Robert Weatherley

Year Called:2011

Qualifications:LLB (hons) Warwick; LLM (University College London);

Middle Temple (Harmsworth Scholar)

Teams:Landlord & Tenant and Housing (Residential, Social, commercial) Chancery (Land) Crime & Regulatory (General Crime, Environment)

Inn Middle Temple

Practice Areas:

A robust and confident advocate, Robert is quickly establishing a successful practice at 12 College Place having completed a period of pupillage at these Chambers. Predominantly a civil law practitioner, Robert has held a teaching post at the University of Warwick, School of Law, since 2011 where he currently lectures. Although junior in age (and perhaps looks!), Robert is determined by nature and excels with young and vulnerable clients.

Residential and Social Housing

Robert accepts instruction in all residential and social housing related matters on behalf of both landlords and tenants. In addition to possession and demotion claims, ASBIs and now injunctions under Part 1 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, Robert has experience of advising and dealing with public and human rights defences to proceedings brought by Registered Providers of Social Housing and Local Authorities.

Robert is able to provide advicein relation to homelessness applications as well as on tenancy agreements, policies and procedures. He has experience of dealing with Judicial Review cases and has been instructed to appear in the High Court on behalf of tenants seeking to review the decision of a local authority who had failed to comply with their duties under Part VII of the Housing Act 1996.

Robert is able to assist with claims for disrepair and committals for breach of injunctions.

Commercial property

Robert advises on all matters relating to commercial leases from simple s.25 notices and forfeiture to dilapidation claims in the High Court. Most recently he was instructed to advise upon a technical defence to a high value (>£100,000) dilapidation claim on the basis of s.18 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927.


Robert advises on easements and restrictive covenants and is able to assist with issues surrounding rights of way, village greens and nuisance claims both in the form of opinions and at hearings. He has experience of advising local authorities in relation to their liability for flooding and liability for accidents occurring on their land.

Crime and Regulatory

Robert has a particular interest in environmental and regulatory crime. He has had extensive exposure to criminal work and has dealt with both trivial and more serious criminal matters – including more recently GBH and serious drugs offences.

12 College Place, Fauvelle Buildings, Southampton SO15 2FE

Tel: (023) 8032 0320 Fax: (023) 8032 0321