Castleisland Parish

Sunday 12th January 2014

Priest: Fr Dan O’Riordan P.P.


Phone: 066-7141241

Priest on Weekend Duty:

Fr Pat Crean-Lynch

(087) 670 9491

Recently Deceased:

·  Mrs Patricia McElligott nee O’Donoghue, Castleview Drive. Reposing at Tangney’s Funeral Home on Saturday from 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Requiem Mass on Sunday 11.30am. Burial in Kilbannivane.

·  Catherine Doherty nee Mangan, Tottenham and Killarney Road.

·  John (Jack) Looney, Killarney and late of Glountane, Cordal.

·  David O'Connor, Dublin and late of Knocknagoshel.

Castleisland Mass Intentions:

Sat 11th Jan 6.15pm: Tommy McCarthy, 17 Desmond’s Avenue (A)

Sun 12th 11.30am: Requiem Mass for Mrs Patricia McElligott

Mon 13th 11.00am: Tom Cleary, Kilsarcon, Currow.

Mon 13th 7.00pm: Get Well Mass for all those we have been asked to pray for through the parish office.

Tue 14th 11.00am: Timmy Begley, Farranfore Village (Anniversary)

Tues 7.00pm: Anniversaries Mass

·  Bessie Geaney, 34 St Stephen’s Park

·  Tom McCarthy, 40 Main Street

·  Elizabeth O’Connor, Knockeen, Camp

·  Kathy Connor, Castleisland and Wexford

·  Katherine and David McAuliffe, Glounsharoon

·  Bridget Maher, Knockane

·  Jerh, Nora and Tom Sheehan, Tureencahill

·  Tim and Nora Kerrisk, College Road

·  Jack and Mai Buckley, Coolnageragh

Wed 15th 11.00am: Mass for peace in Syria

Thurs 16th 11.00am: Private Intention

Fri 17th 11.00am: Mike and Elizabeth Murphy, Direen

Fri 17th 7.00pm: Anniversaries Mass

·  Johnny Brosnan, Annabeg, Gneeveguilla

·  Kit and Tim Broderick, Brosna

·  John and Benjamin Brosnan, Knockreigh

·  Helen O’Connor, Castleisland and deceased O’Connor family members, Beaufort,

·  Con and Nora Shanahan, Knockardtry

·  Joseph and Catherine Sheehy, Killarney Road.

Sat 18th 6.15pm Vigil: Mary Connell, Powell’s Road and late of Laytown, Co. Meath (1st Anniversary)

Sun 19th 11.30am: Dermot Horan, Inch, Tullig and Tralee (Anniversary)

Cordal Mass Intentions:

Sun 12th 9.30am: Michael Murphy, Glountane (Anniversary)

Sun 19th 9.30am: Paddy Wrenn, Churchview, Cordal (Anniversary)

Scartaglen Mass Intentions:

Sun 12th 10.30am: Maurice Quinlan, Knockrour and London

(1st Anniversary)

Sun 19th 10.30am: John Joe Flynn, Knockrour West (1st Anniversary)

Scartaglen Rambling House at Heritage Centre. Monday 13th January at 8.30pm. Admission free, raffle and refreshments.

12th January 2014 Baptism of the Lord. “After their Baptism, Christians walk in newness of life, the life of the new creation, the life of the age to come” (Alan Richardson)

Is God calling you to be a Priest?

Contact Vocations Director. Fr. Liam Lovell Mobile: 087-1640967

Castleisland Community College Parent's Association wish to thank all those who contributed and volunteered so generously to their recent bag packing collection in Garvey's Super Valu.

Welcome to

Castleisland Parish Mission

23rd to 28thFebruary 2014

You are invited to help with our Parish Mission.

Meeting on Monday 20th January

At 7.30pm

Venue: the River Island Hotel

Please support your Parish Mission

Parish Office 066 7141241

Pyx: Please return unused Pyx to sacristan.

Open Evening and Enrolment for Presentation Secondary School, Castleisland for the 2014 – 2015 school year will take place in the school on Thursday 16th January from 5.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.

Active Retirement: resumes on Thursday 16th January in St. Bridget’s Hall at 3.00pm. Céad Míle Fáilte to all who would like to join us.

Castleisland Parish Choir wish to thank sincerely all who attended sponsored or supported in any way their Presentation of Christmas Carols on 22nd December. Two nominated charities will benefit to receipts of €1,495.00 donated.

Free Gardening Course on Monday 13th January from 10.00am to 12noon at Castleisland Community Garden, near An Riocht. 087 961 9351

This Sunday morning three people featured in the Castleisland Parish News Magazine will be on Horizons, Radio Kerry Sun mornings at 9.00am.

Ardfert Retreat Centre: Sat. 25th January 10.30 am - 5.00pm Day of Reflection with Brendan Comiskey SS.CC - "To be baptized is to be called by God into a special place …” Booking 066-7134276 email: will hold an Information session on Hearing loss on Friday January 10th at Enable Ireland, Edward Street, Tralee, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. There will be information about coping with loss of hearing, difficulties using hearing aids & the latest equipment to assist you in your daily life and information on our Tinnitus support service.

Please phone 064620052 or 0872723862 for an appointment. This is a Free & Confidential Service.

Castleisland and District Culture and Heritage Society lecture series will continue on January 14, 2014 at 7.30pm in St Patricks Boys Secondary School, when Christine Best, medical herbalist will deliver a very seasonal lecture entitled ‘Natural Winter Remedies and Detox’. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday/Sunday Collections last weekend amounted to: Envelope collections €3331.20 Offertory collections €982.30. Thank you for your generous support of the parish

Castleisland Parish Newsletter online: at

Cordal Coiste Na Nóg AGM: will take place at the Cordal Community Centre on Sunday 12th January at 6.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

Castleisland Parish News Magazine 2013

Now online at and click into Castleisland parish

Start your Sunday morning with Horizons on Radio Kerry at 9.00am Spread the word and spread the Christian message. If you feel there is someone with something to contribute to Horizons from your area contact: .

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Each Friday in Castleisland Parish Church (prayer room) from 11.30am to 6.45pm and Scartaglen Church: On Monday from 10.00am to 9.00pm.

Confessions in Castleisland Parish Church: will take place after the 11.00am Mass on Friday mornings and after the 6.15pm Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings.

Bereavement Group: Meeting 2nd Thursday of each month at NEKD building, near to An Riocht, from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Call 087 609 2618

19th January 2014.

World day for Migrants and Refugees.

“The test of a good preacher is that the congregation goes away saying NOT “What a lovely sermon” BUT “I will do something”

(St Francis de Sales)

Is God calling you to be a Priest?

Contact Vocations Director. Fr. Liam Lovell.

Mob; 087-1640967

26th January 2014.

Catholic Schools Week.

“No ray of light can shine if severed from its source; without my inner light – I lose my course” (Angelus Silesius)

Is God calling you to be a Priest?

Contact Vocations Director. Fr. Liam Lovell.

Mob; 087-1640967