Education Provider Concern Form

This form should be completed by anyone who wants to raise a concern about an HCPC approved programme of study or education provider. The form can be completed by hand or electronically. If you complete the form by hand and need to continue onto additional sheets of paper, then please ensure they are clearly related to questions we are asking and attached firmly to the form.

If you find it difficult to put your concern in writing, you can ask someone to write it out for you and sign it on your behalf, but you will need to include an explanation of why this was necessary.

Please also remember to submit copies of any documents that you feel may be important to your concern.

If you are unable to complete this form or require it in an alternative format, please contact the HCPC on 020 7840 9812.

1. Your Details:

Title (tick as appropriate) / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof
Family Name / Given
(Include Post Code)
Telephone / 1. / email / 1.
2. / 2.
How are you related to the education provider or programme of study?

2. Details of the education provider(s) and programme(s) of study

Name of Education Provider(s)
Name of Programme(s) of Study
Mode of Study (e.g. full time, part time, work based learning, distance learning)

3. Details of your concern

Has the education provider completed a formal investigation into your concern? If not, please state why this is the case. / Yes No
If yes, please give the name and job title of the person who handled your concern.
Has the education provider completed investigating your concern? / Yes No
If yes, what was the outcome of the investigation?
Have you taken your concern to any other body / organisation / institution? / Yes No

If yes, please list:

  • All the bodies, organisations or institutions you took your concern to
  • If their investigations are complete
  • The outcome of each complete investigation

Name of body / organisation / institution / Investigation complete? Y/ N / Outcome of the complete investigation

4. Your concern

Please provide an explanation of the events leading up to your concern. If you know anyone you are writing about to be registered with the HCPC, please indicate this clearly. Please ensure you make it clear what you think the education provider has done wrong in relation to one or more of the following areas:

  • Level of qualification for entry to the Register
  • Admissions
  • Programme management
  • Programme resources
  • Curriculum
  • Practice placements
  • Assessment

If you need to, you may continue on another sheet of paper

What would you like done about your concern? Please bear in mind that the outcome of the education provider concern process will only affect the approval of the education or training programme with the HCPC. It will not lead to any financial compensation for you, or a change in a grade or award classification.

5.Authority for the HCPC to investigate your concern

I would like the HCPC to investigate my concern. I understand that:
  • You will need to decide whether my concern can be investigated by the HCPC.
  • You will send a copy of this concern and evidence I submit with it to the education or training provider.
  • I must inform you immediately if any part of my concern is being dealt with in the courts or by another body.
I agree to the above and confirm that I believe the facts stated in this application are true
By completing the above information, you acknowledge that the Education Department may contact these individuals regarding the approval and monitoring of this programme, and with other information about our processes. We request and handle any personal data received in accordance with our Data and Terms of Use Policy
The HCPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), which provides a general right of public access to recorded information held by public authorities. The information which we may be required to make available under FOIA includes correspondence and other information about HCPC-approved education programmes and applications for approval. If you indicate that information is provided in confidence, we will take that into account in dealing with any request for disclosure of that information, but cannot give an assurance that confidentiality will be maintained in all circumstances. A statutory Code of Practice under FOIA deals with confidentiality obligations and we must comply with that Code. We do not regard confidentiality disclaimers which are automatically generated by IT systems as binding on the HCPC.
Once completed, please return this form to