must be numbered at the bottom corner

Note: Both sides of your book should be covered

Page One: Table of Contents

(This page should have a creative border on it.)

Page Two: Caught in the Moment

A & B Pictures of you working on different projects (i.e. Think Pink Week, posters, classroom lessons, Helping or playing in intermurals, etc.)

Describe the pictures with at least three to four sentences describing the following:

n  What were the assignments or goals?

n  Why was it important to the school?

n  Decorate your page with photos of the different events, or sketches/stickers which are applicable.

Page Three: Time Magazine Cover

Side A: Put your cover with the picture on it

Side B: Write a cover story article, which is the follow up to the cover of the magazine.

n  You are to develop a future TIME magazine cover that features you on it and contains a companion feature article.

n  The magazine cover should have the chronological date and year which you want to make the cover of TIME.

n  Don’t worry if you are not an “artist”. Words or simple graphics can be used to create a neat looking cover.

n  The banner in the lower right corner is for an event of world or national importance that you predict will happen at the same time.

n  Your personal cover story article (side B) should be written as if a TIME reporter interviewed you. It should talk about who you are, your personal background, how you worked hard over the years to get to the position that you have earned, and should include your plans for the future.

Page Four: Goals For the Future

A & B Use a bulleted list with a creative border

Must have at least your top five (realistic) goals – not materialistic goals like “I want an Escalade”. Things like “I will get a part time babysitting job,” or “I will get an A in math this year.”

(Each goal must have 3 steps you will do to reach this goal.)

Example: I will get an A in Math this year.

1.  I will complete all of my assignments and turn them in on time.

2.  I will study with a group before each test.

3.  I will make time after school to see Ms. Delaney if I have questions.

Part Five: Resume of My Life

Side A: Create a border around your resume (this should be created as it if were a resume you would send out to find a job.)

Side B: Personal Poem with a creative border (see sample)

Part Six: Riverhawk Spirit

A & B Create a page that captures your “Riverhawk Spirit” with photos/drawings

Page Seven: The Best Thing About Me…

Create a collage with words and/or pictures that best describe you

Page Eight: Favorite Memories

A & B Write a five to seven sentence paragraph describing your favorite memories of being a leader at The Dalles High School.

Create a border and illustration.

Page Nine: The Real Meaning of Leadership

Side A:

Write what you believe is the “real” meaning of leadership. What experiences have you had as a student leader this year which have led you to this conclusion.

Side B:

Draw a picture or include a photo/photos which illustrate your point.

Page Ten: Quotes I Can Live By

A &B Fill this page with quotes made by famous (or not so famous people) which you have heard that you will live by. These may be quotes from class, quotes made by famous people in history, or sayings your Great Aunt Myrtle has said over the years. You must have at least 20 quotes covering sides A and B. No Repeats!

Page Eleven: I Admire…

A & B A person that you admire or a letter to the person

You may use text about who it is and why you admire them.

Use pictures to help describe whom you admire.

Page Twelve: Reflection of Me

A & B You need your parent(s)/Guardian to write a letter about how they perceive you as being a leader outside of school. Create a border. Include a photo of you and this family member.

Page Thirteen: The Sign of the Time

Side A: You need to get everyone in the Leadership Class to autograph this page. You also need to get one administrator and at least one teacher (not including Mr. Taylor or Mrs. Johnson) to sign your book. Remember…you must get them to sign this after your book is finished. You may not get autographs after the day that the notebook is due.

Side B: Picture This!

You need to have a creative border and a current picture of yourself.

Due Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2017