NSTA Program Reviewer Application

NSTA recognizes programs that meet the 2003 NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Preparation. The program review process depends upon reviewers who volunteer their time to enhance the process of accreditation and enhance the field of science education. To ensure the quality of the review process, training is provided in conjunction with National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher.

The training to be a program reviewer is an initial training. Reviewers must attend all components of the initial reviewer training. There will be online reviewer update workshops. Individuals with science education experts that are faculty, graduate students, state accrediting employees or contractors and adjunct professors are encouraged to apply. Individuals literate in Spanish are also encouraged to apply.

Name Position




Phone (work) Phone (cell/home)

Years in Science Education

Will you teach a methods course for science education in this academic year? Yes or No

Are you employed at an institution that is accredited? Yes or No

Is your institution an NSTA recognized program? Yes or No

Have you written an NSTA program report for an institution? Yes or No

Have you reviewed for NSTA, NCATE, TEAC, CAEP or any other SPA? Yes or No If yes, please specify

By signing below, I agree that I will

Partake in NSTA Reviewer Training workshops online

Review for a minimum of 6 review cycles (twice a year for 3 years)

Attend NSTA updates (online 20 minutes) per review cycle

Be fair and consistent with my reviews

Complete my reviews in a timely manner

Work collaboratively in the review process

Maintain confidentiality of information and results

Respect that each institution owns its own assessments and assessment system

Date Signed

Please include a brief paragraph describing what you will gain from the experience and what experience you bring that enables you to evaluate science education programs.

Please return the signed form to: NSTA Accreditation Coordinator, Executive Office, 1840 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201.