Fairview Minor Hockey
Regular Board Meeting
September 28,2017
Fairplex Arena – 7:00pm
In Attendance:
Jamie Parliament Suzanne Hale Billi McDonald Emery Beaulieu
Kevin Lee Mich Landry Shaun Moskalyk Jake Rushton
Sarah Cox Nikki Halvorson Fenton Burns
Absent: Ken Thompson, Brett Dillman
Meeting Chair: Jamie Parliament Meeting Scribe: Sarah Cox
1)Call to order :
Meeting was called to order by Jamie Parliament at 7:02
2)Adoption of Previous Minutes:
Adoption of the meeting minutes from September 28, 2017 meeting.
Motion: Mich Landrymoved to accept the minutes of September 11 ,2017 as presented. Seconded by Jake Rushton. All in favor. Carried
3)Approval of Agenda:
Adoption of the agenda as provided
Motion: Shaun Moskalyk moved to accept the agenda as provided. Seconded by Jake Rushton. All in favor - Carried
4)Business arising from Previous Minutes
5) Executive Reports:
a)Treasurer Report ( Emery Beaulieu)
We have a few unpaid players. Emery will be in charge of contacting them to get payment.
We have $100,000 in our ATB savings account.
As of yet we have not received any big ice bills.
Fairview Minor Hockey received a donation of $1,000 in Memory of Wallace Gillet. We will approach the family
to see where they would like to see it used. We would like to see a picture and plaque go up in memory of
all his contributions to Fairview Minor Hockey.
Emery will be going in to set up online banking at the ATB.
All teams need to leave $100 in account after season is completed.
Motion to accept Treasurer Report made by Jake Rushton. Seconded by Fenton Burns. All in Favor. Carried
b)Ice Coordinator (Suzanne)
We need to stop coaches from talking to Ged about ice time. All ice bookings must go through Suzanne.
Motion to accept Ice Coordinator report made by Emery Beaulieu. Seconded by Fenton Burns. All in favor.
c)Registrar (Belinda)
Fairview Minor Hockey teams have already received a couple fines. Teams need to make sure roster is
in to All Peace Hockey.
Motioned to accept Registrar report made by Nikki Halvorson Seconded by Sarah Cox. Carried.
d)Equipment Manager (Kevin)
New goalie helmet
e) Referee Coordinator (Fenton)
We have been getting a few complaints from arena staff about refs being on ice when zamboni is out. Arena staff'
needs to make sure they are on time.
The refs have already been having trouble with abuse from some of the coaches.
Need to look into a fine against them when they do this. We are already having a hard time getting refs.
Bigger sign on ref door that it is for Refs only. Everyone else must stay out. Especially coaches and managers.
They have had all the water stolen from their fridge. Refs need to make sure they lock the door when not in
Suspensions need to go to Ref Coordinator before games so he can make sure they are not trying to play.
Motion to accept Referee Coordinator report made by Shaun Moskalyk. Seconded by Mich Landry. All in favor
f)Coach Coordinator (Mich)
Rob Dawson will be coming Friday November 10,2017 to help with coaches.
Motion to accept Coach Coordinator report made by Nikki Halvorson. Seconded by Emery Beaulieu.
All in favor. Carried.
g) League Coordinator
We have already been served with a couple fines.
Managers need to have home game sheets entered and sent to commissioner within 24 hrs of game
Spirit River Midgets that are playing on our midget team would like to use their Ranger jersey's for games
played over there. League has said no as they are registered as a Fairview team.
For games played in Spirit River we will try and use their refs first so we don't have to pay for travel.
Send money with team to pay refs.
Motion to accept League Coordinator report made by Fenton Burns. Seconded by Billi McDonald. All in favor
h) Non League Coordinator
Novice would like it to be looked at to pay for home tournament games if they do not get the games they are
allotted. This will have to be brought up and voted for at the AGM.
Novice needs to have set ice times before the league scheduling meeting. They are having a hard time finding teams
to play as everyone else has a full schedule already.
Motion to accept Non League Coordinator report by Billi McDonald. Seconded by Kevin Lee. All in Favor
i) Fundraising Coordinator (Nikki)
We ended up with 33 players in our Novice 4 on 4. We made approximately $700
Sheila Landry ( Bookkeeper) has deposited $5,000 from raffle tickets and cash calendars.
We are looking at new ideas for more fundraisers. The bottle Depot has agreed to take in bottles
and keep track of who drops them off. This can be used to be taken off bond.
Managers need to let parents know the proper procedure for making complaints. There needs to be written request
after 24 hrs and then it can be brought to board at next meeting. Parents need to stop going to Nikki's house to
We still have the skills expo in January to help with the bonds as well.
Nikki Halvorson Makes a motion to do a $20,000 cash calendar. It will begin selling in January with the draw to be
made in March. seconded by Fenton Burns. All in Favor. Carried.
Motion to accept Fundraising report made by Shaun Moskalyk. Seconded by Fenton Burns. All in favor. Carried.
j) Goalie Coordinator ( Brett)
. No Report
k) Secretary (Sarah)
No Report
l)Vice President (Jamie)
Went to tiering meeting. All Peace Hockey League president has quit. Will be getting new president.
Motion to accept Vice President report made by Billi McDonald. Seconded by Nikki Halvorson. All in favor.
m) President (Ken)
No Report
6)New Business
6.1 AJHL Speaker Series
Mich Landry makes a motion for FMH to pay for coaches to be able to attend the AJHL Speaker Series in Grande
Prairie. Hosted by the Grande Prairie Storm. Seconded by Shaun Moskalyk. All in favor. Carried.
7)Next Meeting
Next meeting will be scheduled for Monday December 4, 2017 at 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:26