Attachment I

Los Angeles County Workforce Development, Aging & Community Services


January 2017 – June 2017

Instructions: Training plans are limited to the agency allocation for Adult and Dislocated Worker High Growth Training and for Youth Training as illustrated in Attachment II. Plans should include information on training institutions and commitments to hire participants. Plans should also reflect trainings thatinclude basic skills development to address any skills deficiencies. Please complete all areas as indicated below:

AJCC or Youth Provider Name

Executive Summary

The summary should provide a description of what the WIOA funds budgeted for High Growth Sector training will pay for and include sufficient detail for each and every training initiative (who, what, when, where) to permit a clear understanding of the nature of the programs, target populations, and target industries:

For your agency’s available High Growth Training allocation, as listed in attachment #2, indicate the total participants to be trained:

AdultDislocated Worker Youth

Identify Industry Sector (Check all that apply):

☐Construction Industries ☐ Select Manufacturing (fashion, aerospace, analytical instruments,

pharmaceuticals, medical devices, bioscience) ☐Trade and Logistics ☐Entertainment and Infotech

☐Health Services ☐Leisure and Hospitality

Identify TrainingProvider(Check all that apply):

☐Training institution by private sector☐Community Colleges☐Adult School

☐Regional Occupation Program School☐Unified School District

Identify Type of Training (Check all that apply):

☐Occupational Skills Training☐On-the-Job Training

☐Workplace Training (including cooperative education programs)

☐Training Programs Operated by the Private Sector☐Skills Upgrading and Retraining

☐Entrepreneurial Training☐Job Readiness Training ☐Adult Education and Literacy Activities

☐Registered Apprenticeship☐Pre-Apprenticeship

Identify Occupation(s)

Please provide a summary of theoccupationsidentified for each training:

Identify Training Institution(s) and Program(s)(Institutions and programs must be on I-TRAIN andETPL for ITAs)

Please provide a summary of the training institutions and programs utilized for High Growth Sector trainings. The summary should also include the training type and cost per participant:

Identify Employer(s)(Please include letters of commitment)

Please provide a summary of the employers that are committed to hire your training participants:

Provide budget(s) for training(Budget should not include administrative or other non-training costs. Funds should only be those used for training. Please include plans to leverage funds, if applicable).

Comments (for returned plans only):

High Growth Training PlanPage 1