Test 3.2 Review

Solving Equations and Distributive Property

  1. An equation is modeled below. Write the equation and solve for the value of y.
  1. A model of an equation is shown below. What is the value of f?
  1. The equation w + 9 = 5w + 5 is modeled below. Which value of w makes the equation true?

A w = -4

B w = 1

C w= 5

D w = 14

  1. An equation is modeled below. Write the equation and solve forx.
  1. Abby and Skyler both collect stamps. Abby has 10 stamps and collects four new stamps every week. Skyler has 60 stamps and collects 2 new stamps every week. After how many weeks will Abby and Skyler have the same number of stamps?
  1. Logan and Jean Karlo are both saving up money to buy mountain bikes. Logan has $50 and will save $10 every week. Jean Karlo has $15 and will save $15 every week. After how many weeks will Logan and Jean Karlohave the same amount of money?
  1. Use the model to write the equation and solve for the variable.

Hint: The shaded ones are negative values.

  1. Draw a picture to model the equation 4x + 8 = 9x + 3 and solve for x.
  1. The sum of one-half a number and 7 is twice the number minus 5. Write the equation and solve for x.

Use the scenario below to answer questions #10-12.

Maggie and Melany own a local business together and are about to give gifts to their employees for the holiday season. They have purchased small gifts for their front office staff, and large gifts for their personal assistants.

  • Maggie purchased 4 large gifts and 2 small gifts.
  • Melany purchased 1 large gift and 20 small gifts.
  • Each small gift costs $10
  • Each large gift costs an equal amount of money to each other.
  1. Draw a picture to model an equation if Melany and Maggie spent the same amount of money.
  1. How much did they spend on the large gift item?
  1. How much did each person spend?
  1. Malcom walks 10 blocks across a field to get to school from his house, as show below. How many more blocks would Malcom have to walk from his house to school if a fence was built around the field and he had to use the sidewalk to walk around?

In #14-16, determine if the following numbers form a right triangle.

  1. 5cm, 13cm, 12cm
  1. 78in, 72in, 30 in
  1. 15ft, 10ft, 20ft

Use the table below to answer questions 17-19.Prices listed are per person.

Company / Cost
Skis for You / $48 plus $5 an hour
Ski Right / $28 plus $15 hour

17.Your family is going snow skiing over Christmas break and you are trying to decide which company to rent the snow skis from. How much will it cost to rent skis for 6 hours from each company?

Skis for You ______

Ski Right ______

18.How much money would your family save, per person, if you rent from Skis for You?


19.After hour many hours do the companies charge the same amount?


20. Luke needs $104 to buy the bike he wants. He saves $8 a week. Write and solve an equation to find the number of weeks it will take to have the money to buy the bike.

Equation ______

Solution (# of weeks) ______

21. Chelsea’s Chains charges $6 to rent a helmet plus $7 per hour. Cynthia’s Cycles charges $3 to rent a helmet plus $8 per hour. For what number of miles do both companies charge the same amount?

22. Which situation can be represented by

the equation

100 – 2x = 140 – 6x?

ATank A has 100 gallons of water and gains 2 gallons per hour. Tank B has 140 gallons and gains 6 gallons per hour. When will the tanks have the same amount of water?

BTank A has 100 gallons of water and loses 2 gallons per hour. Tank B has 140 gallons and loses 6 gallons per hour. When will the tanks have the same amount of water?

CTank A has 100 gallons of water and gains 2 gallons per hour. Tank B has 140 gallons and gains 6 gallons per hour. When will Tank A have more water than Tank B?

DTank A has 100 gallons of water and loses 2 gallons per hour. Tank B has 140 gallons and loses 6 gallons per hour. When will Tank A have more water than Tank B?

Use the distributive property to solve each equation below.

23. –8(n – 5) = –2(-4n + 12)

24. 7(3k + 8) = 4(5k – 1)

25. Howard is 14 years old. This is 8 years younger than his sister Sabrina. Write and solve an equation to find Sabrina’sage.

Represent each statement as an equation.

27. Negative 5 times the difference

of a number and 3 is 9.

28.6 pies more than three times the amount Faith baked yesterday is 27.

29. The product of 8 and a number, c, is 12

less than twice the number, c. Find the


26. The table below shows the number of books that 4 students bought at the book store, along with other purchases they made. Sawyer and Collin spent the same amount. If each book costs the same amount, write an equation to determine the cost of each book.

Student / # of books / Other purchases
Sawyer / 5 / $35
Michelle / 6 / $42
Collin / 4 / $40
Erica / 3 / $24

30. Devin has saved $725 for a new drum

set and lessons. His drum set costs

$475, and drum lessons are $25 per

hour. Determine how many hours of

lessons he can afford. (Set up and solve

the equation)

31. Your bill for the music plan on your

phone cost you $109.74 last year.

The plan charged you $10.99 for a yearly

fee and then $0.79 per song. Write and

solve an equation to determine the

number of songs you downloaded for the


32. Gaby’s Gym charges a yearly fee of $75

plus $12.50 per session for a personal

trainer. A new fitness center charges a

yearly fee of $100 plus $10 per session

with a trainer. For how many sessions is

the cost of the two plans the same?

(Write and solve the equation)