Registered Charity No. 1093675

Chairman’s Report

It has been another good year for VISION 2020 UK as the UK Vision Strategy, the blueprint for the UK National Plan for Prevention of Blindness, continues to be implemented by enthusiastic members across the UK.

I believe that VISION 2020 UK plays a unique role in facilitating greater collaboration and co-operation between vision impairment organisations within the UK. It can achieve this through its neutrality and its membership that encompasses both the biggest and the smallest of organisations.

The UK Vision Strategy is the raison d'être for VISION 2020 UK. It has been enabled by the commitment and dedication of many, but in particular the leadership and financial input from RNIB. Anita Lightstone leads a dedicated and hardworking team.

This year has seen some great examples of collaborative efforts in implementing the strategy. The Vision 2010 Conference (held during the first National Eye Health Week) was probably the best yet. It saw our Conference having an international theme with Jan Keunen, Chairman of VISION 2020 Netherlands, speaking about similarities and initiatives relating to care of the elderly and, in particular, eye care in residential homes and centres for the elderly. The EPIC project continues to flourish with the second and third rounds of recruitment taking place. Awareness and access to GP surgeries will be improved for people with sensory loss and learning disabilities. There are many other examples across the UK led by active country vision strategy groups.

Once again I pay tribute to our VISION 2020 UK staff who work like Trojans! Mike Brace, Matt Broom, Laura Beaumont, Mary Bairstow and Margaret Alexander.

As uncertainties persist about the future of the NHS and the effect of cuts, it is more important than ever that we act as one to keep sight loss firmly in the sights of new commissioners and public health boards.

VISION 2020 UK is proud to be part of the global movement of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight. We take the responsibility seriously and have an important job to do that depends upon all our members working together for the greater good. To this end we will be making every effort to harmonise the governance and operational structure of VISION 2020 UK and the UK Vision Strategy to create one strong and effective team for the future.

Treasurer’s Report – 2010/11

The results for the financial year ending 31st March 2011 have like last year been better than expected. Although it was projected that we would end the year with expenditure exceeding income, the deficit of £9198 was less than that predicted.Having said that, it must be borne in mind that this is the second year we have seen expenditure exceed income.

Our total unrestricted income at £117930,whilst higher than the previous year, was due to the increases in income from the conference and from subscriptions. We were unsuccessful in raising funds through our part time fund raiser. On top of this bank interest dropped from £2309 to only £485 this year. Restricted income was related to grants for the EPIC project, the income of which was matched by the expenditure.

We are still actively looking at ways in which we can increase our income and with this in mind, we are exploring the possibility of corporate membership of Vision 2020 UK

The running costs of Vision 2020 UK continue to be extremely low at less than 10%. The succession planning undertaken to recruit an Operations Manager to coincide with the reduction in hours and then eventual retirement of the CEO, will be within the current salary allocation with a potential saving in 2012.

Vision 2020 UK assumed the co-ordination role for the National Eye Health Week which took place in June 2011. This involves receiving funds for the project and paying out for services for the week. This has VAT implications and we are looking at the advisability of registering for VAT and Vision 2020 UK becoming an incorporated charity.

Notwithstanding the continuing difficult financial outlook, there will be enough in our reserves to meet all liabilities and this is in line with our reserves policy.

The major part of our expenditure relates to the salaries for our employees and for additional secretarial help. They are as ever, the key not only to the overall success of Vision 2020 UK but also to our financial viability. We continue to be indebted to all our staff and Mike Brace, in particular, for his stewardship.