Title: Finding Waldo

Author: Ken and David Smith

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 9.2 / Points 15

220 Pages / Word Count: 63,828

1.  Darwood’s grandpa was a ---.(21)

a. Actor / b. Missionary / c. Preacher / d. Teacher

2.  The Little Rascals program was often about ---. (42)

a. Girls / b. Money / c. Food / d. All of these

3.  The parents of the child actors ----. (63)

a. Helped each other’s kids with their parts
b. Let jealousy and hostility build bitter words and looks
c. Never stayed at the studio while the kids were performing
d. Try to do their best in school

4.  Many things done on the program were teaching them to ----. (70)

a. Get along with each other / b. Take things that weren’t theirs
c. Trust in God / d. Try to do their best in school

5.  Darwood’s family didn’t spend a lot of money on toys because ---. (93)

a. Fans gave lots of stuff to them / b. He didn’t have much time to play
c. He was good at stealing things / d. They got stuff made with Little Rascals on it

6.  When they went performing at county fairs, Waldo’s mother started ----. (96-98)

a. Drinking heavily / b. Flirting with Alfalfa’s dad
c. Getting sick / d. Learning how to dance

7.  Hal Roach sold the franchise because -----. (116)

a. It was costing more and more to do business
b. The big companies would only sell films as a package deal
c. People were wanting longer films
d. All of these

8.  In the film industry ---- to black actors. (123, 127)

a. Actors were friendly but scripts were demeaning
b. Gave much lower wages
c. Gave the best seats at awards night
d. All of these

9.  Waldo saw Tony walk away from a fight because he was ---. (178)

a. A Christian / b. Afraid / c. High on drugs / d. None of these

10.  Waldo was reluctant to join the church because he was ---. (192,193)

a. Making a lot of money in movies / b. Worried what his parents would think
c. Both a and b / d. None of these
Correct Answers / 1 -C , 2 -d , 3 -b , 4 -b , 5 -d , 6 -b , 7 -d , 8-a , 9 -a , 10 -c