Meeting of the Board of the Directors of
Woodsworth College Students Association
Tuesday, February 28th, 2017
119 St. George Street
- Agenda
- Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
- Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
- Board Reports
- Call to Order
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
- Land Acknowledgement
- Approval of the Agenda
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
- Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
- Approval of the Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
- Approval of Board Reports
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
- Ratification of Orientation Coordinators
BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies Bamdad Attaran and Danika Baljak as our Orientation Coordinators for Woodsworth Orientation Week 2017-2018.
Moved: LambaSeconded: Khan
- Other Business
- Adjournment
Moved: KhanSeconded: Lamba
Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Monday, February 13th, 2017
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Novera Khan (President)
Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Dylan Forgas ( Vice-President of Financial Affairs)
Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletics)
Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
- Call to Order 8:03p
- Updates
- Rescheduling Office Hours
- WCSA Clubs Ex-Officio
- Other Business
- Adjournment
- Call to Order 8:03p
- Updates
Forgas: We have received the audit package and we’re good on that end. Day-to-day operations are good. Met with WINC and it’s all good there as well. Audited statements have been sent to insurance companies, which will come up soon
Bear: Nothing new with PR, making posters and sharing on social media.
Li: Ski Trip on March 10th. Tickets at 30$ - 35$, 40$ - 45$. Ticket includes lift ticket, rental package, dropping lesson circuit but still waiting on confirmation for that. Meal combo can be selected. There are many options for that as well. Raptor tickets are confirmed and should be arriving soon. Also getting TFC tickets for the home-opener. 35 tickets for the TFC.
Khan: Nothing major has happened. Had a lot of meetings scheduled with the SGRT, Vice-Provost, Provost, Liza, Christina as well as other groups. Board sweaters are here and will be picked up by the board. SGM is scheduled for tomorrow, if you are not able to attend, please make sure you assign a proxy vote. You will be getting placards in order to cast your vote. If we don’t get quorum for some reason, these will have to be passed at the AGM and we will not be able to elect them until the by-elections. Drafting the land acknowledgement policies, sexual assault policies will be working with Steve and Liza. Drafted the by-laws, for the 13 positions that did not have descriptions. These by-laws need to be passed in the board meeting, any other thing will be passed in the April meeting but anything to do with the constitution before the AGM.
Medrero: Finishing up planning for 2 events, one is happening next week and it is a collaboration with Music, February 23, 6:30-8:30 at hart house music room. Next one is in March and is a collaboration with New College. Just finishing up the details for that and looking for collaborations within the board. Working on the student leadership luncheon with Christina.
Jeong: Things are cleared with WINC, received contract with death spectrum, companies for ASL classes, 1500$ from my budget and 500 from the Dean’s office. Booking Kruger Hall for dance marathon, which is hosted by In Support of SickKids UofT. HSA and SAIA are also organization that I am in contact with. Will be having an online meeting with LAUT.
Lamba: We have received 7 OC applications, and interviews will be held this week. Hopefully the selection process will be done during reading week, which will be in time to ratify them at the February board meeting. I ordered office supplies and I have also been speaking to the gala coordinators, they’re waiting for quotes from the venue before they finalize everything. Election season is approaching, and if the new positions pass I will need to fix the information session pamphlet for the meeting on Wednesday. Work study positions are ending this week, so from now on office staff will be paid through WCSA’s own funds via cheque, which I will be talking about later.
- Rescheduling Office Hours
Lamba: the next agenda item is rescheduling office hour. Right now Steph and Sanaya work 12 hours a week, so 24 total. Now, they’re going to be paid for hours worked via cheque through us, so my question to you is do we think the office needs to be open for all 24, since a lot of the times do not receive much traffic.
Khan: Is there anything in the contract that says that they need to work 24 hours total? Regular offices close at 5pm and I’ve also noticed that it’s pretty empty.
Li: We could also ask Steph and Sanaya if they’d like to work those hours and if they’re comfortable working that or would like to work that if we can afford it then we should.
Khan: If we give them 12 until April we have it budgeted so I wouldn’t have a problem with keeping them.
Lamba: I’ll keep the same schedule.
- WCSA Clubs Ex-Officio
Khan: It was brought up to Ryan. I think it would be helpful to do so in order to promote integration to make it better for the presidents to be involved in the process. They won't have voting rights, but will have speaking rights. Since this is a constitutional change, it will be passed at the AGM. Just wanted to check as to what you all think.
Jeong: I think that is a great idea. It would give them a sense of awareness and what is going in in WCSA. More commitment is also encouraged with that.
- Other Business
Forgas: Please update your budgets again.
- Adjournment 8:25p
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Tuesday, January 31st, 2017
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Novera Khan (President)
Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Dylan Forgas ( Vice-President of Financial Affairs)
Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletics)
- Call to Order 8:07p
- Updates
- Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Club
- Creation of Budget Line Lunch with WCSA
- Equity Initiatives Funding
- Other Business
- Adjournment 8:44p
- Call to Order 8:07p
- Updates
Bear: Not much is new with PR. I am just updating posters. Someone called me about website security. I don’t think we need it for the website but I’ll let you know as I look into it.
Forgas: Sales were great on semi-formal. For the audit, I just have to sign some forms and send them off. It is basically done. I met with off-campus portfolio about a donation letter for Krispy Kreme. We had our first mini town hall, 1 person talked to me about the budget which was great. Mainly, I am preparing for transition and I am looking into our tax situation and if we need to file them. We need to find out from our bank which I will look into.
Li: I got in touch with the Blue Mountain ski resort. They gave us a quote so I am scheduling a meeting to look over it and finalize the ski trip. I want to arrange 2 buses for the trip. I am sending in a PR request for the Raptors tickets. Dylan thank you for the cheque for the tickets.
Jeong: Hello everyone. I have 2 potential collaborations coming up. Sick Kids U of T wants to hold a dance marathon. It is a fundraiser event from 5p-12a, there is choreographer, people who have been involved with Sick Kids come in and say their stories as well. I will be meeting with the representative soon. The other collaboration is with Relay for Life. I have received the date for the request so I will be finalizing everything soon. I met with Aakanksha and a student who wants to host an event discuss oppression of women in Pakistan. I will update you as I get more details. Within the next month or so, I want to approve another club. After my allocation of funds for the ASL club, I will be left with $500. The Dean’s office has also agreed to give us $500 for the ASL club.
Khan: For Relay for Life, I know timing was an issue, did they change date or time?
Jeong: They chose to change the date.
Medrero: We had a successful semi-formal. I am meeting with New College about our event which will be happening on March 3rd at 7. We have a collaboration with the Faculty of Music on February 2nd which will be Music and Munchies in the music room in Hart House. I am prepping for the Superbowl event; there will be wings, nachos and the Superbowl will be on. I am planning for the student leadership lunch event with Christina. Also taco and burrito night went very well, we ran out of food.
Khan: The WCSA retreat will be this Saturday at the Ballroom. I will be there at 4:30p to make sure everything is good to go. The WCSA wear should be here within the next week. We had the ‘Lunch with WCSA’ event. There wasn’t a huge turnout but it we did some people show up and ask questions regarding WCSA. I have emailed everyone regarding Board Composite pictures. I will review our contract with Lassman once the next President is elected. I have also been working on the SGM. I attended the Woodsworth council meeting. Some of the Provosts’ priorities discussed during the meeting were the discussion of the TRC report, student retention/completion rate and sexual violence prevention policies. Woodsworth is currently also a part of the Capital Project to redesign the space at Woodsworth.
Lamba: The general elections are good to go. I have sent in relevant PR requests. I have received only two applications for OC. I am thinking of extending the deadline to February 10th. I have given Prilly her key card. Ryan, you are Prilly’s mentor so please get in touch with her soon. The Gala coordinators have quotes regarding venues and are looking over permits. I have sent them information about forms for gala awards. Semi-formal went great. The next board meeting is on Feb. 28th at 6p. I will be cleaning up the office and I would love if the sweater can be put in the cabinet by the PR portfolio.
- Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Club
Jeong: I will read the email that was sent to me:
Hey Ryan,
As we’ve discussed earlier, Undergraduate Artificial Intelligence Club (UAIG) which is a recognized group at campus with 500+ members, and would like to set up movie nights bi-weekly. We are looking for a place to hold these events at and Kruger Hall fits our criteria very well since it has suitable seating area for watching a movie and has the capacity to hold 50+ people comfortably. Our executive team is looking to hold these movie nights on Fridays from 5-7 PM bi-weekly starting February 17th. In the 2 hour period, refreshment will be provided to students, unless it is against the rules for holding events.
As a Woodsworth student myself, I know that Woodsworth college has many students in Computer Science especially, which may perhaps find these events very helpful to network with other people interested in Artificial Intelligence. However, our club is made up of students across all disciplines and not only limited to Computer Science which means this event is open to and intended for all students. We think this would greatly benefit WW students in a way that they can make connections with other people interested in AI and talk to professors and their peers about their interest in this trending topic. Finally, as a Woodsworth student myself, I’d like the opportunity to participate in such events and be able to collaborate with my own college’s student union and get to know them.
