5 September 2012

1913 Ontario Regiment Army Cadet Corps

Support Committee

Chairperson: Vice Chairperson:

Ms Julie ConeronMs. Deb Clarke

SecretaryQuarter Master/Supply Officer

Mrs. Liz CarrollMr. Jean Moreau

Recruiting/Orienteering: Recruiting/Orienteering Assistant

Mr. Peter NorthcottMr. Nick Goody

Canteen Managers

Ms. Liz CarrollMrs. Anne DeSousa

Tag Day Committee


As announced late last year, the Parents Committee has developed an infrastructure to allow involved parents to participate in areas that are of particular interest to them or where they have specific skills or networking opportunities to contribute.

Sponsor/sponsoring committees are community level organizations that coordinate community support for Cadets. Their exact make up varies and can include interested parents, community members, service clubs, town councils and corporations.

They are responsible for providing suitable accommodations for cadet training and activities, promoting the Cadet Program to the community, fundraising, and managing funds for activities that the Canadian Forces does not financially support.

The 1913 Cadets all benefit from the co-operative involvement of the parents and other sponsors. Civilian committees such as the Parents Committee support your cadet unit by funding extra activities such as cultural tours (Quebec’s 400th Anniversary trip in June 2008, Wales trip expected in 2012), by assisting with administrative support to the unit, and by promoting the Cadet Program in your community.


Parents are also encouraged to participate in fundraising to cover those costs not covered by the Department of National Defence/Canadian Forces or league support.

The sponsoring committee may ask for donations to reduce the requirement for fundraising. Such donations may be tax deductible.

During the fiscal year 2010/2011, the parents committee for the 1913 Cadets achieved the fundraising goals through both the participation of many parents and donations from sponsors in the community. The same is hoped for in 2011/2012, but it takes many hands to make light work!

In the coming year, we look forward to even higher levels of participation from BOTH cadets and parents, in a variety of ways.

Please watch for opportunities that suit your individual situations as parents.

Thank you, on behalf of fellow/sister committee members, and from your sons and daughters.

CV Ms. Julie Coneron