Name of the Project: M/s Ansal Housing and Construction Ltd.Commercial Colony Project at Village-Sihi, Sector-83, Gurgaon, Haryana

Project Code: 8(a)

Clearance LetterNo.: SEIAA/HR/2013/1059 dated 23rdOctober, 2013 attached as Annexure I.

Period of Compliance Report:October 2016 to March 2017

S. No. / Conditions / Status of Compliance
Construction Phase
1. / “Consent for Establish” shall be obtained from Haryana State Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before the start of any construction work at site. / Consent to establish for the project is obtained and the copy of NOC is attached as Annexure II. Construction has been started after obtaining CTE only. Till date 80 % of the construction has been completed. Recent site photographs are attached as Annexure XVIII.
2. / A first aid room as proposed in the project report shall be provided both during construction & operation phase of the project / First aid room is provided duringconstruction at thesite & facilities will also be provided during operation phase of the project.
3. / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open defecation by the labourers is strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities are provided for construction workers at the site.
Mobile toilets are provided at the site to prevent open defecation at site. Waste water is being disposed-off by septic tanks followed by soak pits. Solid waste is collected and segregated at site. Construction waste is re-used at the site for filling and leveling purpose at the site. Recyclable waste is sold to authorized vendors. Remaining waste generated during construction phase is disposed off at designated sites by HSPCB.
4. / All the top soil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site. / Top soil excavated is being stored in covered sheds and is being used for landscaping purpose.
5. / The project proponent shall ensure that the building material required during construction phase is properly stored within the project area and disposal of construction waste should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and should be disposed of after taking necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. / Construction material is stored under covered sheds during construction phase.
Construction waste is being collected, segregated and disposed off as per C & D and MSW Rules, 2016 and not causing any health hazard.
Construction waste is being re-used at the site for filling and leveling purpose at the site. Recyclable waste is being sold to authorized vendors at regular intervals. Remaining waste to be generated during construction phase disposed off at designated sites by HSPCB.
6. / Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous material, must not allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the HSPCB / Agreed, Construction waste is being collected, segregated and disposed off as per MSW Rules, 2016. Construction waste is being re-used at the site for filling and leveling purpose at the site later. Recyclable waste is being sold to authorized vendors at regular intervals. Remaining disposable waste generated during construction phase is disposed off at designated sites by HSPCB.
Site cleaning is done twice a day and waste is being segregated and disposed off daily to prevent contamination of soil or ground water.
7. / The Diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be of ultra low sulphur diesel type and should confirm to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. / Only Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel is being used in DG sets and DG sets provided at site confirms to standards laid by CPCB and Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards.
8. / The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken / Low SulphurDiesel stored for running DG sets is stored in HDPE tanks in isolated areas and is stored under permissible limits. Last time the DG sets were serviced on dated 21/06/2017 (125 KVA) and 04/02/2017 (25 KVA). And DG set of capacity 82.5 kVA is in standby.
9. / Ambient noise levels should confirm to the residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated residential standards / Noise is caused due to operating DG sets & plying of vehicles. DG sets are provided with acoustic enclosures. Honking is prohibited at the site.
Noise, ambient air & soil quality monitoring is carried out and will be done once in every six month. Lab analysis report for noise level, ambient air quality and soil quality is attached as Annexure III. Last time the DG sets were serviced on dated 21/06/2017 (125 KVA) and 04/02/2017 (25 KVA). And DG set of capacity 82.5 kVA is in standby.
Green belt has been provided along project boundary and along the roads to act as noise buffer and improve air quality.
10. / Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September 1999 and as amended on 27th August, 2003 / Fly ash bricks, fly ash cement and fly ash concrete is being used for construction purpose to the extent possible
11. / Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications should be ensured / Storm water drainage network is being developed at the project site for collecting storm water from roof, green area and paved area. Collected water is being used for ground water recharging through RWH pits
12. / Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices. / RMC is used for construction purpose. Water sprinklers are used for curing purpose. Concrete structures are covered by gunny bags before curing to retain moisture
13. / In view of the severe constrains in water supply augmentation in the region and sustainability of water resources, the developer will submit the NOC from CGWA specifying water extraction quantities and assurance from HUDA/utility provider indicating source of water supply and quantity of water with details of intended use of water-potable and non-potable. Assurance is required for both construction and operation stages separately. It shall be submitted to the SEIAA and RO, MoEF, Chandigarh before the start of construction / Source of water is HUDA supply. Permission from HUDA is attached as Annexure IV. It has been submitted to SEIAA.
14. / Roof should meet perspective requirement as per Energy Conservative Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material. / Insulation will be provided on roof as per Energy Conservative Building Code for reducing heating & cooling load. Roof & wall painted with white, heat reflecting paint to minimize heat absorption
15. / Opaque wall should meet perspective requirement as per Energy Conservation building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is desirable for non-air conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement / Walls are plastered both sides to reduce heat transfer. Insulation will be provided on roof as per Energy Conservative Building Code for reducing heating & cooling load. Roof & wall painted with white, heat reflecting paint to minimize heat absorption
16. / The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building on account of earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments etc. as per NBC including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be obtained from the competent Authority. / Project site lies in seismic zone IV and building is being constructed taking in consideration the structural safety as defined by NBC, 2005 for seismic zone IV area and structural approval from structure engineer is attached as Annexure V a.
Construction is being undertaken as per the approval has been obtained from Directorate of Town & Country planning for constructing the project. Copy of license is attached as Annexure Vb. Land documents are attached as Annexure V c.
No forest land is involved and NOC from forest department is attached as Annexure VI.
17. / Over exploited groundwater and impending severe shortage of water supply in the region requires the developer to redraw the water and energy conservation plan. Developer shall reduce the overall footprint of the proposed development. Project proponent shall incorporate water efficiency/savings measures as well as water reuse/recycling within 3 months and before start of construction to the SEIAA, Haryana and RO, MoEF, GOI, Chandigarh. / Source of water is HUDA supply and no ground water was extracted. Rain water harvesting is being carried out to harvest rain water and recharge ground water aquifers through rain water harvesting pit.
To reduce water consumption, water conservation fixtures are installed like flow meters, dual flushing/low flushing cisterns, sensor based taps in public toilets etc. Dual plumbing system is installed to re-use STP treated water for flushing, horticulture & cooling purpose.
18. / The project proponent as stated in proposal shall construct 1 rain water harvesting pit for recharging the ground water within the project premises. Rain water harvesting pit shall be designed to make provisions for silting chamber and removal of floating matter before entering harvesting pit. Maintenance budget and persons responsible for maintenance must be provided. Care shall also be taken that contaminated water do not enter any RWH pit / 1 No. RWH pit is being constructed at site to recharge collected rain water from project site. RWH pits are filter packed (sand, gravel, boulders and layer of activated carbon) and will be provided with de-silting chamber to arrest floating material and oil & grease trap. It is being ensured that water entering GW aquifer is free from any impurity. Also distance between RWH pit and STP is maintained to be minimum 30 m to prevent any contamination. Leak detection system will is installed to detect any leakage at the site.
19. / The project proponent shall provide for adequate fire safety measures and equipments as required by Haryana Fire service Act, 2009 and instructions issued by the local Authority/Directorate of fire from time to time. Further the project proponent shall take necessary permission regarding fire safety scheme/NOC from competent Authority as required / NOC has been obtained from Fire Department and is attached as Annexure VII. As per the direction of local fire department & NBC, 2005, firefighting system has been installed at the project site.
As per NBC proposed development falls under Group ‘A’ Building is proposed to be provided with fire protection arrangements such as wet riser with down commer, automatic sprinkler system in entire building, manual call points, automatic fire detection system in entire buildings, underground water storage tank, overhead water tank, fire pumps, potable fire extinguishers, exit signs, P.A. System, Yard Hydrants, Fireman’s lift grounding switch, cautionary notices in lifts & restricted areas in case of fire, display of fire evacuation plan, D.G. set, Compartmentalization (meeting NBC requirement, 2005-part IV) and fire control room from fire safety point of view.
