Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Romauction Meeting 7:00 PM
Bell 1
Any Senior looking for part-time work, please see Sr. Jane in the Guidance Office.
Learn more about Dartmouth College on Sunday, October 4th at 4:00 PM at the Friends Central School in Wynnewood, PA.
Juniors and Seniors
Any junior and senior who speak Russian or Chinese fluently, please see Sister Jane in the Guidance Office as soon as possible.
The Admissions Office needs student volunteers for High School Nights at various grade schools in the area. This is an opportunity to gain service hours and help Roman with recruitment of new students. If interested see Mr. Gault in his office or e-mail him
ATTENTION SENIORS- Kairos forms for the first retreat(Oct 27-30) should be handed in by thisFriday, October 2nd. Forms can be picked up either at the Main Office or from one of the 5 leaders: Matt Anticoli, Andrew Banecker, Luke Doughty, Mike Notes, and Mothy Orange. Once filled out, please return the form to the Main Office or one of theleaders.
Any student who is interested in being the school mascot at our games and events, please see Mr. DiMartino in the Student Affairs Office.
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: All students should have received an envelope during homeroom last week with chances and a letter regarding this year’s mandatory fundraiser. This is linked to the $200 mandatory Fundraising Fee. Please ensure that you brought the envelope with the chances and letter home. If you did not receive the envelope and chances, please notify the Student Affairs Office immediately.
Chance Drive stubs are due in the Student Affairs Office by Friday, October 2, 2015.
Attention juniors and seniors NHS Application are available in the Student Affairs Office.
Candidates must have a cumulative G.P.A. of 90% to be considered for selection as a member of the Thomas E. Cahill chapter of the National Honor Society
Applications are due back to the Student Affairs Office by the end of 8th period on Friday, October 9th.
Our annual Homecoming Dance will take place on Saturday, October 10th. Information sheets and permission forms are available in the Student Affairs Office. Given that it takes a few days to acquire all the necessary signatures and complete the permission form, please pick up the form in the Student Affairs Office as soon as possible. All tickets need to be purchased by Tuesday, October 6th.
From the School Nurse: Stay Healthy
-Get a good night's sleep, 8 hours are recommended.
-Eat a good breakfast.
-Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds. Hand sanitizers are helpful but not effective against the Enterovirus D68 that has been spreading in other states.
-Keep hands away from the face as germs on your hands enter the body though the mouth nose or eyes.
-Cover your cough with tissue or sleeve. Discard tissue and wash your hands.
-Do not come to school if you are sick, vomiting, or have a fever of 100 degrees or higher for at least 24 hoursafter fever breaks and you have stopped taking fever reducing medication.
- Talk to your doctor about the need for the flu vaccine.
- All student's must have a written note from the teacher tovisit the health room. Emergencies are the only exception.
The Technology Club will hold its first meeting of the year after school onMonday, Oct. 5, in the library. All are welcome!
The world affairs club will have a brief but important organizational meeting today after eighth period in room 46. All returning members and new students interested in joining the club are asked to attend.
The first Aspira meeting for this school year will take place today in room 41 after school.
Varsity won 10-0 at O'Haraon Tuesdaynight.
Sophomore Kieran Flaherty scored a goal
Junior Matt Flanagan scored a goal and had 1 assist
Senior Captain Patrick Madgey scored a goal
Sophomore Jared Fielding scored a goal and had one assist
Freshman Jared Dillon scored 2 goals
Senior Andy DeNight scored 2 goals
Junior Brandon Milbourne scored 2 goals and had 1 assist
Senior Captain Nick Tarducci had 1 assist
Senior Captain Brandon Gutekunst had 1 assist
Senior Connor O'Brien had 1 assist
Freshman James Fallon had 1 assist
Senior Captain Mark Tobin had 2 saves for his 6 shutout of the season.
JV tied 3-3 at O'Hara
Freshman scored 1 goal
Junior Junnell Appel scored 1 goal
Sophomore Michael Kehan scored 1 goal
Wrestling will hold it's first preseason work outon Thursdayafter school. Bring work out clothes and running shoes and meet in the cafeteria after 8th. Anyone who is still interested in joining the team is welcome to attend. See Mr. Gault if you have any questions.
Volleyball Open Gymfor todayis cancelled. The next open gym isSaturday October 10th from 8-10 AMat Roman.
Attention novice rowers; Crew practice will resume after schooltoday at Crescent Boathouse.
The new October menu startson Friday! Two new specials-Spicy BBQ Chicken RolettoandAll American Rolettostart on the 12th. We also have our weekly Specials which are posted on the menu board. Any questions please ask John in the Cafeteria.
Dr. Bell- 1st period to Room 32
Mrs. Toman-Logan- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 6th and 7th to the class.
UPCOMING SCHEDULE - Thursday, October 1, 2015
Bell 1
Please remember to always check the online calendar for the latest information and updates on events