ICIS-Air EDT Changes to be Released into Production in August 2015

June 2, 2015

The following changes will be made to the ICIS-Air Electronic Data Transfer this August and may impact State and Local agencies. Please read each item below to understand these changes and what you may need to do about it.

Please read below to learn what these changes are, why they are being done, how they may impact you, and what you may need to do about them.

If you find that you will be impacted by one or more changes, make modifications as indicated and plan to set aside time to test out your changes in July and August before having them ready to work properly when ICIS Release 7.3 goes into Production in August.

Windsor Solutions is aware of these changes and is planning to support them in the ICIS-Air plugins by the time the July testing starts. Please coordinate with your existing Windsor Solutions representative (or contact EPA for assistance) and IT staff to make sure they can assist you with being ready for these changes by August.

Air Delegated Agency Air Program Submission Changes

1)Changes to Programs with Subparts (CR Air-2260)

ICIS-Air currently allows subparts to be associated to the Federal Implementation Plan for National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAFIP) program and the State Implementation Plan for National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAASIP) program in the AirProgramsSubmission in the AirProgramSubpartCode tag. These programs should not have subparts, and the system is being updated to remove the ability to add subparts for these programs.

In addition, ICIS-Air is being updated to allow subparts to be associated with the following programs:40 CFR Part 63 Area Sources (CAAGACTM), New Source Performance Standards (Non-Major) (CAANSPSM)and is inactivating some existing CAAMACT subparts.

Impact: Negative impact only if you are currently submitting subparts for CAAFIP and CAASIPor one of the no longer valid CAAMACT subpart codes.

Action to Take: Check to make sure the mapping of your data uses the correct program/subpart code combinations from the updated tables.

2)Changes to Programs Allowed for Air Delegated Agency Facilities and Activities (CRs Air-2722 and Air-2540)

ICIS-Air currently allows all CAA program codes to be associated to Air Delegated Agency (DA) Facilitiesand Activities. This list contains programs that apply only to Federal Facilities and Activities.ICIS-Air will be updated to only allow Air DA programs for both the Air Program Submission and for activity submissions- Air Compliance Monitoring, Case Files, and Enforcement Actions.

The following submission types and tags will be impacted:

Submission Type / Tag
AirProgramsSubmission / AirProgramCode
AirDAComplianceMonitoringSubmission / ProgramCode
AirTVACCSubmission / ProgramCode
AirDACaseFileSubmission / ProgramCode
AirDAFormalEnforcementActionSubmission / ProgramsViolatedCode
AirDAInformalEnforcementActionSubmission / ProgramsViolatedCode

The following programs will no longer be allowed for Air DA Facilities and Activities:

CAABAC / Best Available Controls
CAACCP / Consumer or Commercial Products
CAAEP / Emergency Powers
CAAFF / Federal Facilities
CAAHAPS / Hazardous Air Pollutants
CAAIRM / Information Requests, Monitoring, & Recordkeeping
CAAL / Labeling
CAAMRR / Monitoring, Reporting
CAANAAQS / National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
CAANEP / Non Essential Products
CAANEPA / National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
CAANSP / Nonattainment/SIP Provisions
CAANVCO / Notices of Violations & Compliance Orders
CAAOP / Operating Permits
CAAPR / Permit Requirements
CAAPSDPR / PSD Preconstruction Requirements
CAARERP / Recycling & Emission Reduction Programs
CAASMVA / Servicing Motor Vehicle ACs
CAASO / Stratospheric Ozone Protection
CAASPP / State Permit Programs
CAASWFC / Solid Waste Fuel Combustion
CAATVS / Tank Vessel Standards

Impact: Negative impact only if you are currently submitting one of the programs listed abovein association with an Air DA Facility or an Air DA Activity.

Action to Take: Check to make sure the mapping of your data excludes the programs listed above for your submissions and only includes the values from the updated table.

Air Delegated Agency Compliance Monitoring Submission Changes

1)Addition of New Pollutant Unit Codes for Stack Test Results (CR Air-2136)

The list of unit codes for theAirDAComplianceMonitoringSubmissionis being expanded for the AllowableUnitCode tag.

Impact: No negative impact.

Action to Take: Continue to submit the current values or expand your mappings to include the new values in the updated table-REF_POLLUTANT_UNIT.