20. / The project proponent shall obtain assurance from the DHBVN for supply of 1640 KW of power supply before the start of construction. In no case project will be operational solely on generators without any power supply from any external power utility. / Application has been submitted to DHBVN and copy of acknowledgement is attached as Annexure VIII.
DG sets are & will be used only during power failure (max 6 hours in a day)
21. / Detail calculation of power load and ultimate power load of the project shall be submitted to DHBVN under intimation to SEIAA, Haryana before the start of construction. Provision shall be made for electrical infrastructure in the project area. / Application has been submitted to DHBVN and copy of acknowledgement is attached as Annexure VIII.
22. / The project proponent shall not raise any construction in the natural land depression/nallah/water course and shall ensure that the natural flow from the nallah/water course is not obstructed. / No nallah, depression or water course is present at the project site
23. / The project proponent shall keep the plinth level of the building blocks sufficiently above the level of the approach road to the project as per prescribed by laws. Levels of the other areas in the projects shall also be kept suitably so as to avoid flooding. / Agreed, plinth level of the building blocks and other areas is kept above the level of the approach road to the project to prevent flooding.
24. / Construction shall be carried out so that density of population does not exceeds norms approved by Director General Town and Country Department Haryana / Population is calculated for the FSI as approved in the building plans approved by Director General Town and Country Department Haryana. The approved plans strictly adhere to the norms of development. Copy of approval is attached for reference as Annexure IX.
25. / The project proponent shall submit an affidavit with the declaration that ground water will not be used for construction and only treated water should be used for construction / Treated water from HUDA is being used for construction purpose at the site and ground water is not used.
26. / Compliance with safety procedures, norms and guidelines as outlined in National Building code 2005 shall be compulsorily ensured. / Measures are being taken to ensure safety of workers at the site. All workers are provided with personal protective equipment like helmet, gloves, gum boots, face mask & ear plugs. Safety officers are appointed to ensure that safety procedures are followed. Cautionary & guiding signage is provided at site and areas involving risks. Regular maintenance of construction equipment is carried out to prevent any failure and accidents. Building structure is being developed as per NBC norms, 2005
27 / The project proponent shall ensure that ECBC norms for composite climate zone are met. In particular building envelope, HVAC service, water heating, pumping, lighting and electrical infrastructure must meet ECBC norms / ECBC norms are being followed for designing building structure, selecting building envelope, material and lightning
28. / The Project proponent shall provide 3 meter high barricade around the project area, dust screen for every floor above the ground, proper sprinkling and covering of stored material to restrict dust and air pollution during construction / Project site is covered from all sides by 3 m barricade. Sprinkling of water is being done periodically to suppress dust generation.
29. / The project proponent shall construct a sedimentation basin in the lower level of the project site to trap pollutant and other wastes during rains. / Sedimentation basins are constructed to trap the silt and other waste during rains
30. / The project proponent shall provide proper Rasta of proper width and proper strength for each project before start of the construction / Proper rasta is provided of adequate width and strength before starting the construction.
31. / The Project proponent shall ensure that the U-value of the glass is less than 3.177 and maximum solar heat gain co-efficient is 0.25 for vertical fenestration / E-glass will be used for glazing of windows having U value in range of 3-3.1 & solar factor of 0.24.
32. / The project proponent shall adequately control construction dusts like silica dust, non-silica dust, and wood dust. Such dust shall not spread outside project premises. Project proponent shall provide respiratory protective equipment to all construction workers. / Coverings, paneling, doors and other such material are being used in shape, dimensions and form that minimize the creation of dust at the site. Water sprinkling is being done through sprinklers to suppress the dust at the site. Face mask are provided to the workers to prevent inhalation of any dust generated. Job rotation is practiced to prevent continuous exposure of one person to the dust. Site is covered from all sides.
33. / The project proponent shall provide one refuse area till 24 meter and one till 39 meter as per NBC. / Refuse area will be provide in accordance with NBC