WMU Department of Comparative Religion 4+1 Program for the Master of Arts in Comparative Religion Degree with Kalamazoo College Department of Religion

(For details on the Master of Arts in Comparative Religion Degree click here.)

1) Up to 6 credit hours may be transferred directly for credit from Kalamazoo College to Western Michigan University from the successful completion with a grade of B or better of at least 2 of the following Kalamazoo College courses.

RELG200 Religion and Science

RELG201/ARTX 205/SEMN 205 Religious Art and Material Culture

RELG202/SEMN 230 Same Sex, Gender, and Religion

RELG204 Feminist Studies in Religion

RELG210 Sex and the Bible

RELG211/CLAS 255 Religion From Alexander to Constantine

RELG212 Contemporary Biblical Studies

RELG/SEMN213 Christianity & the Family

RELG/HIST218 American Jewish Experience

RELG220 Catholicism in the Americas

RELG221 Black Religious Experiences in the Americas

RELG250 Buddhism in East Asia

RELG251 Buddhas and Buddhist Philosophies

RELG260/CLAS 261 Judaism in Antiquity

RELG/HIST263 Jews in a Changing Europe, 1750-1880

RELG/HIST264 Jewish Revolutions: 1881-1967

RELG/HIST265 Zionism: From Idea to State

RELG/HIST267 Women and Judaism

RELG/HIST/SEMN268 Jews on Film

RELG270 Islam in the Modern World

RELG/AFST/HIST274 Islam in Africa

RELG/HIST275/SEMN 274 African Christianity

RELG295 Religion & Sexuality in the US

RELG295 Race, Religion, and Migration in the US

RELG295 Love in a Dead Language

RELG295 Race and Islam in America

2) To receive up to 6 credits at WMU as REL5000 equivalents, students from Kalamazoo College will be required to submit their final writing projects from any of the following Kalamazoo College courses for evaluation by the WMU Department of Comparative Religion Faculty. The work will be graded "Credit" or "No Credit." "Credit" will be posted on the transcript as "Credit earned by examination" without letter grade or honor points. Examination fees are assessed on a credit hour basis and are the same for all students.

RELG390 Junior Seminar in Religion

RELG490 Senior Seminar in Religion

RELG593 Senior Individualized Project