Kazan State University for Architecture and Engineering

Казанский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет


SCHOOL OF Architecture, Computing and Engineering

BSc Building Design

Student Handbook

Academic Year 2015/16

Table of Contents
















APPENDIX A Academic Calendar

APPENDIX B List of useful web pages

APPENDIX C Student Attendance Policy – Guidance for students

APPENDIX D Terms of Reference for Programme Committee

APPENDIX E Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism

APPENDIX F Health and Safety

Introduction / Welcome from the Rector

Dear Student,

Your UK undergraduate programme is taught within KSUAE and is a programme validated by the University of East London, UK. We welcome you at the start of what we hope will be a challenging and rewarding future with us.

We would like to take the opportunity to introduce our new partner institution to you: The University of East London is an internationally renowned University which just like KSUAE strives to achieve the highest possible standard of academic excellence. It is an institution with 23,000 students of 120 different nationalities, and offers over 250 academic programmes. Apart from being one of the UK’s most diverse and fastest growing universities, UEL is a global learning community with internationally recognised research. We are most confident that our collaboration with UEL will yield significant academic benefits both for KSUAE as a Higher Education Institution, and of course for the students who will enrol in one of our validated collaborative programmes.

We are confident that you have made the right choice to continue your lifelong learning journey with KSUAE. We promise to make your time here with us a most enriching educational experience for you.

At KSUAE, we aim to provide our students with a holistic education to develop them into well-rounded individuals who excel both academically and in non-academic areas such as leadership abilities, entrepreneurship spiritedness, and social and personal development and growth.

Every course at KSUAE is designed to equip you with the right skills, knowledge and expertise for your chosen career path. It will challenge your mindset and originality in resolving issues and to look at problems from a different perspective.

Besides ensuring the consistently high academic standards of our programmes, our full-time curriculum is innovative, flexible and rigorous, allowing students greater flexibility in planning and managing their study schedule, by combining both classroom taught mode and e-Learning. This enables students to incorporate some co-curricular activities into their schedule, in order for them to enhance their physiological and social well-being, as well as to network with other fellow students.

In short, the aim is to groom wholesome, multi-faceted and multi-talented individuals, with a global perspective. This is the world-class education which KSUAE promises to deliver.

Your education at KSUAE is only the beginning of an exciting chapter of your learning journey, which you are, no doubt, eager to embark on.

Once again, we warmly welcome you to the KSUAE family and wish you all the best in your pursuits here.


Rector Prof. Rashit Nizamov


A special place on the list of the Double Degree Programs KSUAE-UEL takes Building Design Programme which serves the universal specialists on the BSc Building Design such as Engineers-Architects who receive professional architectural and engineering skills with the knowledge of structural design at the same time.

Building Design is an integrated part of architectural design and engineering. It provides a general understanding of design process included all specific aspects in architectural design, construction, engineering, services and management.

According to the global urbanization and increase of urban development, there is a expanding the activities of state and private engineering offices which activate the search for new forms and structures, architectural styles and construction technologies. Therefore, Engineer-Architect as a universal specialist with dual professional competence takes a perspective and relevant position.

Building Design Programme provides wild range knowledge and skills in architectural and construction design which allows a high professional development and opportunities for the graduate students:

-  work as an Engineer-Architect at the state or private project offices;

-  carry out the entire projects on building design from the concept level to working and construction phase with preparation a total number of surveying, project documentation and engineering calculations;

-  manage the project process and work of architects and engineers teams as a Project Leader in Architectural Design or Constructive Design;

-  engage in research on interdisciplinary sciences of architectural, engineering and structural design;

-  do a professional activity and work as an Engineer-Architect, or to be engaged into a project process separately as only an Engineer or an Architect.

Graduate students of Building Design Programme are in the high level on the labor market of the Republic of Tatarstan, the neighboring regions and republics in the Russian Federation. Demand for Engineer-Architect always exceeds supply and allow graduates to choose the best jobs.

Almost 100% of the graduates are employed. Most of the graduates of the specialty Building Design find jobs especially in the Republic of Tatarstan, but also in the neighboring regions (25%), Moscow and St. Petersburg (10%), and in the foreign countries (3%). About 7% of graduates do a practice by opening their own offices and provide work on architectural and constructive design. And 12% of graduates hold high posts as managers and chief architects of the cities and districts in the Republic of Tatartstan.

1.  Introduction to the Programme

Welcome to the BSc Building Design

If you are just starting at our University, everything will probably seem very new for a while, but in a few weeks you should be beginning to find your feet. If you find the going rather tough at first, remember, you are probably not the only one. Do seek help from your development tutor or any other member of staff with responsibility on the undergraduate programme. They will try to help you and, if appropriate, direct you to various other sources of help and support (see Section 8 on Student Support).

1.a. Programme duration and modes of study:

The three-year programme may be studied only full-time.

All lectures, seminars, laboratories and tutorials will be delivered by academic staff from KSUAE at Level 4, 5 and 6. Thus, the study at each Level 4, 5 and 6 will be passed in Russian Language with the exception of the Final Year Integrated Building Design Project at Level 6.

The Final Year Integrated Building Design Project at Level 6 should be written in English. Thus, the adequate level of spoken and written English has to be not lower than IELTS level 5.5 or equivalence to English Language B5.

Additional lectures in English language will be delivered by academic staff from UEL at Level 4, 5 and 6.

The programme also operates according to the Academic Framework. To get an Honours degree you must normally complete 10 modules (or 360 credits) of study, three at each of Levels 4, 5 and four at Level 6.

