Old Salopian Day

Saturday 3rd October 2015

Programme of Events and Booking Form

Dear Old Salopian,

This insert contains a booking form for Old Salopian Day on Saturday 3rd October. If you would like to attend Old Salopian Day, please return your form, by Friday 11th September and indicate the events in which you wish to participate.

All generations of Salopians are most welcome at Old Salopian Day which this year will centre around the opening of the new academic block, between Oldham’s and Ridgemount, just before lunch. Children’s activities will be taking place throughout the day, including multi-sport coaching by our qualified sports staff. Please advise us of numbers and ages. After lunch there will be a lecture on “Rowing the Atlantic” given by Alexander Bland (Rt 2000-2005), but please note that places for this are limited and will need to be booked on the attached form. There will also be an opportunity to watch a number of Old Salopian football teams play the School. Tenebrae, the acclaimed professional choir managed by OS Henry Southern, will be performing in the Chapel 7.30pm. Tickets will shortly be available from the School.

This insert contains a form where you can update your personal or professional details for our database. (If you know that we already have this information, there is no need to return the form). We currently have e-mail addresses for just over half of Club members. If you do not receive my bi-monthly e-newsletters, it means that we do not have your current e-mail address.

We trust you will enjoy reading about the exploits of Old Salopians in this edition of the magazine. The editorial team is always delighted to receive news of what Old Salopians are up to, whether it is about family, career, hobbies or adventures, so please keep this coming. A section for updating this information can be found overleaf. News items are published either in the Salopian magazine or on the Salopian Club website or both. High resolution photos linked to your story are also welcome. Please could I draw your attention to our Facebook and LinkedIn Groups and invite you to consider joining them if you have not already done so?

To help you to keep in touch with your fellow Old Salopians and to comply with data protection requirements, we request that you consider ‘opting-in’ to sharing your address details with other members of the Salopian Club. The Club will not share your data with any external party.

We very much hope to see you at a Salopian event in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Jenkins, Director, Salopian Club 01743 280 891

Old Salopian Day, 3rd October 2015 – Booking Form

Time / Event / Venue / Please
Indicate numbers
adults / children
number / boy/girl / age
11.00 am / Coffee/tea available until 12 noon / Quod
12.00 noon / Chapel Service / Chapel
12.30 – 1.30 pm / Opening of the new academic block and reception / Hodgson Hall
12.30 – 1.45 pm / Children’s activities / Sports Hall
1.45 – 3.00 pm / Buffet lunch (no charge) / Kingsland Hall
3.30 – 4.15 pm / Lecture: Rowing the Atlantic – Alexander Bland (Rt 2000 - 2005) / Hodgson Hall
3.30 – 5.00 pm / Children’s activities / Sports Hall
4.15 – 5.15 pm / Houses open
Ancient Library and Art School open / Various
4.30 pm / Sabrina Rowing Club AGM / Yale Boathouse
5pm / Tea / Quod
Name: / House: / Date Left Shrewsbury:
Name(s) of guest(s): / I would like to sit with/near (people, House or group) at lunch:

Please indicate any special dietary requirements

(e.g. vegetarian/gluten-free etc.):

Return address: Please return this form either by post to: The Salopian Club, The Schools, Shrewsbury, SY3 7BA

or electronically to:

(An electronic copy is available to download at: http://www.shrewsbury.org.uk/page/os-events-0)

Update information

Please use this form to notify the Salopian Club of any changes to your details and to let us know your news. Alternatively you can send any updates to our email address:

I wish to opt-in to sharing my details with other Old Salopians:

I would prefer to receive an electronic (pdf) copy of the Salopian magazine in future:

Career Update:

Your news:

Family news (engagements, marriages, births, hobbies, charities, professional success etc.):

Other news, including news of Old Salopians you are in contact with:

Please return this form either by post to: The Salopian Club, The Schools, Shrewsbury, SY3 7BA

or electronically to: