Saint Mark’s Church
Mark of the Lion
9 Summer Street Augusta, ME 04330
Telephone: 207-622-2424
Web Site: Find Us On Facebook
Vol. 2014-4 September 27, 2018
Table of Contents
Greetings From Your Lay Pastoral Administrator...... 2
Maundy Thursday Celebration
News From The K-5 Transition Team
Full Parish Meeting
A View From the Pew
A View from the Pew from Father Bamforth
Alkmeon International Prize
In Memory
Eleanor Beane
Items of Interest
Parish House Boiler and Fuel Supplier
The vote for service times
St. Mark’s Home for Women Silver Tea – May 3, 2014 1-3pm.
St. Mark’s Home for Women Visitation
St. Mark's Home for Women Volunteer Plea …………………………………………………………………..5
St. Mark’s Home Holy Eucharist
Addie’s Attic
Shield of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America...... 6
May Calendar……………………………………………………………………………………………………...6
May Ministry Schedule
Wardens, Lay Pastoral Administrator, Officers and Vestry
Maundy Thursday Celebration
The K-5 Episcopal Churches celebrated Maundy Thursday at Saint Mark’s Church, Augusta. Pictured are the Clergy from the K-5 Episcopal Churches celebrating Holy Eucharist. In a joint service,parishionersparticipated in the choir, as acolytes, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Guild.The service was attended by sixty one congregants. The night before Good Friday was celebrated with respect and dignity. The Photo was contributed by Vicki Wiederkher, our Lay Pastoral Administrator
Full Parish Meeting
We are planning a full parish meeting on May 18th immediately after church to inform the parish about K-5 activity and to prepare for the K-5 summit on May 31st. This meeting will allow all interested parishioners the opportunity to ask questions or prepare ideas for the Vestry prior to the summit meeting.
A View from the Pew from Father Bamforth
As an octogenarian and retired cleric without portfolio, I tend to see the Church and the world through double lenses. I observe both as a parishioner and as a pastor.
This month I want to share with you some of what the clergy of the diocese are struggling with in this era of demographic change, economic instability, and reduced church attendance. We are reading such books as Phyllis Tickle's Emergence Christianity: What It Is, Where It Is Going, and Why It Matters; Diana Butler Bass' Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening; and Dwight Zscheile's The People of the Way: Renewing Episcopal Identity. These are just a few of many attempts to describe where we have come from, how we can adapt to change, and the challenge to rediscover our apostolic witness and mission.
This may sound like gobbledygook but I find it exciting, affirming, and full of promise. The world and the Church are different from the ones we grew up in. We can no longer sit back and expect others to come to us. The time has come for us to re-enter and re-engage our neighborhoods and communities where God is already at work.
As one small step in renewing the Church, the leader of our recent Diocesan Clergy Retreat encouraged us to make lists of the ways we currently embody (or incarnate) the Grace and Truth and Love of Christ in our lives. Then he urged us to make an additional list of the ways we could be doing so. Such a challenge is of course in no way limited to clergy.
If anyone who reads this is moved to share such honest self-assessments and ongoing exploration of our diverse callings with me individually or in a group, please let me know.
Dick Bamforth 626-0073 or
Alkmeon International Prize
March 31, 2014
It is not every day I get to say I know someone famous. Or someone who has made a significant contribution that changed the lives of many people. Or someone who has made a significant contribution that changed the life of someone very close to me.
But today is different because I know Allan Butterfield will be awarded the Alkmeon International Prize for his research on Alzheimer's disease on Thursday of this week. This award puts in him in same company as many Nobel Laureates and members of the National Academy of Science. He will be presented the award in Rome, Italy, by Professor Giussepe Nistico of the University of Rome on behalf of the European Brain Research Institute, which sponsors the Alkmeon International Prize. In addition, he will be giving a lecture about his work at the University of Rome II (Tor Vergata) and a seminar in biochemistry at the University of Rome I (La Sapienza).
I know Allan and his wife Marcia through St. Mark's Church in Augusta. Allan and Marcia are from Maine and currently live in Lexington, Kentucky. When they are at their summer camp in Manchester they attend St. Mark's and actually moved their membership to St. Mark's about 4 years ago.
I also know Allan and Marcia because Rebecca Grant is a cousin to Marcia through the Bickford family line. I know it is a "6 degrees of separation" kind of thing and I can never keep up with the family lines but I am thankful for the cousin connection.
I know Allan as a kind, personable fellow who is a genius of sorts who does research at the University of Kentucky. His generosity of spirit, of always finding the best in someone or something gives me insight into his teaching and mentoring students around the globe. After all, his summers in Maine are often interrupted by trips to Asia, or Europe, or back to Kentucky to meet with students and peers who are doing research. Marcia is often driving back and forth to Portland to deliver or pick up Allan from the airport. I often wonder if he really gets to enjoy his summer at camp.
In February 2013 his medical research became very real and personal to me. I was riding with my friend, Rebecca, to her first chemotherapy treatment in Portland. Rebecca was telling me about Allan's research into chemotherapy induced cognitive impairment (CICI) and his work using a medication, Mesna, which worked well in the laboratory in stopping CICI. Among the 14 million cancer survivors in the U.S., many suffer from symptoms of CICI, which include negative impacts on reasoning and multitasking, confusion, and fatigue — all major quality-of-life issues. These side effects can be long lasting — decades, in extreme cases — and can have a significant negative impact on a patient's ability to function and even work post-treatment. Rebecca had asked the oncologist in Portland to include the drug as part of her treatment regimen. She was anxious not knowing what the doctor would say. We talked through her concerns and I asked the blunt question: What are you going to do if the doctor says no?" She was clear that she would not start the chemotherapy protocol at that time if Mesna was not included. I agreed to support her in that decision and would be there when she received the news.
"Your cousin's husband is doing incredible research in Kentucky. I spoke with him and am very impressed with the results from his research. Are you willing to be my first patient on this drug?" All of the anxiety flew out of the room as soon as the doctor said this to Rebecca.We then went to the treatment area where the nurses started Rebecca on the first of her treatment sessions. I spent the morning texting Heather in Massachusetts as Rebecca cleared each hurdle. The medical staff had told us of the possibility of an adverse drug reaction with one medication that would occur within the first ten minutes. I nervously kept looking at my watch and counting the minutes. Rebecca sailed through with no problems. The Mesna was then given with no problems and then the final med was administered. Rebecca had completed the first of six treatments.
On the day of the final treatment, Marcia joined us as we traveled to Mercy Hospital in Portland. Rebecca's doctor was so pleased to meet the wife of the esteemed Dr. Butterfield. We celebrated by drinking ginger ale from turquoise martini glasses. Rebecca had successfully completed her chemotherapy treatment and avoided CICI.
I am blessed to know Allan, a son of Brownsville Junction, who continues his career in research, who is a friend and fellow parishioner at St. Mark's Augusta and has made a difference in the life of our Deacon Rebecca.
On Thursday pray for Allan who will be half way around this globe receiving recognition for his work in this important field of research and know that its impact is not only global for the many people in treatment for cancer but it is also local as we celebrate the ongoing recovery of Deacon Rebecca.
Joseph Riddick
Eleanor Beane
Long-time parishioner Eleanor Beane died April 11 at Gray Birch Nursing Home at the age of 93. Burial rites were said for her at graveside in the Hallowell Cemetery on April 17 with Father Bamforth and Deacon Rebecca Grant officiating. Several parishioners and other friends and neighbors joined her family in giving thanks for her life and ministry among us. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
Parish House Boiler and Fuel Supplier
As many of you know the boiler in the Parish Hall developed a large hole in the liner at the end of January. A temporary patch was installed that thankfully has remained in place through the winter heating season. The Vestry has done quite a bit of research on our options to replace the current oil boiler.