2)Expansion of Stack Test Allowable and Actual Values (CR Air-2512)

ICIS-Air currently only allows a Stack Test’s Allowable Value and Actual Value to be a whole number in theAirDAComplianceMonitoringSubmission in the AllowableValue and ActualResult tags. However, many values are decimals of various lengths. ICIS-Air will be changed to allow a Stack Test’s Allowable Value and Actual Valueto be a floating decimal of up to 18characters total in length (17 digits + 1 decimal point or 18 digits with no decimal point).

Impact: No negative impact.

Action to Take: Continue to submit whole numbers, or consider modifying your data extractions to include whole numbers as well as numbers with decimal places.

Air Delegated Agency Formal Enforcement Action Submission Changes

1)Updates to Air DA Final Order Types (CR Air-1838)

The list of Final Order Types that are available for Air DA Formal Enforcement Actions has been changed to the following list of available types. Existing data for the previous types has beenwill be convertedto the new types with a data fix.

For EDT users, the following codes will be valid for the AirDAFormalEnforcementAction submission’sFinalOrderTypeCode XML tag:

Administrative Formal (Forum=AFR):

  • SLP (State/Local Action)
  • AFO (Administrative Order)
  • ACA (Administrative Consent Order or Agreement)
  • AOD (Amendment to Previous Administrative Action)

Judicial (Forum=JDC):

  • CDO (Consent Decree or Court Order)
  • JOD (Amendment to Previous Judicial Action)

The following previously valid codes are no longer valid and should be replaced with the new Final Order Type Codes as follows:

Old Final Order Type Code (no longer valid): / Replace with new Final Order Type Code (valid):
SLO (State/Local Action Taken Without Penalty) / SLP
ACO (Administrative Compliance Orders) / AFO
APO (Administrative Penalty Order With or Without Injunctive Relief / AFO
AAO (Amendment to Administrative Order or Consent Agreement / AOD
CDC (Consent Decree or Court Order Resolving a Civil Judicial Action) / CDO

Impact: Negative impact only if you are currently submitting one of the no longer valid codes listed above.

Action to Take: Check to make sure the mapping of your data uses only the allowable codes for your submissions.

2)Addition of optional Stipulated Penalty Amounts/Dates and Final Order Lodged Date (CR Air-2671)

ICIS-Air is being changed toallow optional Stipulated Penalty Amounts and Dates, and a Final Order Lodged Date to be submittedfor a Final Order. ICIS-Air will be changed to allow the reporting of this data as shown circled in the XML snippet below.

Impact: No negative impact

Action to Take: Continue to submit Formal Enforcement Actions without this data, or consider modifying your data extractions to include Stipulated Penalty Amounts and Dates, and/or a Final Order Lodged Date in your submissions.

<Payload Operation="AirDAFormalEnforcementActionSubmission">









EnforcementActionName>Acme Industries lawsuit</EnforcementActionName




OtherProgramDescriptionText>Program 123</OtherProgramDescriptionText




FormalEAUserDefinedField2>Special use</FormalEAUserDefinedField2

FormalEAUserDefinedField3>Special use</FormalEAUserDefinedField3



FormalEAUserDefinedField6>Special use</FormalEAUserDefinedField6









OtherComments>Special use</OtherComments








EnforcementAgencyName>New Jersey DEM</EnforcementAgencyName







OtherAgencyInitiativeText>NJ Initiative</OtherAgencyInitiativeText







Case File Submission Changes

1)Update to Number of Characters Allowed for Air Violation Program Code Description (DR Air-2750)

The ICIS-Air schema currently allows the submission of up to 1000 characters in the AirDACaseFileSubmissionfor the Description of an Air Violation’s Program Code (AirViolationProgramDescriptionText) if the value is CAAFENF or if adescription is provided for other air program reference table values. The schema will be changed to allow only 100 characters in order to be consistent with the current length of other program code descriptions in the other submission data families storing this data.

Impact: Negative impact only if you are currently submitting more than 100 characters for the Air Violation Program Description.

Action to Take: Continue to submit Air Violation Program Descriptions up to 100 characters in length, or modify your data extractions,if necessary,to provide only the first 100 characters of your data for the Air Violation Program Description.