National Career Development Month Activities

NCD Week: November 10th-14thNCD Day: November 12th

American Ed. Week: November 16th-22nd

NCDM Poster/Poetry Contest: Students will compose poems or create posters developing the theme: “Celebrating First Jobs through Encore Careers.”(Theme explanation: describe a first job.)

Advertisement will be executed through flyers posted in classes as well as encouraged through ELA and Art classes.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each category. The prizes are a surprise!

DATES:November 10th—Introduce

November 21st—Entries Due

December 3rd—Individual winners announced

Career Facts on Announcements:Short 1-2 sentence facts about careers in 2020 and the various career clusters will be made over the morning announcementsthroughout the month. Facts will also be posted on the bulletin board outside of Guidance and on theGTCHS website.

Careers & Content Areas: Students will be exposed to the variety of career options available in each subject area through posters. Posters will be posted either on classroom doors or inside the classroom.

Date: Nov. 10th-14th

Look Who Went to College!: Teachers will post outside their doors their college alma mater (i.e. pendant, logo, etc.) and any pictures of activities that you were involved in (or you can just put a list of your activities).

This activity serves dually for Career Development Month and American Education Week, and it prepares students for the next activity, Teachers on Teaching.

Date: Nov. 17th-19th

Teachers on Teaching: Teachers will conduct a short presentation (about 5 minutes) regarding why those chose and continue to choose to be a teacher.

Presentation should include:

  • What it takes to be a teacher
  • Interests, skills, and values that led you to identify teaching a career
  • Positive experience/mentor that helped you make that decision
  • Why you became a teacher and why you continue to be a teacher

Date: Nov. 20th

School College Day:Teachers and studentscan wear t-shirt or sweatshirt from their higher education institution. Jeans allowed. T-shirts/sweatshirts must be in decent/modest condition; no signs of wear.

Additionally, teachers will conduct a student-driven discussion including the following topics:

  • The qualities of a good teacher and student
  • Why should students go on to higher education?
  • Which type of school is better for each student?
  • How the teacher choose their particular college

This activity coordinates with American Education Week and the Teachers on Teaching activity (11/20).

Date:Nov. 24th

Career Board: Career board on the main hallway will highlight Government & Public Administration for Veteran’s Day and Education & Training for Am. Ed. Week.

Date: Nov. 10th-14th Government & Public Administration

Nov. 17th-21st Education & Training

Career Assessment:9th graders will complete their annual career assessment, taking the SCOIS Interest Profiler, through Global Studies 1 classes.

Date:Nov. 21st, 24th, and 25th