23 August 2017

Department of Biological Sciences

Appointed and Elected Committee Members and Charges1

Chair: Malcolm Frisbie

2017 - 2018Academic Year

Promotion and Tenure [committee elects chair] – Elected Committee

Sherry Harrel(2nd year of 2-year term)

Rebekah Waikel(2nd year of 2-year term)

Amy Braccia(1st year of 2-year term)

Jennifer Koslow(1styear of 2-year term)

Steve Sumithran(1st year of 2-year term)

Suzanne Byrd(Alternate; 1-year term)

Examine and make recommendations concerning:

  1. Year-2 through 5 annual evaluations of tenure-track faculty: Valerie Peters (3), Luke Dodd (4),Lindsay Calderon (5).
  2. Applications for tenure:Brad Ruhfel, Oliver Oakley.
  3. Applications for promotion for any who choose to apply.
  4. Continuation of non-tenure-track lecturers, Ken Blank, Barbara Davis, Max Ezin, Brian Hoven, Lisa Middleton, Marcia Watkins, and Andrew Wigginton.
  5. Evaluate and rank all sabbatical leave applications.
  6. Receive and evaluate all faculty annual ranking system forms and scores received from the Annual Faculty Review Committee and send final scores to the chair 1 week prior to the deadline dateby which the Chair must provide these to the Dean or by Feb 1, whichever comes first.

(See College Calendar and Department documents for deadlines and due dates)

Space Facilities and Equipment [committee elects chair] – Elected Committee

David Hayes(2ndyear of 2-year term)

Oliver Oakley(2ndyear of 2-year term)

Ken Blank(1styear of 2-year term)

David Brown(1styear of 2-year term)

Rebekah Waikel(1st year of 2-year term)

Tim Weckmanex officio

Examine and make recommendations to the full faculty concerning

  1. Proposals for spending of department portion of grant indirect funds (F&A Budget) on research and unspent course fees budget on instruction needs
  2. Allocate current or newly acquired facilities, as necessary
  3. Research space in the department
  4. Vehicle needs and use
  5. Greenhouse space (if deemed necessary by the Greenhouse Committee or department chair)
  6. Vivarium (if deemed necessary by the Animal Care Committee or department chair)
  7. Proposals submitted to the committee by individual faculty members or groups of faculty for reallocation or other changes in use of space based on needs and potential benefits (e.g., newly funded grant needs, new research initiatives, improvements in instruction, improved services, etc.)

D.Create and prioritize equipment list for new and replacement equipment to be purchased with funds from the NSB project.

Third Year Review Committee [committee elects chair] – Elected Committee

David Hayes(1st year of 2-year term)

Stephen Richter(1st year of 2-year term)

Bill Staddon(1st year of 1-year term)

Chuck Elliott(Alternate; 1-year term)

A.Review and write a report declaring “concur” or “do not concur” for any faculty member who receives an assessment (by the chair) of “below standards” for teaching, scholarly/creative activities, service, or overall, following university policy.

B.Review the department’s policies, procedures, and forms involved with yearly reporting of professional activities. Make recommendations to the department for streamlining the reporting and review process of yearly activities.


David Brown, Chair

Suzanne Byrd

Lindsay Calderon

Marcia Pierce

Brad Ruhfel

Andy Wigginton

A. Plan, in conjunction with the chair, Curriculum Committee, and others as needed, a day-long work session for the annual Assurance of Learning Day (29 September 2017):

1.get input and finalize an agenda

2.plan workflow and facilitation of the meeting to ensure efficient and effective use of time to result in identifiable outcomes

3.make all arrangements with the assistance of the office staff

4.run the event

B.Set date for Fall picnic; help coordinate volunteers; shield Barbara from doing too much.

C. Plan a fall and/or spring retreat, as needed

D.Plan for recruiting events including Celebration of Science Week, Spotlights, new recruiting and retention initiatives

E.Meet to discuss and bring forward new ideas for moving the department forward.

F.Advise the chair on matters of department planning and administration.