The year is not divided into two semesters as normally, in general we have one whole year semester; full-time students study three modules per semester at Level 4 and 5, and four modules at Level 6, normally completing their degree in three years. Any student may “intermit”, by suspending their studies for up to two years, if required.

In addition to the study, students of Level 4, 5 or 6 have a possibility to attend a two-week Summer School on the basis of UEL in London (UK).

1.b. The aims and objectives of the BSc Building Design are to:

The main aim of the programme is to provide an education in the scientific principles and methods of Building Design.

To train architects-engineers to a level that will enable them to function effectively in industry

To provide a knowledge and understanding of current theories and developments in Building Studies

To enhance their understanding of the design and management processes relevant to Building Design

To encourage critical awareness and understanding of other professionals in the construction industry

To contribute to the development of the Engineer as an important professional in society and the built environment

To allow progression in career and educational development giving opportunities to study for a postgraduate Masters degree.

1.c. BSc Building Design Learning outcomes:


·  Physical characteristics of the substrates used in building and construction

·  Relevant history, philosophy and context

·  Different methods for conducting work in construction and the built environment

Thinking skills

·  Analysis of complex situations

·  Integration of information from different sources

·  Problem definition and problem solving

Subject-Based Practical skills

·  Drawing and representing objects and concepts ideas

·  Surveying and planning

·  Testing material and concept

Skills for life and work (general skills)

·  Team based working

·  High Level computing skills

·  Dealing with conflicting demands on time and resource

Programme structure diagram:

Building Design Level 4
EV4131 / Architectural Skills – Graphics, Design and Painting / 60 / 4 Core
EV4132 / Mathematics and Physics / 30 / 4 Core
EV4133 / History and Theory of Architecture / 30 / 4 Core
Building Design Level 5
EV5131 / Advanced Architectural Skills – Design, Composition and Modeling / 30 / 5 Core
EV5132 / Mechanics of Structures and Soil / 30 / 5 Core
EV5133 / Construction Materials and Methods / 60 / 5 Core
Building Design Level 6
EV6131 / Architectural Design and Construction of High Rise Residential Buildings and Complexes / 30 / 6 Core
EV6132 / Architectural Design and Construction of Large Public Buildings / 30 / 6 Core
EV6133 / Building Science and Environmental Building Services / 30 / 6 Core
EV6134 / Final Year Integrated Building Design Project / 30 / 6 Core

N.B. For the BSc Building Design programme listed above

In order to gain an honours degree you will need to obtain 480 credits including:

A minimum of 120 credits at level four or higher

A minimum of 120 credits at level five or higher

A minimum of 120 credits at level six or higher

In order to gain an ordinary degree you will need to obtain a minimum of 300 credits including:

A minimum of 120 credits at level four or higher

A minimum of 120 credits at level five or higher

A minimum of 60 credits at level six or higher

In order to gain a Diploma of Higher Education you will need to obtain:

At least 240 credits including a minimum of 120 credits at level three or higher and 120 credits at level four or higher

In order to gain a Certificate of Higher Education you will need to obtain:

120 credits at level four or higher.

In order to gain an Associate Certificate you will need to obtain:

A minimum of 30 credits at level four or higher.

Design of the Programme

The design and content of the Building Design undergraduate programme has been determined by a number of considerations.

a)  to meet the national Benchmark Standards for Architecture and Civil engineering and the requirements of the National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (see www.qaa.ac.uk for details).

b)  To meet the UEL Academic Framework Modular Regulations and other university policies (www.uel.ac.uk/academicframework).

c)  To reflect the research and professional interests of the staff. The options on offer are taught by staff who are specialists in those areas. In this way, you will be exposed to up to date research and also gain awareness of professional practice.

d)  To build up your knowledge and extend your skills as you go through the years. Each Year/Level of the programme draws on and expands material presented at earlier stages. You will be expected to tackle more specialist topics and in more breadth and depth, to develop more critical evaluation and analysis of material, to begin to integrate material across modules, to rely less on basic text books and to read more original material, and to work more independently, with less guidance.

e)  To offer opportunities for you to develop career and work related skills. Certain modules are specifically designed to help you with this but all modules offer opportunities for practice and development

Programme specification

The programme specifications provide detailed information about our undergraduate BSc Building Design programmes and can be found at the following weblinks -

Programme summary for BSc (Hons) Building Design:


2. Key staff and contact details

2. a: Academic Staff

Module Leader / E-mail
Dr. Mubarakshina F.D. /
Arch. Agisheva S.T. /
Kuznetsova L.M. /
Dr. Shakirsyanov F.R. /
Dr. Radaykin O.V. /
Prof. Kupriyanov V.N. /

2. b: Administrative Staff

Olga Poroshenko – Administrator /
Sufiya Agisheva – Programme Leader, Personal Development Tutor /

Personal Development Tutors

The role of a Personal development tutor is to provide academic guidance and pastoral support to named students for the duration of the programme who have been allocated as Development Tutees.

These responsibilities will be carried out through the following activities:

·  Maintaining contact with the student, through regular meetings twice a semester;

·  Providing support and guidance at other times on request;

·  Monitoring and discussing students' academic progress and ensuring appropriate advice and referral is given as necessary;

·  Liaising with Module Leaders about attendance, progress and performance of Tutees.

Module Leaders

A tutor who leads and organises a particular module(s) of study and assures the quality of the Module by:

·  Being responsible for the day-to-day management of the Module; Ensuring that all members of staff teaching the Module have a copy of the Module handbook.