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CGI Document Retention Policy
Secretariat Document Management and File List
Procedure Manual
H:\Secretariat\Secretariat Operations Manual\Process\Document Management and Document Retention Process.doc
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Secretariat Document Management
File list procedures Tab 1
CGI Document Retention Policy
Materials related to document retention: Tab 2
Training sessions
Procedures Manual
SOX YE 2007 Certification
Information Classification Standard
CGI Information Classification Policy Tab 3
February 2008 integration of Claire Léonard’s files Tab 4
H:\Secretariat\Secretariat Operations Manual\Process\Document Management and Document Retention Process.doc
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Secretariat Document Management and File List
All Secretariat files are managed within the following Excel spreadsheet:
H:\Secretariat\Secretariat Operations Manual\Process\secretariat-files.xls
The file list has been adapted to implement the CGI Document Retention Policy.
The Procedure Manual covering both the Secretariat file system and the CGI Document Retention Policy is:
20060731.2 CGI Document Retention Policy Secretariat Document Management and File List
- Procedure Manual
Files include binders, record books and minute books. The most important binders and files are those that document key Secretariat procedures and processes and identified in the file list by an “X” in the “Procedure Manual” column.
File management:
To open a file, first re-sort the file so that all open and closed files are sorted by file number only. This is necessary to ensure that a new file is not assigned a number that is already assigned to a closed file. This type of sort is done using the file opening sort button:
If the file is related to one or more existing files, insert a new row at the level that you intend to insert the new file.
Assign the file number, then decompose the file number using the Level 1 to Level 6 fields to the right of the spreadsheet
Make sure that the following fields are filled in:
File Number
File name
(O)pen / (C)losed
Active Location
File opening date Use the button to insert the current date
Classification fields: Confidentiality (either (C)onfidential or (R)estricted
Integrity: (H)igh
Availability: (L)ow (M)oderate or (H)igh. When a file is closed and sent to archives, availability should be set to (L)ow.
For more information on classification, see the CGI Information Classification Policy in Tab 3 of the Procedure Manual or in the Classification tab of the Secretariat files spreadsheet. The default classification for each category of Secretariat file is provided below.
Next, make sure to record the file number in the sort fields to the right of the file list. For instance, the result for a corporate file number C20070928. will be:
Level 1: C20070928
Level 2: 1
Level 3: 1
Level 4: 1
Level 5: 1
Level 6: 1
This last step is essential to allow the sorting programs to work properly.
For a new file in a category that is not related to any other file in the category, open the file at the top of the existing files in the category and assign the file number based on the current date. Thus, for a new corporate file opened on Friday, September 28, 2007, the file number will be “C20070928.1”. If several corporate files are to be opened on the same day (for instance 3 files) the file numbers will be “C20070928.1”, “C20070928.2”, and “C20070928.3”.
When there is a name change that occurs, open a new volume for existing file number, put a note in old beige folder referring to the new file number and create a new beige folder (for example - see name change of CGI-AMS Inc. to CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc. (C20040303.1.3.7) –
Don't forget to put a note in the comments column referring to the old name of the company for quick reference.
It is preferable to open the new file as of today rather than above the previous company name date, in order to facilitate the physical filing."
When closing a file, fill in the following fields:
(O)pen / (C)losed
Archive Location
File closing date
Default confidentiality and integrity classifications under the CGI Classification Policy
Classification categories
File Categories
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / C / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityDestroy once minutes are approved / R / H / H
CGI Ethics
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityIn accordance with the CGI 2/26/2008 2:35:14 PM Serious Ethical Incidents Reporting Policy / R / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / R / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely
Files may be scheduled for destruction when their retention is no longer required to support day to day work, provided that files are kept for a minimum of 7 years / R / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / C / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / P / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / R / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / R / H / M
Record Book
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / R / H / M
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityKeep indefinitely / R / H / M
AMS Ethics
Retention / Anticipated destruction date / Confidentiality / Integrity / AvailabilityAll files have destruction dates / R / H / M
H:\Secretariat\Secretariat Operations Manual\Process\Document Management and Document Retention Process.doc