1st Sunday of Advent: Love
Christ’s Love Light Shines in Me!
Pre-K – Grade 5
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Our Unity Church of Overland Park Advent series theme is Love Calls Us Home.
This Week’s Theme: Let’s explore all of the wonderful ways we can share God’s love with others.
Teacher Insights:
- The word, Advent, comes from a Latin word that means “coming.”
- The Old Testament stories tell how the people waited for the coming of Christ.
- We believe the Christ light shines in our hearts.
- We share our Christ light with others through loving words, thoughts, and actions.
Inspirational Writing:
Love is not a commodity that we can acquire and hoard. Love can only be released.
- Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla, The Quest
Bible Verse: Arise! Shine! For you light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. – Isaiah 60:1
Unity Principle #1: God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
Unity Principle #5: Practice! Practice! Practice! I do and give my best by living the Truth that I know. I make a difference.
Affirmations: Christ’s Love Light shines in me!
Pre-Activity: 10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Younger Students: Color paper candle rings for upcoming Christmas service.
Older Students:Write words, add symbols, and color paper candle rings for upcoming Christmas services.
Heart Agreementsdescribe ways we show respect for one another. We agree to have:
Gentle Hands
Open Hearts
Walking Feet
Listening ears
Kind Words
Sacred Circle 11:00 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
Gather children in a circle for morning prayer.
Invite children to create an affirmation that describes how they feel today, for example: “My name is ______. I am ______.” Everyone affirms each child by saying, “(Name), the light in me sees the light in you.” Continue until all have been affirmed.
Centering Breathfor prayer: Breathe deeply through your heart.
Invite children to place their hands over their hearts. Breathe in goodness all around us and breathe out blessings to the world.
Affirmation(Say together):Christ’s Love Light shines in me!
Lesson Introduction: 11:10 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. Christ’s Love Light shines in me!
- Who loves you?
- How do you know they love you?
- Who do you love?
- How do you show others you love them?
- How can we spread love?
Today’s Story: Read aloud The Tiny Star(book are in the white tubs).
Discussion: The Tiny Star isa story about a little star named Starlet. She was very small, but those who loved her and believed in her encouraged her that she could do great things. Read the story aloud.
- Why was Starlet so unhappy? (She believed she was too small. She believed all the other stars outshone her.)
- Can you describe something scary that happened to Starlet? (She fell from the sky.)
- What happened to her when she saw the dark manger? (She lit it up with her bright rays of light.)
- How was Starlet different from all of the other stars? (She was the star that led the shepherds and 3 Wise Men to Bethlehem.)
- When have you done something special for someone else?
- How did doing something special for someone else make you feel?
More Discussion Questions for Older Children:
- Can you describe a time when others saw potential or a talent in you that you did not yet see?
- How can you share your Christ light with others?
- Is it ever hard to be loving to others?
- What do you do when you don’t feel like treating someone with love or respect?
Bible Verse: 11:20 – 11:30 a.m.
Younger Children: Read aloud “An Angel Brings Good News” from The Toddler Bible, pp. 220-223.
Older Children: Read aloud “Announcement to Mary” from Beautiful Bible Stories, pp. 206-211.
- Who was Mary? (The mother of Jesus)
- Why did an angel appear to her? (The angel told Mary she
would be Jesus’s mother.)
- How did Mary respond? (She said, “Yes.”)
- How was Mary like Starlet? (They both had important roles
to let the Christ love light shine in them. And so do we!)
Creative Expression: 11:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Make Tea Light Ornaments
Younger Children: Tealights, marker, pompoms, ribbon, glue
sticks (with assistance)
Younger Children: Tealights, marker, pompoms, ribbon, glue
sticks, googly eyes, felt
- Distribute 2 tea lights to each child.
- Use markers to create eyes and mouth.
- Add pompoms, sequins, etc. to decorate.
Decorate Christmas Service Candle Holders
Markers, crayons, glitter, glue sticks, sequins, foam stickers
- Write words, add symbols, and color paper candle rings
for upcoming Christmas services.
- Add special messages of love on the candle holders.
Closing Prayer/Circle: 11:50 a.m. – 11:55a.m.
Let’s pause quietly. We send thoughts of love to everyone in the world. (Pause)
God of Love, we feel the light of love in our hearts. Give us eyes to see the Light of Christ in one another. Help us be Light in the world. Amen!
Join everyone in the church for closing songs. We will return to classrooms after the blessing.
Teacher Reminders: Please HELP
- Encourage children to help tidy up the classroom.
- Remind parents and adults responsible for children to sign out before they take a child out the classroom.
- Return the teacher tub and all supplies to the Resource Room.