(306) 780-9291 or 780-9238

Summer Swim Clubs Sanction Application Guide

(Revised March 14, 2017)

Before the Meet:

  1. Develop Meet Information Package (this should be done 8-10 wks prior to date of meet). When developing your meet package be sure to use and follow the following documents: Summer Swimming Technical Package and the

Swim Sask Meet Managers Guide. Both of these are on the Swim Sask website at: heading “Officials” then ‘Meet Hosting” thenscroll down to the heading Summer.

  1. Complete the Swim Sask Sanction Form for Summer Swim Clubs.
  1. Complete and sign the Pool Depth Declaration Form. This to be faxed toMarni Caldwell: (306) 585-1431 OR scanned emailed to Marni at:
  1. Sanction form to be completed electronically and emailed along with the Meet Information Package, no later than 5 weeks prior to your meet, to the Sanction Chairperson, Marni Caldwell: All documents must be sent to Marni as an MS Word document or a file type that is compatible with MS Word (i.e. rtf file type)

NOTE: Meet packages will not be sanctioned until the signed copy of the Pool Depth Declaration Form is


  1. Once the meet package has been approved and a Sanction Number has been given, the sanction chair will email it back to you. It will then also be posted on the Swim Sask website under the Summer Swimming Competition Schedule.
  1. After the meet is sanctioned you can then set it up in Hytek Meet Manager. Once you have it set up in Hytek Meet Manager, please export the “EVENTS for TM” file and send into Linda or I, for posting onto the website as well.

Meet packages should be completed so that they are sanctioned and posted approx. 4 - 6 weeks prior to the date of your meet.

NOTE:It is Swim Sask policy that all meet entries must be accompanied by the swimmer registration number. Entries received with no registration numbers will not be accepted.

After the Meet: The Meet Manager is responsible to ensure that all the following must be done within 14 days

upon completion of the meet:

1. Forward a copy of the completed Sanction Form, with appropriate meet assessment fees to Swim Sask.

The completed sanction form can be submitted electronically or via hard copy. Electronically to:

or hard copy to: Swim Saskatchewan Inc, 2205 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK S4P 0S4

2. Forward a copy of the Hytek Meet Manager Team Entry Fee Report or Team List Report to Swim Sask.

This can be sent either electronically or via hard copy.

3. Email the Meet Results for Team Manager file to Swim Sask Executive Director, Marj Walton at:

4. Ensure that all Summer Swimming Provincial Record applications have been completed and send them along with the

necessary paperwork/backup to the Records Chairperson, John Jundt

5. Send a list of officials, that actually worked, to the Summer Club Officials Coordinator: Scott Sundquist

636 2nd Ave. NE Swift Current, SK S0H 2E8 Email:

6. Remind the Referees to complete their required Referee Report and submit it to the necessary people,including yourself.

SUmmer swim club Sanction Application

This must be completed electronically & emailed to Sanction Chair as an MS Word document or a file type that is compatible with MS Word (i.e. rtf)

Description (check all appropriate items):

_____ Club Invitational _____ Dual/Tri Meet

Name of Meet:______Semi Finals _____ Class I Time Trial

Pool:______Provincial Finals _____ Class IITimeTrial

Host:______Meters_____ Yards

Meet Manager:______Short Course Meters (25 meter pool)

Address:______Long Course Meters (50 meter pool)

Postal Code:______Phone: ______APPLICANTS NAME:

Date(s):______DATE OF APPLICATION: ______

______Application Denied: _____

Referees:______Following changes requested: ______


Clubs Expected: ______



NOTE: Name of Meet Referees can be found on the website on the summer swimming competition schedule page.

Meet Assessment: meet manger to complete this section after hosting the meet. to be

completed and submitted to swim sask within 14 days after the meet.______

Summer Clubs: ______x $1.50 per swimmer a) =______

# of swimmers

Officials Education Fund: ______x $25.00 (to a max of $75)b) =______

# of days to max. of 3

Total cheque to be made payable to Swim Saskatchewan Inc. (a + b) = ______


  1. Forward a copy of this completed Sanction Form with appropriate meet assessment fees to Swim Sask at:

2205 Victoria Ave. Regina, SK S4P 0S4

  1. Forward a copy of the Hytek Meet Manager Team Entry Fee Report OR the Team List Report to Swim Sask.
  2. Email Hytek results file to Swim Sask Executive Director, Marj Walton at:
  3. Send a list of the officials that actually worked at the meet to Scott Sundquist at:
  4. Remind the referees to complete their required Referee Report and submit it to the necessary people,

including yourself.

(For Swim Sask use only:)

Date Received: SANCTION #

Date approved: aUTHORIZED BY: