Hayward, Stewart, Phillips, Norris, & Lovell 1
At-a-Glance Test Review: Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)
Name of Test: Test of Early Literacy (TOPEL)Author(s): Lonigan, C., Wagner, R., Torgesen, J., & Rashotte, C.
Publisher/Year (Please provide original copyearight as well as dates of revisions): not published yet
Forms: No Alternate Forms
Age Range: 3 - 5 years
Norming Sample:
Total Number: 842
Number and Age: 212 (3 year olds); 313 (4 year olds); 317 (5 year olds)
Location: 2 states – 4 major US geographical areas to represent U.S. whole (TOPEL closely approximates the U.S. population). The manual provides details.
Demographics: not stated
Rural/Urban: not stated
SES: not stated
Other (Please Specify):
Summary Prepared By (Name and Date): Denyse Hayward (15 January 2007)
Purpose of Test: Three purposes are identified: 1. identify children who are likely to have problems learning to read and write; 2. document progress in early literacy related skills as a result for intervention; and 3. measure early literacy skills in research studies.
Theoretical Model: The key skills that are measured are precursors to learning to read and write; oral language, phonological awareness & print knowledge are cornerstones to learning to read & write. Early identification and intervention would prevent many reading problems. The National Reading Report identifies three basic problems: lack of understanding of alphabetic principle; lack of verbal knowledge for comprehension of written text; and motivation to read.
Areas Tested: Oral Language (Vocabulary); Print Knowledge (Environmental Print, Alphabet); Phonological Awareness (Blending, Elision,); Writing – claimed but not tested.
Who Can Administer: Early school educators, special educators, psychologists, and other diagnosticians may administer this test.
Administration Time: The administration time is 30 minutes (total test) for 96 total items.
Test Administration : The authors recommend five trial administrations before using this test. It contains picture book style items that child must respond to. Three subtests: Print Knowledge (36 items); Definitional Vocabulary (35 items); Phonological Awareness (27 items) are included.
Test Interpretation: Kids who score above average (> 110) are not likely to have problems learning to read and write. Kids who score in the average range (90 – 110) perform like most kids their age. Kids who score below average (< 90) are below developmental the trajectory that predicts success in learning to read and write.
Age equivalent scores Grade equivalent scores Percentiles Standard scores Stanines Other (Early Literacy Index –Composite of Three Subtests)
Internal consistency of items: The entire sample the 3 age groups (3-, 4-, and 5 year olds) was used. Coefficient alphas all round were reported to be .90 or above (range .86 to .96) for subtests and composite scores.
Test-retest: 45 kids from North Dakota were tested twice within a two week time period.
Inter-rater: Reliability was reported above .90 (range .96 - .98) for all subtest and composite scores.
Content: Research indicated that the 3 areas assessed in TOPEL (Print Knowledge, Definitional Vocabulary, and Phonological Awareness) provided unique aspects of early literacy important to predicting later reading skills.
Criterion Prediction Validity: The authors examined the correlations between TOPEL means and standard deviations with TERA. All but one correlation was large or very large.
Construct Identification Validity: Age differentiation, gender and ethnicity, and language skills were examined.
Differential Item Functioning: TOPEL mean scores were within average range for all groups, but Hispanic-American Bilingual homes performed below average.
Clinical/Diagnostic Usefulness: The usefulness of TOPEL is questionable because tasks are too complex. This test does not measure what it claims to measure.
Lonigan, C., Wagner, R., Torgeson, J., & Rashotte, C. (2007). Test of preschool early literacy. Greenville, SC: Super Duper Publications.
To cite this document:
Hayward, D. V., Stewart, G. E., Phillips, L. M., Norris, S. P., & Lovell, M. A. (2008). At-a-glance test review: Test of preschool early literacy (TOPEL). Language, Phonological Awareness, and Reading Test Directory (pp. 1-2). Edmonton, AB: Canadian Centre for Research on Literacy. Retrieved [insert date] from http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/elementaryed/ccrl.cfm.