It has been decided to switch from oil to natural gas as a heat source. In the past year we paid $12,800 for oil and propane. It is estimated that natural gas would have cost approximately $6,600, resulting in an annual savings of $6,200. This savings does not include any efficiency gains we should receive from a new boiler.
We have chosen Maine Natural Gas to supply the gas. They should be running the pipes to the Parish House sometime in May. The gas line will come from Summer St. down the sidewalk between the Parish House and the Rectory and connect to the Parish House at the same place the oil tanks are currently.
We have also chosen Fontaine HVAC to install two NTI TFT-110 250 95% efficiency condensing stainless steel fire tube boilers. The two boilers will give us redundancy and will save energy because most of the time we will only need one to run one boiler. As part of the project we also addressed the issue that it took a very long time to get hot water to the kitchen. To solve this we are installing a re-circulation pump to provide hot water. We will also have the stove in the kitchen connected to the natural gas supply. Fontaine HVAC has offices in both Augusta and Lewiston and is on call 24/7. The total cost is $26,117.74.
There is currently asbestos in the furnace room that needs to be removed prior to the new boilers being installed. Acadia Construction has been chosen to do this work. It will take place sometime in the beginning of May. The cost is $1,980.
The very good news is that we just received notice from the Church Insurance company that the boiler is covered under our insurance policy. They will pay $26,134.97. We will be responsible for only $1,962.77 - a $500 deductible and $1,462.77 to run the new gas line and convert the kitchen stove. God is good!
The Vestry is still gathering information on the feasibility of also converting the church to natural gas.
The vote for service times
The vote for service times was very close with 9:30 having a few more votes than 9:00. Our services will be at 9:30 for the time being. Several people suggested that 9:00 would be a good time during the summer months. The Vestry will take that into consideration and come back to the congregation with a decision.
St. Mark’s Home for Women Silver Tea – May 3, 2014 1-3pm.
Featuring: foods from area restaurants, music, and auction. Please come and support this wonderful Home.
St. Mark’s Home for Women Visitation
St. Mark’s Home for Women would like to invite the women of the parish to join the residents, Monday through Friday, for the Midday meal and conversation. Come alone or in pairs at your convenience. Please call ahead to advise at 623-3124.
St. Mark’s Home for Women needs volunteers
St. Mark’s Home for Women invites volunteers to serve the home: they are seeking drivers to provide transportation for their resident outings, art therapists, crafters and musicians. Please contact Carol MacDowell at 623-3124.
St. Mark’s HomeHoly Eucharist
Everyone isinvited to attend the Holy Eucharist in the beautiful chapel at St. Mark’s Home held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am.FMI 623-3124
Addie’s Attic
Addie’s Attic is now acceptingsummer clothes. Please hold onto your winter clothes until fall. (Our storage is limited). Thank you!Beginning May 1, 2014 Addie’s will be open on the first and third Saturdays and closed on Mondays and Thursdays.
Shield of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Quite a few people have asked “what is that symbol?” That is the Episcopal Shield, and it was adopted in 1940 as the symbol for the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The shield brings together some of the Episcopal Church’s history, and offers a brief history lesson through its design.
The Episcopal Church was founded in 1789 as a separate group from the mother Church of England, from which the churches in the colonies were separated by the American Revolution. The red white and blue colors are the colors of the American flag. Many of the founders of this nation, including George Washington, were Episcopalians. The white field with a red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of the Church of England (and incidentally the colony of Georgia). This remembers the Episcopal Church’s roots in the Church of England. There are nine miniature crosses on the field of blue symbolizing the nine dioceses that met in Philadelphia in 1789 to ratify the initial constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The crosslets are formed as a x-shaped cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. This remembers the Scottish Episcopal Church’s important role in our history as it was their bishops who ordained Samuel Seabury as the first American Bishop in 1784.
The colors each have a symbolic meaning: Red is for the blood Christ shed for us and for the lives of the martyrs of our faith; White is the color of purity; Blue is the traditional color of the Virgin Mary, the mother of the Son of Man.
From Father Larry Hunter, Rector, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Orinda, CA
May Ministry Schedule