CoDA Texas Meetings – A Simple Explanation

CoDA Texas Retreat, a weekend event held in the Spring

Retreat is a time to get away from day-to-day life, relax, fellowship with others, reflect and work on your recovery by attending workshops and meetings. It is in LaGrange, Texas and held at the Camp Lone Star Johnson Retreat Center−a beautiful, country setting with a pond for canoeing, fishing, kayaking or hiking. Guest rooms are camp style. Friday afternoon, we bring snacks/food to share with everyone, then we have a get acquainted meeting, discuss the guidelines/rules and make our mailboxes to contain positive notes from other attendees during the weekend. Registration fees cover the cost of the facility, supplies and 5 meals during the weekend. We usually have karaoke for those who like to sing. Saturday, we have breakfast, lunch & dinner in the cafeteria & workshops in between but we also have free time to spend any way you wish. Saturday evening is usually a speaker meeting, a camp fire with s’mores & wieners with singing by the lake. After the camp fire meeting, we usually split and have a men’s meeting and woman’s meeting or play games in the cafeteria. Sunday morning, we usually write positive letters to ourselves and have a closing ceremony. After lunch, we clean up, pack up, and leave for home.

CoDA Texas Spring Board Meeting, a One-Day event held in the Spring

This is a One Day Meeting held in the Waco Area for the CoDA Texas Board and any group members who wish to attend or have issues to discuss with the Board. It usually lasts from 10-5 (with a break for lunch) depending on the Agenda made by the Chairman. The minutes from the State Assembly are read and approved along with the Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report. The Retreat and State Assembly Reports are also given. The Texas budget is reviewed. If there are any Voting Entity Issues (VEIs) for the Annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC), they are developed, revised, approved and then sent to Events to publish on the CoDA World website for VEs to review and discuss.

CoDA Texas State Assembly, a weekend event held in the Fall

This weekend event combines Fellowship, workshops and the main Texas business meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend and there are usually several good workshops on Saturday afternoon and a Speaker or other event Saturday evening that follows the theme of the Assembly. This is a very crucial meeting that offers the Fellowship an opportunity to have voice in CoDA Texas and CoDA World business. The Texas Officers report on Texas activities, Delegates report on their experience at CoDA Service Conference (CSC), the Texas budget is voted on, Texas business is discussed, Voting Entity Issues are crafted, and new Officers are elected. Friday evening, we have registration and a get acquainted meeting and the Business Meeting starts on Saturday morning until lunchtime. If there are any items left on the Agenda, the meeting is continued on Sunday morning before the closing ceremony.

CoDA Texas Campouts, a weekend event held usually once/quarter during the year

Anyone who likes to experience tent camping is welcome to attend the campouts or sometimes we rent cabins, depending on the weather. We usually camp at Texas State Parks or private parks where reservations must be made ahead of time. Each person is responsible for their own gear and must pay the fees at the park and help with group expenses such as food and firewood or meals off premises. We try to add in a few CoDA Meetings and a side trip or two to surrounding area attractions.

Other Helpful Websites/Information

Contact the CoDA Texas Board at

The CoDA Texas website URL is

Contact the CoDA Texas Lone Star Courier Newsletter Editor at

Contact the CoDA Texas Email Messenger to get on the electronic distribution of Texas Events/Notices at