Let me know if you have any questions,
Looking forward to working with you,
Amir Mousavi
Medrero: Capacity could be an issue if they have a large membership.
Khan: I would inform them that it is not possible to book Kruger on a bi-weekly bases.
Jeong: I agree. I will let them know that I will be able to book it for them at least once though.
Medrero: Have they tried Hart House?
Jeong: I’m not sure but I will forward your suggestion to them.
- Creation of Budget Line Lunch with WCSA
Khan: I am moving $1500 from the budget lines ‘Events’ in my portfolio to a sub budget line that will be titled ‘Lunch with WCSA’.
Motion to move $1500 from budget line ‘Events’ to sub-budget line ‘Lunch with WCSA’.
Moved: KhanSeconded: Forgas
Motion passes.
- Equity Initiatives Funding
Khan: Since we have been in touch with Barbara about contributing $10,000 towards a Woodsworth College Scholarship, we do not need to provide the $500 we initially budgeted for a Woodsworth bursary to the alumni office. I would this like to rename this budget line ‘Equity Initiatives and Events’ since the equity portfolio has no funds for their event.
Motion to rename the ‘Woodsworth Bursary Funds’ line to ‘Equity Initiatives Funds’.
Moved: KhanSeconded: Forgas
Motion passes.
Forgas: This equity initiative funds will be moved at the next board meeting into Forgas’s budget under equity committee expenses.
- Other Business
Lamba: Have you met with your mentees? If not, please do and meet them/reach out to them. Keep them informed about events that are happening.
Khan: Please get 2 proxies each for the SGM. We need a quorum of 50 to pass the positions.
Lamba: For intramurals, please email the office staff if people are picking up shirts for soccer because there is a fee.
Forgas: Please update your budgets by Friday. Spend your budget or accurately update your budget so it is represented well.
Khan: Question about the women’s soccer team, have we been pulled from the league and is there a fee?
Li: I have budgeted for the forfeit so yes, we have to pay but it was already taken into consideration. Not enough people showed up so unfortunately we were fined.
- Adjournment 8:44p
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Tuesday, February 7th, 2017
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Novera Khan (President)
Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Dylan Forgas ( Vice-President of Financial Affairs)
Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletics)
- Call to Order 8:21p
- Updates
- Camera Battery
- Student Leader Lunch
- OC Applications
- Other Business
- Adjournment
- Call to Order 8:21p
- Updates
Bear: I have just been making posters and updating social media. I also sent out the newsletter for February.
Forgas: I will be receiving an audit package within the next couple days and I will be receiving an email copy tomorrow. I have information for the next audit but I will just keep that for ready for the next person who comes into the position. I am renewing the insurance for next year. Valerie and Haya have secured krispy kreme donations for their event which is great. I set up a meeting about the charging stations with Liza but it fell through so I will try again.
Medrero: I met with Christina about the Student Leader luncheon which I will be discussing more later on. We had the wing-a-ton on Sunday which went great!
Jeong: I am working on collaborations with the History Students Association and a collaboration with the Orphan Sponsorship program. Kruger is confirmed for the Relay for Life event. I just have to submit a booking request for the Sick Kids U of T Dance marathon. ASL club classes are almost ready to go; we are just working on the finances. Dylan & I are meeting with WiNC about their budget next Monday just as a follow up.
Li via. Khan: The ski trip is booked for March 10th. It’ll be $30 for Woodsworth students without rentals and $35 for Woodsworth students with rentals. For non-Woodsworth students, it’ll be $40 without rentals and $45 with rentals. I am in the process of confirming capacity for the buses to get there; roughly, I am aiming for 90 people. Raptors tickets will start selling soon and Russell will submit a PR request so thank you Sarah in advance. I am also in contact with MLSE about more sports game tickets.
Khan: I attended the Woodsworth Awards night on behalf of WCSA to congratulate the award winners and thank the donors. I also will be attending meetings with the Vice Provost and SGRT this week.
Lamba: The OC application deadline was extended. So far, I have not received any additional applications. I do not know what we want to do about that but we can discuss it further later. Expensifying is being done and the office staff is working on honorariums. The SGM is next week, again promote it to everyone. The Board retreat happened on Saturday and it went well. I have started working on the election cycle and sent out the PR requests.