Faculty Annual Review

Chuck Elliott - Chair

Bill Staddon

Stephen Sumithran

Brad Kraemer

Valerie Peters

A.complete the scoring of tenured and tenure-track faculty Annual Faculty Ranking System forms for each faculty member by the prescribed deadline in fall semester

1.Collect the self-scored, completed Annual Faculty Ranking System forms and documentation from all tenured and tenure-track faculty

2.Review the forms and scores submitted, and recommend/justify any adjustments needed to make scores equitable among faculty members to the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee and Department Chair

3.Provide the adjusted scores and report to the P&T Committee and Chair 2 weeks prior to any deadline by which the Chair must report the findings to the Dean or by the last day of regular classes in the fall semester, whichever is first.


Amy Braccia– Representative to the COS Curriculum Committee

Luke Dodd

Brad Kraemer

Lisa Middleton

Stephen Richter

Rebekah Waikel

A. Review all curriculum proposals and changes submitted, bringing each forward to the department faculty with a recommendation, and passing on to the college committee when approved by the full faculty, in that order.

B. Review all new Bio 599/799 and 802 (topics) course syllabi (in-house) and recommend to the Department Chair for approval/disapproval.

C.Review and update the pattern (semester, year) of course offerings at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

D.Review and recommend to the faculty (in conjunction with the Planning Committee and AOL/retreat activities) revisions to departmental curricula including:

1.Course alignment among core courses (BIO 111, 112, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, and 495);

2.Distribution of content among departmental course offerings (i.e., Are there redundancies in our courses? Holes in our offerings? Areas that should be reduced or eliminated? Areas that should be added?);

3.Infusing courses with new methods that promote higher-order thinking.

Graduate Affairs

Oliver Oakley, Chair

Lindsay Calderon (1st year of 2-year term)

Valerie Peters (1st year of 2-year term)

Cy Mott (2nd year of 2-year term)

Stephen Richter (2ndyear of 2-year term)

Graduate Student Representative: ______(elected by graduate students)

A. Review graduate program policies and procedures to ensure efficient operation and clear communication, with attention to:

1.Advisors (requirement to have one, eligibility to be one);

2.Establishment of a deadline for admission to the program;

3.Reviewing/revising departmental forms associated with the graduate program to ensure efficient and timely communication among faculty, students, and administration (e.g., forms for mentor acceptance, thesis committee, thesis proposal defense, thesis defense, etc.);

4.Reviewing/revising procedures for notifying applicants of admissions decisions, making GA appointments in a more timely manner, and securing the commitment of GA awardees.

B.As per graduate affairs committee document:(a) Evaluate applicants for our graduate program, and (b)Rank applicants for Graduate Assistantships

C.Develop and implement measures to recruit quality applicants

D. Review GA teaching and service assignments:

  1. Are GA teaching assignments equitable and reasonable in terms of workload for GAs?
  2. Are GA service assignments equitable among GAs; the best use of resources for the department?

E. Organize and run the Grad Student Orientation Session in August before the semester begins.


Jennifer Koslow, Chair

Brad Ruhfel

Pat Calie

Valerie Peters

Tim Weckman, ex officio

A.Create policies and procedures for utilizing the new greenhouse, including:

  1. For the allocation of space;
  2. Establishing expectations for care of plants in the greenhouse;
  3. Pest management;
  4. Fees/cost recovery to allow continued operation of the facility.

B. Monitor, approve/disapprove, and prioritize use of the greenhouse.


Brad Kraemer, Chair

Chuck Elliott

Cy Mott

Oliver Oakley

Tim Weckman, ex officio

A.Establish policies and procedures governing the use of the vivarium to include:

  1. Allocation of space;
  2. Operating protocols to ensure maintenance of pest- and disease-free areas for lab-bred animals;
  3. Operating protocols to allow use of the facility for work with wild-caught animals.

B.Make recommendations to the department for usage fees/cost recovery to allow continued operation of the facility.

C.Make recommendations to the department concerning staffing needs and duties to ensure safe and humane treatment of animals in the facility.

Honors and Awards

Suzanne Byrd, Chair

Max Ezin

Marcia Pierce

Stephen Sumithran

Rebekah Waikel

Marcia Watkins

A. Seek applicants and nominations for all department student honors by 15 February and oversee the final selection process at a faculty meeting before March 1.

B. Recommend student nominees for college and university awards in a timely manner.

C. During fall semester, create and maintain a display (bulletin board or display case) advertising all awards, eligibility requirements, and procedures for application and selection, including the availability of a handout and applications, and to coordinate these activities with the department's web manager.

D. Plan and run the annual awards ceremony, to occur in April, including the notification of recipients and grant award administrators, creation of certificates and nameplates as appropriate.

