The Agricultural Economics Society

The 81st Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society
Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th April 2007
Agriculture Building, Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, UK /


Details of registration fees are shown overleaf and include conference sessions and papers, all meals (including the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 3rd April) and overnight single accommodation in Whiteknights Hall for Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd April. NB There are no twin or family rooms available in Whiteknights Hall.

UK travel and location information can be found at

Registration forms should be returned by Friday 9th March 2007. Any sent to arrive on or after this date must be accompanied by the LATE registration fee. A € amount is shown for guidance only.

Please send completed form and remittance to

AES Secretariat, The Mount Lodge, Church Street, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7AR, UK;

Tel: +44 (0)1256 892705; Fax: +44 (0)1256 893090; E-Mail:


Please enter your name and address in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Family Name / Male
Forenames / Title
Telephone / Fax
Membership / I am a member of AES

Conference Registration Fees

Please mark components required by marking ‘X’ in the appropriate boxes and then complete the totals. Fees include conference sessions and papers, all meals (including the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 3rd April) and overnight single accommodation in Whiteknights Hall for Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd April 2007.

NB There are no twin or family rooms available in Whiteknights Hall.

£ / € for
guidance only / Please
Mark X
Member attendance at AES 81st Annual Conference
for bookings received by Friday 9th March 2007 / 290.00 / (441,00)
Member attendance at AES 81st Annual Conference
for bookings received after Friday 9th March 2007 / 315.00 / (479,00)
Member (student or retired) attendance at AES 81st Annual Conference for bookings received by Friday 9th March 2007 / 174.00 / (264,00)
Member (student or retired) attendance at AES 81st Annual Conference for bookings received after Friday 9th March 2007 / 189.00 / (287,00)
Non-member attendance at AES Annual Conference
for bookings received by Friday 9th March 2007 / 338.00 / (513,00)
Non-member attendance at AES Annual Conference
for bookings received after Friday 9th March 2007 / 363.00 / (551,00)
Additional night’s single accommodation and breakfast for night of Sunday 1st April 2007
Cost per person is £39.65 / 39.65 / (€60,00)
Additional guest tickets for the AES CONFERENCE DINNER on Tuesday 3rd April 2007
Cost per guest is £35.00 (€53,00) / No. of guests / Total in £
TOTAL for conference, accommodation and dinner / £


Early booking is recommended

AES Membership Fees for AES members who have not yet paid their 2007 membership subscriptions

Mark X
Ordinary members / £48.00
Student and Retired members / £24.00

Please add all the items against which you have marked an ‘X’ and insert the total here

enclosed or to be charged to credit card / £


Please ensure full payment accompanies each booking form. Bookings accompanied by incorrect payment will not be confirmed until full / correct payment has been received. Payments by cheque must be in pounds sterling, drawn on a UK bank account. Refunds for cancellations will be as follows:

Cancellation before 17th March 2007 – refund less 10%.

Cancellation between 17th March and 24th March 2007 – refund less 50%.

Cancellation after 24th March 2007 – no refund.

I wish to pay an amount of £ (total from page 2) by

(please mark ‘X’ in appropriate box):

Cheque / £ sterling only, please, made payable to ‘Agricultural Economics Society’
Credit Card / (Mastercard or Visa only)
Debit Card
Bank Transfer
Ensure your name is used as reference / Bank: HSBC, 39 High Street, Ashford, Kent TN24 8TG
Sort Code: 40-08-32
Acc. No: 50100102
Acc. Name: Agricultural Economics Society
IBAN No: GB55MIDL40083250100102

Card Details

Please charge the above payment to my card as follows:

Card Number:
Expiry Date: / Security Code (Last 3 digits on the reverse of the card)
For Maestro/Swich Only Issue No: / OR Date Valid from:
Name on card:
Card Billing Address (if different from address on Page 1):

Special Requirements

Please provide me with vegetarian meals (mark ‘X’ if required)
Any other dietary requirements (please state )
Any special access requirements (please state )

Acknowledgement of Booking

Acknowledgement of your booking will be emailed to the above address (or posted if no email address is given). If you would prefer this to be sent to an alternative email or postal address, please give details.


Please ask your Head of Department to complete this section if you are claming student discount.

I hereby declare that I am not able to claim the above amounts from any scholarship, grant or other sources.

Signed (Applicant)

Declaration by Head of Department:

I certify that the above applicant is a full-time student.

Signed (Head of Department)
Name of Institution

CHOICE OF DISCUSSION GROUP (Tuesday 3rd April 2007 at 16.30)

First Choice / Title
Second Choice / Title

And now, please sign this form:

Signed / Date

Please return this booking form and full payment to:

AES Secretariat, The Mount Lodge, Church Street, Whitchurch

Hampshire, RG28 7AR, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1256 892705 Fax: +44 (0) 1256 893090 E-Mail:

Those who wish to attend only part of the AES 81st Annual Conference should contact the AES Secretariat for special rates.

The Agricultural Economics Society - Founded 1926 Company Limited by Guarantee 4323127
