Recycling and waste management sub group

PDR, Penbryn, Wednesday, 6 February, 10.30am

Present: Alan Stephens (AS), Diane Jones (DJ), Joan Rowlands (JR), Jenny Mace (JM),
Neil Weston (NW), Andrew Walker (AW)
Apologies: Roger Matthews, James Brasington
In attendance: Hâf Lewis (HL)
3.0 / Minutes of the last meeting
Noted: Point 3.1 “NW reported that a review of AU farms has been superseded by the news of the IGER transfer to AU.” - NW reported that the farms review still stands, but has been modified by the news of the IGER transfer. As a result of which, the farms will now increase in area.
3.1 / Matters arising
Point 4.2 –Noted: JM reported that the Guild would be interested in hosting/assisting with hosting a freecycle site. However, having spoken to a representative of freecycle, this would not be possible as their websites have to be hosted by an individual rather than an organisation or group. AS suggested that an e-mail shot could be carried out to all students advising them of the current freecycle website for Aberystwyth and encouraging them to use it. This could be supported by posters issued by the Guild/JM. Action: JM to speak to the Guild regarding this suggestion
Point 4.12 – Noted: A container for recycling batteries has been provided
Point 4.13 – Noted: JM has met and discussed the lilac bags issue for Brynderw residents with Eleri Thomas. This issue has now been resolved.
Point 6.2 Noted: DJ reported that a copy of AU’s questionnaire for base knowledge was forwarded to Bangor before the Christmas vacation. No further communications have been made since then.
Point 9.5 – Noted: AS reported that lilac bags were provided for Freshers Fair. Feedback has been positive. AS further reported that, following a request, 25 bags have been forwarded to Johnny Sweet of People & Planet. No feedback has been received as yet. Action: AS to chase a response.
Point 9.6 – Action: HL to contact John Pearson regarding take up on recycled paper
Point 9.8 – Action: JM to forward information of Go Green Campaign to AW / JM
4.0 / Progress Report on Recycling Issues
AS tabled a progress report on recycling issues, October 2007 – January 2008.
Report Point 3 – Noted: AS reported that a Tetrapak recycling bank is sited at the COOP on the Waun.
Report Point 8 – Noted: AS reported that ARC are keen to provide recycling collection services at IGER once the transfer to AU is complete.
Report Point 9 – Noted: AS tabled a battery recycling container for the information of the Group. It is proposed for the batteries to be disposed of via Rabbitt Recycling based in Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire. AS reported that he is discussing with the Local Authority the possibility of disposing of the batteries locally. He further reported that battery banks will be provided on each floor of the Hugh Owen Library, and in both Physical Sciences and Computer Sciences departments. AS asked the members of the Group to contact him with suggestions for any further locations for battery banks.
Report Point 13 – Noted: For the information of the Group, AS reported that CRAFT came first in the Green category of the Barclays Aber First Awards, with AU receiving a Highly Commended certificate.
5.0 / Update on the Rocket Composter
AS tabled a bagged example of compost produced by the Rocket Composter. Noted: The mix is 50/50 waste/woodchip which is very useable as mulch but not so much as compost unless allowed to mature. Noted: AS further reported that when green woodchip is used as a mulch, it leeches nitrogen from the soil and requires the laying of a fertilizer on the soil beforehand. However, with the woodchip having been put through the composter, it is hoped that this will no longer be necessary. Action: AS asked NW to take a sample of the mixture for analysis. Noted: AS reported that the amount of compost being produced is approximately 1 full 1100litre wheely bin per week. The compost taken from the machine will be transferred to Llanbadarn campus where it will be stored in bunkers to mature before use. / NW
6.0 / Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Noted: AS reported that AU is able to recycle computer equipment, and that white goods are disposed of via the Local Authority. However, there is no system in place for the disposal of and possible recycling of other electrical items such as kettles, toasters, microwaves, lab equipment etc. The Local Authority does not offer this service.
Resolved: The Group was asked to consider this issue and report back at the next meeting. / ALL
7.0 / Waste Vegetable Oil as Fuel
Noted: With the exception of the Arts Centre, all catering units at AU use vegetable oil which results in an amount of waste vegetable oil which has to be disposed of. AS estimated that in Penbryn alone, approximately 60 litres of waste vegetable oil is being produced per week, with an estimated 20% being unusable due to water content and solids. Using micro filters, it would be possible to produce oil which could be mixed with diesel for use in University vehicles. Depending on weather conditions, the mix would contain 10%-30% of used vegetable oil to diesel. (AS tabled a sample of the oil) Noted: AW reported that Newport University has bought a bio diesel processor. This method would be extremely costly and would also involve difficulties in terms of location of the plant and storage and use of the chemicals required to run the plant. AW reported that, initially, the blending system would be better for AU.
Resolved: The Group decided that a trial should be carried out on University tractors and Grounds vehicles, with a preference to using the mixture in vehicles that use White diesel as this will be more cost effective. Action: AW to discuss this issue with the Grounds staff, NW to discuss this issue with IRS. / AS/NW
8.0 / The Sunday Times Best Green Awards
Noted: AW reported that entry to the Best Green Awards requires payment of an entry fee and also requires that 50% - 60% of all AU employees complete a questionnaire. It was agreed that this would not be cost effective.
Noted: AW asked the Group whether they were aware of the annual UAC Green Gown Awards. Action: DJ reported that she would discuss this issue with Nigel Owen and would report back at the next meeting. / DJ
9.0 / Any Other Business
9.1 Quantifying Recycling vs Waste
Noted: AW asked whether it would be possible to quantify the amount of recycling vs waste at AU. Noted: AS reported that it is very difficult to quantify waste. A trial is currently ongoing to measure/compare waste vs lilac bags. Action: Results of this will be reported at the next meeting. Action: JR reported that she can compare the amount of blue tags used at the Arts Centre prior to the installation of the Rocket composter and after, and will feedback this information at the next meeting.
9.2 Wastewise Launch
Noted: DJ reported that the official launch of Wastewise at AU will take place on 26 February. Further details will be circulated to members of the Group nearer to the date. / AS
10.0 / Date and time of next meeting
4 June 2008 at 10.30am to be held in the PDR, Penbryn
Minutes compiled by HL
Circulation: All present and absent with apologies plus Mr Hugh McConochie.

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