Think and Write!

Day 1

Name Date

Title of story: “Yunmi and Halmoni's Trip”

“Yunmi and Halmoni's Trip” is a story about a young girl named Yunmi and her grandmother, Halmoni. Halmoni is taking Yunmi to Korea for the first time to meet all her aunts, uncles and cousins. In Korea, Yunmi's family shows her places and teaches her about the Korean culture. Yunmi begins to worry that her grandmother might want to stay in Korea and not return to the United States. How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family? Use details from the text to support your answer.

1.  What will you be writing about? Underline the Focusing Question in the assignment above.

2.  Now, turn and talk to a partner about the question: How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?

3.  The answer to a Focusing Question is called a Focus Statement. Your teacher uses some of the things you discussed to help you to write a focus statement for this piece. Copy the Focus Statement onto your Writing Draft Sheet.

4.  When the class is ready, your teacher will reread the story aloud. Your job is to listen carefully for information that will help you to complete the graphic organizer. During the read aloud, every time you hear some evidence from the text that you think belongs on the chart, raise your hand. The class will stop to discuss what you have noticed and decide whether to add that evidence to the chart.

5.  When all the notes have been taken, it's time for a challenge! Can you show that you understand the evidence without using any words? This is called pantomime. As your teacher reads each piece of evidence on the chart, act it out, in place, without any sound at all! Use your actions and expressions to show us what the words are saying.

Think and Write!

Day 2

Name Date

Title of story: “Yunmi and Halmoni's Trip”

How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?

1.  Let's start by remembering what you are going to write about. Look at your Writing Draft Sheet from yesterday. When your teacher asks the Focusing Question for this piece, read the Focus Statement you have written. Do this a couple of times.

2.  Make your own Evidence Chart (use the chart on the next page). Choose a piece of evidence from the class chart. Copy the words onto your own Evidence Chart. Do this for two more pieces of evidence.

3.  Listen carefully as your teacher gives an example of how to write about the first piece of evidence. Where are these sentences coming from? Copy your teacher's example on your Writing Draft sheet.

4.  Now comes the fun part! Talk the piece! Use your own Evidence Chart. Point to each row of the chart and tell a partner what you will write. Say the sentences out loud as if you were writing them. Then, listen as your partner tells you what he/she will write.

5.  Write about two more pieces of evidence. Use your Evidence Chart.

6.  A Concluding Statement restates the focus of the piece. Look at your Focus Statement. How could you restate it? Use the same idea, but different words. Write your Concluding Statement at the end of your piece.

7.  With a pencil in your hand, read your whole piece aloud to a partner. Revise and edit as you read.

Name Date

Title: “Yunmi and Halmoni's Trip”

How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?

Parts of the Family / Elaboration
Time she spends with them / Page / Check here if you used this
evidence in your
Yunmi and her parents / Lives in New York with them
Takes care of Yunmi while her parents work / 145

Name Date

Title of story: “Yunmi and Halmoni’s Trip”

Writing Draft

How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?








Teacher Pages

Sample Graphic Organizer (Students may add additional evidence.)

FOCUSING QUESTION: How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?

POSSIBLE FOCUS STATEMENT: Halmoni shows she cares about both parts of her family by spending time with them.

Parts of the Family / Elaboration
Time she spends with them that shows she cares. / Page
Yunmi and her parents / Lives in New York with them, takes care of Yunmi while her parents work / 145
Aunts / Two days preparing food for Grandfather's birthday celebration / 152
Aunts, cousins and Yunmi / Grandfather's birthday celebration at the cemetery / 155
Yunmi / Time to talk when Yunmi is upset / 157

Additional notes to the teacher about this piece:

·  The sample writing shows three pieces of evidence. Additional evidence is located in the story.

·  In third grade, students are expected to use linking words and phrases (e.g., for example, also, last of all).

Writing Sample

NOTE: This is for the teacher’s use only, not for students. The purpose is to show the teacher what the final piece might look like when students have completed their work.

How does Halmoni show she cares about both parts of her family?

Halmoni shows she cares about both parts of her family by spending time with them. For example, Halmoni spends a lot of time with Yunmi and her parents. She lives in New York with them and she takes care of Yunmi when her parents are at work. Also, she spends time with Yunmi's aunts. They spend two whole days fixing food for Grandfather's birthday celebration. Last of all, she spends time with the aunts, uncles, cousins and Yunmi. She spends the day with all of them at the cemetery celebrating Grandfather's birthday. Halmoni spends time with both parts of her family because she cares a lot about them.