Minutes of the Meeting held on Saturday 3rd December 2016


Mike Howie (MH) Chairman / Kamal Bahia (KB)
Practice Manager / Dr Xanthe Phillips (XP)
Burdwood SurgeryPartner
Angela Lee (AL)
Patient Services Manager / Jackie Gill (Secretary
Elizabeth Setchell (ES) / Daphne Washbrook (DW) / Jean Andrews (JA)
Glenn Peters (GP) / Ray Buckland (RB) / Alan Morley (AL)
Dorothy Hind (DH) / Sean Chaplin (SC) / Peter Shepherd (PS)



MH - introduced everyone and welcomed new member Sean Chaplin to the meeting.

Previous Minutes:

KB – Wished to update everyone regarding the query from JA at the previous meeting and distributed email received from NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit.

MH – Asked what the protocol would be if you were taken ill abroad.

KB – We would not be informed suggested keep any documentation given whilst abroad and give copies to Surgery on return.

MH - Machines still not working.

KB - On 18th October it was fixed but it only lasted 10 minutes. We have extended for another month but at the moment it has been escalated. Will keep you posted as problems with VISION.

Surgery Updates – (KB)

KB introduced XP to the meeting and welcomed her as the new Partner to the Practice.

PH retirement information circulated and patients should now have been notified, we have a settling period for people to change. We now have a new Administrator, Sheila Harper and a new Receptionist is starting in January. New Phlebotomist being trained at the moment.

GP – How are we doing with Flu?

XP – Doing well with the over 65’s but struggling with the children. At risk and the 3 and 4 year olds not on target at the moment. We are sending txts again and will keep trying.

KB – Passed around new BP Monitoring Form and asked for feedback. She explained they are for people who have to monitor their BP at home. Usually a more accurate reading. We do have machines available to borrow. British Heart Foundation accredited machines are recommended.

Pre-op Care Leaflets were also discussed, these should be handed to the patient at the point of referral, the idea was brought forward by the CCG.

GP – Questioned the wording regarding the weight and BMI as he thought was confusing.

BSB to be the PPG GP for this coming year.

Meeting Dates for 2017 – MH

Discussed dates for meetings for next year and AGM. New table attached.

Notified members that there is now an email available for the Chairman and is also on the website for patients to email him direct.

Newsletter – MH

Draft has been drawn up but need to get this sorted in the new year.

A sub-committee to be set up to complete Newsletter which should include personal stories, healthy living and what is available.

PH – Responsibilities start with you, could be a good heading for a piece.

Sub-committee volunteers were asked for and a meeting set up for Saturday 21st January.

Patient Panel Updates - RB

Parking at RBH no resolution at the moment. Discussions around Healthwatch. Making excellent progress on fundraising for WBCH new unit using ‘Peggu’s Story’ which can be found on utube. They are getting a CT scanner by April.

Healthwatch – email from Patient Panel – Erica Tipton

To share data, concerned about the data they were asking for. Healthwatch for people to go with a complaint. Wanted PPG to share complaint information. Unusual request. PP – Healthwatch at the meeting.

Discussion with regards to this.

MH – To respond to PP and Healthwatch a refusal to share out information.


PS – Writes books and uses the Surgery for some of his characters. When you see people come in they have an attitude but when leaving they are different. Was wondering if a volunteer from PPG to monitor patients as they leave to see if the patients are happy with the way they have been treated.

KB – January Meeting – discuss Patient Survery.

Discussion regarding patients and the Surgery.

DH – Healthwatch biggest complaint 8am calls for appointments not just in our Surgery.

KB – Need to be constantly moving forward. Raising population Thatcham Medical Practice have said they cannot take any further patients. Now have a grant to try and improve things. Asking for a Public Meeting regarding developments.

Discussion regarding services and funding and whether the PPG can do anything to help.


This is also an AGM Meeting

Saturday 12th November 2016
Saturday 26th November 2016
Saturday 3rd December 2016
Saturday 17th December 2016
Saturday 7th January 2017
Saturday 21st January 2017
Saturday 4th February 2017
Saturday 4th March 2017

Saturday Surgery Dates

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