Sample Test Questions – MGMT 300 Chapters 1 and 10


Multiple Choice/Fill in the Blank: 60-75% (25- 35 per test)

Essay/Case Question: 25 - 40% (2-3 per test)


Chapter 1:

1) All of the following are managers' resources EXCEPT:

a. / human resources.
b. / financial resources.
c. / physical resources.
d. / All are managers' resources.


2)The management function of ______involves influencing employees to work toward achieving objectives.

a. / Planning
b. / Organizing
c. / Leading
d. / Controlling


3) .The management function of ______involves establishing and implementing mechanisms to ensure that objectives are achieved.

a. / Planning
b. / Organizing
c. / Leading
d. / Controlling


4) A functional manager:

a. / coordinates employees from several functional departments to perform a task.
b. / supervises activities of several departments performing different activities.
c. / supervises activities such as operations, finance, marketing, and human resource management.
d. / supervises nonmanagement employees only.


5)In comparison to middle and first-line managers, top managers have a greater need for:

a. / a balance of three types of skills: (1) technical, (2) human and communication, and (3) conceptual and decision-making skills.
b. / technical skills.
c. / human and communication skills.
d. / conceptual and decision-making skills.


6) As global companies increase and minority populations continue to grow, ______become(s) more of a factor in business decisions.

a. / Leading
b. / diversity
c. / controlling
d. / technical issues


7) New “boundaryless” workplace networks suggest:

a. / business travelers do much of the networking for the organization.
b. / employees may not all be located at a single physical site.
c. / there is no clear distinction between who is in and outside the firm.
d. / both b and c


8) The president of NERCO Co. visualizes his company moving into a totally new market of golf equipment. This is an example of using which of the following types of management skills?

a. / technical
b. / human and communication
c. / conceptual and decision-making


9) Bright Co. is now in the process of analyzing how well each employee understood the concepts in their diversity program. Bright Co. is currently performing which of the following management functions?

a. / Planning
b. / Organizing
c. / Leading
d. / Controlling
e. / Nonmanagement


Chapter 10:

10) ______is/are a function of organizational context, group structure, group process, and group development stage.

a. / Group process dimensions
b. / Group performance
c. / Group cohesiveness
d. / none of the above


11) When discussing functional and cross-functional groups,:

a. / functional groups are vertical in structure, whereas cross-functional groups are horizontal.
b. / functional groups are horizontal in structure, whereas cross-functional groups are vertical.
c. / functional and cross-functional groups are both vertical in structure.
d. / functional and cross-functional groups are both horizontal in structure.


12) When group members do and say things to develop and sustain the group process, they are performing the ______group role.

a. / Task
b. / self-interest
c. / functional
d. / maintenance


13)Actions that help individual members but hurt the group exemplify ______roles.

a. / Task
b. / maintenance
c. / self-interest
d. / process


14)______roles involve members sustaining the group process.

a. / Task
b. / Maintenance
c. / Self-interest
d. / Process


15)Norms are:

a. / formally established by management or the group.
b. / the shared expectations developed by interaction, not management.
c. / the extent to which members stick together.
d. / the patterns of interactions that emerge as members perform their jobs.


16) The members of ______teams are physically located in different places but work together as a team.

a. / functional
b. / cross-functional
c. / informal
d. / Global virtual


17) At which stage of group development do members have concerns about the structure, leadership, and objectives of the group?

a. / Orientation (forming)
b. / Dissatisfaction (storming)
c. / Resolution (norming)
d. / Production (performing)


18)Empowering members of a team to take responsibility for performing the management functions while focusing on developing effective group structure, group process, and group development is a function of:

a. / team process.
b. / managers.
c. / team leaders.
d. / team members.


19) In contrast to other problem members, the silent member is:

a. / one who tends to change the subject.
b. / an unmotivated person who is preoccupied and may feel superior.
c. / one who loves conflict that does not help the group.
d. / a nonparticipant who may lack confidence or need encouragement.


20) Bill always plays the role of the peacemaker during departmental meetings where everybody always disagrees. Which of the following types of roles is Bill fulfilling?

a. / Task
b. / maintenance
c. / self-interest


21) The expected behavior of new employees at C & S Wholesalers is that new employees must be as fast and efficient as all other employees after three weeks on the job. Otherwise, the new employee will be criticized by group members to meet the expected level. Which dimension of the group process is being practiced?

a. / Roles
b. / Norms
c. / cohesiveness
d. / Status



In addition to these above test questions that are mostly from the book, there will be test questions on subjects that the Instructor covered in Lectures.


Mini-case on Group Dynamics.

Using the Group Behavior Model below, analyze a case study of a team work situation.

You could be provided with a SHORT case study that describes a team situation. You could be asked to identify where the team is not performing on the various dimensions listed above, describe why you believe the dimension applies and what the case individuals should do to change the situation (similar to our discussion of “The Team that Wasn’t”). The rationale (the why) will be important part of the grading, as well as mastery of the terms used in the Model that is applied.


In the current news story of Mervyn’s Department stores deciding to close all of its stores in Washington, identify the key stakeholders (at least 5 different groups) and explain impact on each stakeholder group. Mervyn’s is a discount type of store selling mostly clothing and some small appliances, housewares and decorative items. Mervyn’s plans to close 13 stores in Washington within the next year. These stores are mostly located in or near mid sized to large malls and are considered an “anchor tenant” in many of these malls. Approximately 800 employees will lose their jobs. Mervyn’s has stated that it is losing money in these stores in Washington.

Potential Answers;

1. Employees – WA employees will lose their jobs, however other Mervyn’s employees may have a better situation since losing money operations will be reduced, and the chance for Mervyn’s to grow in more profitable areas or increase sales in existing stores may increase, creating additional jobs.

2. Other Stores in Malls – if Mervyn’s is a store that draws customers to a mall location, this could reduce the volume of customers for other stores in the mall and hurt their business. If a stronger replacement tenant is found for the Mervyn’s store, this could increase traffic in the mall and for the various other stores, increasing volumes and sales.

3. Shareholders – presumably this will increase company profits in the long run, increasing dividends and share value.

4. Suppliers – Since Mervyn’s is reducing its number of stores and not relocaing them, this will reduce suppliers volumes sold to Mervyn’s. This could hurt some suppliers. (On the grand scale, losing 13 stores

5. Competitor Stores – Local competitors such as Target, KMart, local clothing stores, will benefit in the short run through the volume shifting to their stores. New competitors (such as Kohl’s) could decide to enter the market.

Some other potential stakeholders that could be discussed:

Customers (loss of shopping options, choices, convenience)

Advertising outlets (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.)

Mall Owners (loss of business generation and loss of percentage rent)

Local Communities (loss of jobs and loss of sales tax revenues)