E. Update and verify names and year of award of all past award recipients and to file a corrected copy of the list of past and current recipients with the department chair and the department web master.

Seminars and Speakers

Luke Dodd, Chair

Lindsay Calderon

Sherry Harrel

Brian Hoven

Valerie Peters

A. Develop a list of Graduate Seminar Series Speakers by the 3rd week of each semester, working closely with the graduate seminar course (BIO 890) course coordinator (usually the committee chair) to identify and invite guest speakers for graduate seminar and other special seminar events.

B. Examine and make recommendations concerning improved advertising, promotion, and attendance of all department seminars with emphasis on improving and maintaining faculty and student attendance.

Biological Collections

Brad Ruhfel, Chair

Amy Braccia

Luke Dodd

Sherry Harrel

David Hayes

Cy Mott

Gary Ritchison

Review and recommend actions to increase the visibility and use of the department’s teaching and research collections, including:

A.increasing the integration of collection activities and specimens into courses;

B.furthering and coordinating among collections digitization and archival efforts;

C.identifying funding possibilities and creating grant proposals to support collections-related activities;

D.leveraging the department’s collections for publicity, including presenting open houses, seeking volunteer help, and creating brochures and posters.

Ad hoc Committees

Department Staffing Needs

David Brown, Chair

Sherry Harrel

Jennifer Koslow

Marcia Pierce

Brad Ruhfel

Bill Staddon

A.Review duties of departmental administration and staff as presently configured. Make recommendations for realignment of duties to increase the efficiency of administrative and support functions.

B.Identify functions that could be increased or augmented, with recommendations of how to achieve a greater level of support for faculty, staff, and the mission of the department.

Other Department Service Positions

Department Recorder: Lindsay Calderon

Graduate Program Coordinator: Oliver Oakley (3rd year of 3-yr term)

Undergraduate Advising Coordinator: Stephen Sumithran

Cooperative Education Coordinator: Stephen Sumithran

Strategic Planning Coordinator: Stephen Sumithran

Department Web Page Coordinator: Jennifer Koslow

Teaching Pedagogy Faculty Leader: Bill Staddon

Molecular Biology Society: Rebekah Waikel advisor/______President/______VP

Phi Sigma: Bill Staddon andLindsay Calderon co-advisors; /______, President

Wildlife Society: Charles Elliott and David Brown, co-advisor/ Hunter Loyall, President

Biology Organization of Grad Students – Stephen Richter,Advisor; Kaitie Kelly, President

Department Safety Officer: Marcia Pierce

Department Constitution Review Coordinator: Chuck Elliott

Departmental Representatives to College Committees

COS Promotion and Tenure

Bill Staddon

Marcia Pierce, alternate

COS Strategic Planning and Budget

Oliver Oakley

Rebekah Waikel, alternate

COS Curriculum

Amy Braccia

Rebekah Waikel, alternate

COS Research and Faculty Development

David Brown

Rebekah Waikel, alternate

Departmental Representatives to University Committees/Organizations

BIOS Faculty Senators

David Hayes (2nd year of 3-year term)

Lindsay Calderon (1st year of 3-year term)

Chuck Elliott, alternate

Sherry Harrel, alternate

Institutional Review Board

Ken Blank (1st year)

General Education Committee

Bill Staddon (1st year)

COS Representatives to University Committees from BIOS

Faculty Committee on Dismissal

Suzanne Byrd

University Faculty Evaluation Appeals

Gary Ritchison


Suzanne Byrd

Provost Search

Chuck Elliott (nominated; college election to occur at )

All committees should meet at least once each semester. Committee chairs are charged with calling meetings, recording and reporting minutes and attendance to the chair via email, and reporting the same information to the faculty at faculty meetings (committee reports). Any committee activities conducted via email or web (not formal meetings) should also be reported.

Committees from last year NOT formed for 2017-18

Recruitment, Retention, and Academic Advising (Incorporate duties into Planning Committee)

Safety (Safety Coordinator will recruit help as needed)

Special Events (Has mostly done fall picnic. Will handle this with volunteers.)

Strategic Planning and Assessment (Strategic Planning & Assessment Coordinator will recruit help as needed.)

Web Page Coordination (Web Page Coordinator will recruit help as needed.)

Department Constitution (Reviewing as a department; Constitution Coordinator will guide those efforts.)

123 August 2017